------- Taylor’s PME - The Actual Full Thing -------------
Hi and welcome to my 4th PME I’ve done! Although I have several of those
PME’s going unfinished at the moment or are just inactive. So I’ve decided just
to combine everything I’ve learned and done from those other projects and a
bit from other PME’s to make one fully meshed thing. Every aspect that my other projects
had are in here Pre-made from Enemy growths being increased to every mounted
unit having Canto+.
I’ve also implemented a bunch of new stuff too, like various custom animations for a majority of the FE8 class types, already making custom classes for more options, and buffed some base class stats, mainly magic ones. I will go way more in depth about it down below, but I really want to illustrate that some things are different here so I hope that adds some new kind of variety into the mix!
So without taking much more of your time, please check out some of the differences I’ve made:
Differences/Changes I've Made
Effectiveness Weapon Multiplier has been changed from 2x to 3x
All Tier 1 Enemy growths have been buffed offensively so they hit harder
Most classes have been given Male and Female Classes have been given slight differences in base stats and promo gains. To be more specific, Male Classes generally focus more on bulk or physical damage while female variants tend to be more skill and speed oriented. Female Magic classes all have better magic base stats then their male counterparts, but tend to be less bulky in comparison
All Light Magic tomes have been given there own unique quirk in the form of high critical so they stand out more
The Skill system has been patched in as always so there are quality of life changes such as seeing a Unit’s health bar on the map for example
Rogues Steal skill has been changed to be Steal+
Overall mounted movement has been buffed from 6 → 7 to 7 → 8 move so that Canto+ can really shine!
Every None Skill class in Fe8 now has new skill for each one of them, so don’t worry your silly heads about if a class goes empty
I’ve patched in Vesly’s hoverbox for better viewing on Units or enemies inventories from the map
Normal Staff experience has been buffed to 15 for each staff use
Overall Class weapon rank has been increased as well with T1 Classes having D ranks in their weapons and T2 Classes having C rank in all of thier weapons
Snipers now have +15 Crit
S rank bonuses now have changed with the Crit bonus being 15+ and the Hit bonus being +30
Supports no longer take up a Unit’s turn if I patched it right
Unit trading is more flexible now, but not like FE4 levels
Stat boosters now have some extra text to make them seem more edible and a few got some new icons to kind of represent it
I got a little goofy with stat description’s too
!Class List! Please Read
Soldier ----> Halberdier, Dragoon
Monk ----> Bishop, Sage
Mercenary (Swords) —> Hero (Swords, Axes), Ranger (Bows, Swords0
Fencer (Swords) —> Free Knight (Swords, Axes), Trickster (Swords, Bows, Staffs)
Commander (Swords) —> Commando (Swords), Dread Fighter (Swords, Anima)
Deserter (Lance) —> Spartan (Lance, Swords), Dragoon (Lances +15 Crit)
Mage (Anima) —> Sage (Anima, Light, Staffs), Mage Knight (Anima, Swords)
Knight (Swords, Axes, Lances) —> General (Swords, Lances, Axes), Great Knight (Swords, Axes, Lances)
Stalwart (Anima) —> Baron (Anima, Light, Dark)
Thief (Swords) —> Assasin (Sword), Rogue (Swords)
Brigand (Axes) —> Maruader (Axes, Bows), Berserker (Axes 15+ Crit)
Fighter (Axes) —> Warrior (Axes, Bows), Hero (Swords, Axes)
Pegasus Knight (Lances) —> Falcon Knight (Lances, Swords), Wyvern Knight (Lances)
Cavalier (Swords, Lances) —> Paladin (Swords, Lances), Great Knight (Swords, Axes, Lances)
Myrmidon (Swords) —> Swordmaster (Swords 15+ Crit), Assasin (Swords)
Thief (Swords) —> Assasin (Swords), Rogue (Swords)
Archer (Bows) —> Sniper (Bows 15+ Crit), Ranger (Swords, Bows)
Wyvern Rider (Lances) —> Wyvern Lord (Lances, Swords), Wyvern Knight (Lances)
Priest (Staff) —> Bishop (Staff, Light), Sage (Anima, Light, Staff)
Cleric —> Bishop, Valkerie (Light, Staff)
Shaman —> Druid, Summoner
Troubadour —> Valkyrie, Mage Knight
Nephilim (Light) —> Seraphim (Light, Anima), Harrier (Dark, Light)
----Special Classess------
Tactician (Anima, Light, Dark) Promoted with Discipline
Witch (Dark) Flying promoted with trample
Elder Sage (Anima, Dark, Light, Staffs) Terrible everything but great Skill and Mag
Kitsune (Swords 15+ Crit) Slightly more bulk
!Rules List! Make sure to follow
2 Slots only per day, be it a playable or a boss. No limits on what you can submit, I don’t mind something goofy
Only Lords are allowed Custom Classes and whoever replaces them gets to customize their personals
3 Trainees Only, 1 Dancer, and 3 Manaketes Allowed. The Mankete may customize their own class as long as it still function’s like a Manakete, ONLY 2 STONES and receives 560% Growths to work with
Everybody can put 1 special item on their Unit, this Special items counts as a Stat booster, Promo items, Shields, and expensive sellables like gems
Average Units get to work with a growth total of 335% while the Lord replacements get to work with a total of 365%. Joshua, Tana, and L’arachel replacements all count as “Lords”, but cannot customize their class.
Pre-promotes get to work with a growth total of 350%
Hp: 6/6
Str: 2/2
Mag: 2/2
Skl: 5/5
Spd: 3/3
Lck: 5/5
Def: 2/2
Res: 3/3
Con: 3/3
Character Template
Personal Skill:
Level up Skills (Up to 4):
Death Quote:
(4 items, One Special Item allowed)
(If you wanna share :>)
Other (Credits or other stuff I could’ve forgotten):
Boss Template
Personal Skill:
4 Other Skills:
Battle Quote:
Death Quote:
(4 items/ 1 special item)
(If you’d like :>)
Other (Credits or other stuff I could’ve forgotten):
Eirika: Stelle
Ephraim: Waluigi
Seth: Miyashi
Franz: Yukari
Gilliam: Ayumu
Vanessa: Skyla
Moulder: Jimothy
Ross: Lara
Garcia: Dereck
Neimi: Greeley
Colm: Eddy
Artur: Ryuki
Lute: Neferukau
Natasha: Aqua
Joshua: Andrew
Forde: Henya
Kyle: Jake
Tana: Aryana
Amelia: Miranda
L’Arachel: Seraphina
Saleh: Lombard
Cormag: Fraisende
Rennac: Akiyama
Myrrth: Irina
O’Neil: Aleo
Bone: Ross
Tirado: Gisbern
Aias: Austin
Pablo: Lunc
Beran: Dekka
Valter: Astaroth
Lyon: Raiden
Battle Animtion Credits
Assasin by SHYUTERz
Ballista by Seal, Sacred War
Female Berserker by eCutz Natsumi/Serif, scripted by Skitty
Female Brigand by eCut, scripted by Skitty
Female Maraudar by Spud, edited by TytheBub
Maraudar by Spud
Female Cavalier by Salvaged, Flashuban
Cavalier by Salvaged
Dragoon by Mercenary Lord, NYZGamer, Pikmin1211, Maiser6
Halberdier NY TheBlindArcher, Spud, MeatOfJustice
Deserter by Alusq
Spartan by Pikmin1211, Nuramon, Vilk
Witch by HyperSpaceGames, Nuramon
Kistune by VelvetKitsune
Female Fighter by Black Mage
Fighter by Leo_Link, Pushwall,
Free Knight by St Jack
Female Free Knight by St Jack
Female Hero by Nuramon
Hero by Nuramon, Sax-Marine
Stalwart by Iscaneus, Nuramon, Jeorge Reds, Flashuban
Knight by Salvaged
General by Nuramon, UltraFenix
Female Mercenary by Salvaged, JeyTheCount, Pushwall
Mercenary by Salvaged
Mage Knight by Aruka, Kenpuhu
Female Mage Knight by Aruka, Kenpuhu
Paladin by Salvaged
Female Paladin by Salvaged, HGS, Levin64, Rj_Exists, Obsidian_Daddy
Harrier by Ayr, Faolin
Nephilim by Ayr
Seraphim by Jeorge_Reds
Female Rogue by eCut, Skitty
Female Sage by Levin64, L95
Sage by Levin64, HSG, Nuramon
Female Shaman by IS, Shin19
Female Sniper by Nuramon
Sniper by Nuramon
Soldier by Flashuban, Nuramon, Jeorge_Reds
Female Fencer by GabrielKnight, Cyon
Fencer by GabrielKnight, Cyon, Nuramon
Commander by Nuramon
Female Commader Nuramon
Female Dread Fighter by Nuramon
Dread Fighter by Nuramon
Elder Sage by IS
Female Summoner by VelvetKitsune, Author_Pendragon
Tactician by Salvaged
Female Theif by Pikmin1211, Maiser6, Skitty, GabrielKnight
Female Trickster by Leo_Link, Epicer, Kanto Emblem, Sable Mage
Trickster by Leo_Link, Epicer, Kanto Emblem
Female Warrior by Temp, Pushwall, tatutachang
Warrior by Red Bean, Leo_Link, Nuramon
Baron by Leo_Link, Huichelaar, Obsidian_Daddy, Banpresto, KirbyFreak, Epicer, Sax Marine
Icon Credits
-EldritchA, Indogustu Tenbuki
-SmithyGCN, Zarg
Map Sprites
Elder Sage by IS
Female Assasin by RobertFPY
General by Nuramon, Jay, Ryn
Baron by Warpath
Female Berserker by Pikmin, Der
Witch by Fe7if
Kitsune by Fe7 If
Female brigand by Skitty
Female Cavalier by Salvaged, flashuban
Cavalier Salvaged
Nephilim by Ayr
Harrier by Ayr
Seraphim by Ayr
Dragoon by Pikmin, Unknown
Dread Fighter by Nuramon
Female Dread Fighter by Nuramon
Female Druid by IS
Commander by Nuramon
Female Fighter by Alusq
Great Knight by Pikmin, L95, Der
Free Knight by IS, milom
Female Free Knight by IS
Halberdier by TBA
Female Hero by Pikmin
Hero by Nuramon
Stalwart by Flashuban
Knight by Salvaged
Fencer by BatimaTheBat
Female Marauder by LonkFC, TyTheBub
Maraudar by Author_Pendrag
Female Mercenary by Flashuban
Deserter by Alusq
Female Paladin by L95
Paladin by Pikmin
Female Rogue by Unknown
Soldier by Feier, Flashuban
Female Theif by IS
Spartan by Der
Female Summoner by VelvetKitsune
Tactician by Salvaged
Female Trickster by SteetHero, Sable Mage
Trickster by StreetHero, Blood
Female Warrior by Pushwall, Fegirls
Warrior by Rasdel
One last thing I want to say is, sorry for not really completing these things sooner, sometimes it gets to be a real motivation killer. I hope this one is as enjoyable as the rest and to please Enjoy submitting!
also a thank you to SilverRoy for inspiring me to actually put all this in.