[FE8] [WIP] Sins of the Wild Rose

“Only bones scattered here.
Figures of shadow looming.
Burning light searing us.
Locks of gold cackling.
Old souls observe quietly.
Only for us to join them.
Departed in this desert.”

Sins of the Wild Rose is a GBA project that explores a brand-new universe filled with a colorful cast of characters, distrust, betrayal, personal struggles and, most importantly, flowers!

Sins of the Wild Rose focuses on bringing a high-quality story that contains both steady-paced world-building and heartfelt character interactions. Naturally, this game still provides both amusing and challenging gameplay fit for players of strategy RPG of all skills.

This is a story about growth.

Sins of the Wild Rose Trailer IS LIVE HERE

Game Features
  • Light SkillSystem
    Sins of the Wild Rose makes use of the Skill System, but does not abuse it! Most characters will have one to two skills. Enemies, except for Bosses, will not have skills. You cannot obtain skills by leveling up. However, your party might be able to learn skills if their bond deepens enough. And your Heroes might awaken something inside of them while you progress through the story.

  • Quality of Life Features
    Including but not limited to:
    Global Enemy Range;
    View Characters Growths with the press of a button;
    Talk command does not end actions;
    Fast-forward battle animations by holding the R button;
    HP Bars that you can toggle ON and OFF;
    Faster animation for healing, poison damage and Exp. increase;
    And probably more that I forgot to mention…

  • Custom Characters, Story and World
    Experience a Fire Emblem story like you have never before, with a carefully crafted mystery to dig your hands into in an unique setting!

  • Revamped Support System
    Instead of standing adjacent to allies for 40 or so turns, and instead of having to deploy your character for an undefined amount of chapters, the support system of Sins of the Wild Rose happens only in Intermission Chapters, segments dedicated to just talking to your allies and optional world-building. During these chapters, you’ll be able to trigger supports for your allies and gain great rewards out of them.

  • Slight Character Customization
    Throughout the story, you might be able to choose between different talents that some characters might learn, adapting to your playstyle of choice. For example, you might come across the choice of learning a Skill or learning a Weapon Rank for your beloved units.

  • Custom Tilesets
    Sins of the Wild Rose features unique tilesets which bring new life to the experience. You might find that this game is very flowery.

  • Steal with full Inventory
    Don’t you just hate when you try to steal but the game says your inventory is full? Well, it won’t be a problem you’ll have in this project!

  • Revive Mode
    For those wishing to experience the story without having to worry about keeping all the units alive. This is a toggle that you can turn on and off that will bring back any lost unit after the end of a chapter. No shame in using Revive Mode! This is a judgement-free zone.

  • Many Secrets
    There are Secret Events in every chapter! No, they’re not RNG-based, don’t worry. They’re small boons that can give some lore as well as gameplay rewards. There will be a guide to obtain all of them, but I strongly advice to try and find them by yourself.

  • Pink!
    I love Pink ^w^.

Game Length

It is yet to be determined how many chapters the full release of Sins of the Wild Rose will have. The reason for this is because I do not wish to rush the story to fit a set amount of chapters, nor do I want to extend it with filler just to pad out the chapter count. It will have as many chapters as needed to deliver a good story.
That said, I plan for it to have around 20 chapters. It might be more, but I don’t wish to overwork myself. After all, this project is being worked on solely by me and a friend who is taking care of just the portraits.

Meet Micaella (!)

“You… want to know more about me?
Sorry, but I’m nothing special.”

Micaella is the protagonist of this story. It’s your role to guide her to whatever destiny awaits her…
She’s not very social nor takes care of herself very well. This girl spends most of her time studying in her room. Since she’s in medical school, University of #########, she really gives her all to impress her family, peers and, most importantly, herself.
At least, that was before she suddenly found herself in this bizarre new world, where she is worshiped as some sort of Hero by the locals.

“Are you from another world too!?”

This short-tempered Mage will soon find that she’s not the only one from her world being suddenly spirited away. Though she has high hopes of going back home, she’ll find the journey required to do that won’t be a stroll through a bed of flowers… Well, it will be mostly flowers.

Don’t let her innocent looks deceive, Micaella will do anything to go back home.

Content Warning

Sins of the Wild Rose tackles sensitive subjects in a sensible manner. However, it might still trigger anxiety and panic attacks to someone if they are uncomfortable or touched by the matter. Here are the following sensitive subjects this project will bring up on multiple occasions, including main story as well as hidden events. Click on it if you wish to see it:

Emotional Abuse;

As such, if you do not wish to interact with these contents or if you are easily disturbed, it is best advised you do not experience Sins of the Wild Rose. Seek professional help if these troubles persist on you for a prolonged time.

About the Creator

Hi! I’m Pink Bunny! I’ve been exposed to Fire Emblem since I was a young teen thanks to friends both on the 3DS games and the GBA games soon after. But truth is that I’ve only started being invested in the community around the start of 2020. So I have a few years of experience, but nothing compared to other members around here.

Sins of the Wild Rose is actually my first ever solo project. Aside from a good amount of assets which come from the public repositories as well as Micaella’s portrait which was custom-made for this project. The writing, eventing, gameplay and some other aspects have been crafted by me and I have to say how exhausting it is! Still, it is also very fun and this project is what keeps me going! I have worked on it since the end of last year, 2023, and I can say with certainty that I plan to see this to its end and give the project as my gift and thank you to the Fire Emblem Community.

I love writing. Game-development was always a passion of mine. I’ve made some simple games in the past thanks to my programming lessons, but I do have high goals in life. And making a full-fledged project such as this is up there for my goals!

So thank you very much for reading this far. I hope you got to understand a little about myself and my passion/geekness for Sins of the Wild Rose.

Download Link?

The demo of this project will be released Early 2025!
Why? Because I am currently working on some other projects, both in my real life education and work, as well as online! I will not give myself unreasonable deadlines to deliver a half-assed work. So the Demo and the Full Release will be out when they are done! I won’t be slacking off either, so you can bet that a lot of my dedication is going to this lovely passion-project of mine.

I hope you enjoy Sins of the Wild Rose!


Following because this looks awesome! Can’t wait for the first demo :eyes:

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Holy moly, now I’m a little bit worried… :wink:

That project looks fantastic, keep it up, and take your time!

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Wow, flowers! I love flowers! Flowers are always a super cool motif. I’m expecting utilization of flower language

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Super excited for this one! Can’t wait to play when it gets completed!

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Truly a garden of eden, this game. Flower power!


Given the main character’s appearance, the whole flower theme, and the apparent heavy subject matter, this sounds like the closest thing to a Revolutionary Girl Utena-inspired FE hack I can expect to play. And I am all for it.


Looking forward to seeing this at FEE3. Lots of luck to you from MADMANMOON.


This sounds…lovely. I am always for female main lords in hacks and I will try anything with support conversations as it’s my favorite feature. Excited for this one adding to the list.

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Micaella is my waifu!!!


“Holy Crap, Micaella from Sins of the Wild Rose!?”

“Hello Peter, I have come here to tell you Sins of the Wild Rose will have its first trailer released at FEE3 2024 at November 1st 00:00 AM EST.”

Hey everyone! How’s it going? I’m immensely grateful for the present support you folks showered my project with! As most of you probably know, FEE3 is currently live, and next friday, 9 days from now, the trailer for Sins of the Wild Rose will be out! I sincerely hope you’re looking forward to it and that you might enjoy it!

So how is progress so far? I’m working a lot on the story and the characters, I’m also ironing out things in the chapters of the demo (7 chapters in total) so they meet up to the standards I want to provide.

In the meantime, here is a sneak-peek of a comic an artist of the project is working on! I would love to hear your theories and speculations ^^

That’s it for now. I’ll continue working on Sins of the Wild Rose with all my heart. Take care, everyone, and enjoy this year’s FEE3!


Just saw your trailer. Can’t wait to see this project in full!


Awsome looking hack, im exited to play it! Love the story focus :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Really hyped to be able to playtest this one. Flowers!


This looks like it’ll be very fun, I’m excited for when it’ll be released!


Game sounds really neat, I also love pink so I look forward to this game that has pink in it!


I finally decided to make an account since I want to be able to track projects im interested in
and this is one of them.


Hello everyone! I would like to give an update on the progress of Sins of the Wild Rose!
First of all, before anything, I would like to give a huge thank you to @Gultykappa for playing an Alpha version of Sins of the Wild Rose and posting once again on her November Archanea Monthly issue! Please check it out! Not just for my project but all the other amazing creators also present!
Achanea Monthy (November 2024) by GultyKappa

Second, I would like to thank everyone for watching the trailer of Sins of the Wild Rose during FEE3 2024! It received a whopping 3.6k views as of today, roughly one month after its release! This makes me incredibly happy (but maybe a little scared of all the expectations on me :sweat_smile:. I vow to give a high quality product to this community! But anway, in case you haven’t seen the trailer, or if you’d like to see it again, here it is!
Sins of the Wild Rose trailer

But now for the meat on the bone! I’d like to introduce one more character this month!

Meet Kimberly! Wait, that’s not quite right. That’s just a painting…
Right, my mistake! In Sins of the Wild Rose, you can visit castles, some of which might have paintings for you to admire. This one is of a sweet-as-cherry-wine noble girl of House Orchid: Kimberly!

Oh… she certainly looks like she lost a spark from before. What happened?

Kimberly is a Pegasus Knight and the Middle Sister of House Orchid. She was bright, cheerful and was loved by her people, but something grave happened one year ago, something that sent poor Kim into a spiral of pain and… emptiness, like she doesn’t see meaning in life anymore.

She was seen giving a fancy-looking bracelet to the town’s elder lady some time ago. Perhaps for safe-keeping? Who knows.

Kimberly joins Micaella’s journey for her own personal reasons, perhaps a sense of duty; an opportunity to finally do the right thing… who knows? Well, I do! But you will have to play Sins of the Wild Rose to find out more!

Well, good times was had by all, but this all I have to show to you guys for now! I hope this was sufficient for just a while, I do plan to give more updates to not leave you guys, gals and folks hanging. Take care!


Happy New Years, everyone! How was your 2024? Did you like it? Was it better for 2023? For me, I’d say 2024 was a year of change and transformations. A lot of things happened to me… some devastating, but some wonderful. It was certainly filled with ups and downs. I hope you folks had a great year, and that 2025 will be even better!

But enough sentimentality. I’d like to show more progress brought to Sins of the Wild Rose!

This is the full art of the Title Screen of Sins of the Wild Rose done by Grayside! Fantastic rendition. I even set it as my computer background image :sweat_smile:

And lastly, a sneak peek to another character you folks will find in the initial chapters of Sins of the Wild Rose!

Meet Layla! She’s a hunter from a remote and humble village on the outskirts of the Great Kingdom of Primavera. Her strength with the bow is unequivocal, she’s quite direct and to the point, an individual who’s very practical and well-acquainted with the world.


since i just rewatch the trailer, what is the music used in it?

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It’s a GBA Arrangement of Harvest Dance from Tactics Ogre! You can find it on youtube if you’re interested :smile: