[FE8][WIP][25 Chapters][+11 Gaidens] Fire Emblem: Restoration Army (Attempt 3)

An update is coming… eventually. I have been tweaking things here and there, redoing some maps adding items (like greatlances so that knights and other armors have a special offensive niche) and adding and removing characters, adding skill scrolls to the hack, and reworking how skills on enemies work (so that certain unit types of enemies have skills rather than all skills being based on class alone) for the last couple of months. I will eventually push an update when everything is in a better spot.

Also with how busy I am, I am thinking of calling the project at 10 main chapters with a lot of paralogues otherwise it’ll never get done, and I would prefer a finished project to an abandoned one.


So I Managed to get to chapter 1xx, and it seems pretty clear you are escorting misty to the house across the map, but as far as I can tell the house is a gate and not a house or a village and doesn’t seem to trigger any kind of event, and the parcel is stuck in her inventory as treasure after the fact

As food for thought, it doesn’t really seem balanced to bum rush for the boss, so the drop is a trap I guess, which is a shame considering how much it would give a certain member of the party a leg up

Edit: I popped open the hood in builder, and it seems all the proper flags are set up for whatever is supposed to happen at 1x should happen, proper tile, set to 0. I’ve tried putting the parcel in everyone’s inventory and having them interact with the tile, so I’m at a bit of a loss

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Thanks for giving it a try!

1x is the newest chapter in the hack (like added this week) but I had some other major bug issues with the convoy I have decided to address first. This has resulted in it not being as tidy as the others, in terms of balance just because it hasn’t been playtested as much, so you feedback about the boss in particular is very helpful.

I’ll do a quick fix for where I change the house type.

Edit: I just pushed an update and it should work now. You will have to restart the chapter though.


So with a bit of a break from life due to a mysterious illness making me be unable to do anything but sit down, I have been working on the hack with my abundance of free time.

Describing all the changes that have been made since October would be hard, so I’ll focus on the ones that have been most interesting to me.

Some Interesting Things
  • New Paralogue chapters have been added (with more on the way)
  • Trainees can now first promote in Chapter 4, so that it is easier for me to balance the game knowing that that the player has access to T1 units from then on
  • More Trainees have been added: The Truant (bandit trainee), the Messenger (mounted trainee), and the Sentinel (armor trainee)
  • Light magic wielding armors have been added a T1 class called the Devout
  • Calvary units have been spilt into heavy and light cavalry with heavy cav wielding swords and lances while light cavs wield bows and swords
  • The recruitment time of some units have been moved around
  • There is now an alchemist class who uses potions to buff allies
  • The “Great” class weapons has been added, allowing units who can afford to be slowed down to have access to very powerful heavy weapons
  • Skill Scrolls are present and available in the hack, use them to further customize the units as you see fit

If any of that sounds interesting to you I suggest you give the hack a try, and thank you to those who have already tried it!

See ya next year


I just made a minor edit to the alchemist class giving them a random chance of starting a chapter with a mine, antitoxin, vulnerary, elixir, or (holy) pure water.


Trainees surpassed level 10

In which chapter, and which trainee? I’ll give it a look later today.

All of them in chapters 3 and 4 and Ash steals from allies

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Ash stealing from allies is a known bug. It is due to the fact that there are some maps where green units can be hostile, and I would like for the player to be able to steal from those green units. Unfortunately this makes it so Ash can steal from his allies.

Any chance for a recrument guide?

Yeah I can definitely put one together, what format would you like it in?

What ever is easiest for you.

Here you go! I threw it together quickly, but later tonight I’ll put in the levels and stats of each unit when they join as well.

Okay the recruitment guide is fully complete, with the characters that are currently in the hack. It was a good idea to make one, thanks for the idea!

A big update is coming!

I have decided to flesh out the route split in the hack, making each route contain 5 chapters rather the 2 it was before, and also fleshing out the pre-split and post spilt by adding more chapters there.

Right now only 4 of the new chapters are complete and implemented, but going into summer there should be loads more. If you want to play the in progress update it’s in the same folder as the normal file. It can not be played to the end of the hack due to the in progress nature but you can get to chapter 8 without any issues.

There are many changes to the hack and several ongoing changes but here are a few of them:

  • Jagen unit spawns in ch0 if on easy
  • Staves have been incorporated into light
  • Fist weapons are now in the hack in place of the staff slot. They are effective against magic and bows.
  • Crossbows are effective against armored and flying, but only 2x effective rather than 3x effective. Bows remain 3x effective against fliers.
  • Silas’s pre–promote class is restricted to lances
  • Enemy units have way less skills, though enemy mini bosses and bosses have skills.
  • Daggers have seal skills on them
  • Ice magic is now 1 range, thunder is 2-3 range
  • more dark tombs have been added

How many chapter are there in total right now? If its 8 the well i am done and if its not the i get a game freeze after seize. would like to add that the boss of chapter 8 was way easier than the mini bosses and lack of anima tome in shop also was a pain in the ass i will give a detailed review on the game may be tommrow took me 5h with lots of reset to finish it (dont judge the difficuilty is up there and i am not a great player. I literally turtled my way) and i am drained to write one today. Also Rending claw is not useable for some reason.

Note- Silas disappeared after rout split and cant be deployed idk why and cant recruit theodric

I dont have a save state before rout split i have to redo those hellish chapters on the next patch :sob::sob:

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Thanks for giving it a try!
The difficultly rn is in a state of flux and generally will be tuned down as I receive more play data that isnt from my own. There is no shame in having difficulty with the chapters. Thank you for persevering.

In the big update version there should be 15 playable chapters. I have updated the patch to ensure this.

I fixed the issues you encountered with chapter 8. It is due to the fact that in the chapter 7 (new chapter) start event I accidentally deleted Silas’s and Bridgette’s data in a cutscene, which resulted in Bridgette not being present to receive an item during a conversation at the end of chapter 8.

Finally, you can now continue from chapter 8 to chapter 9.

Rending Claw now should work.

Ok first i had to replay all the the chapter because i had missing characters since i knew every thing thats gona happen i cleared it easily
Second using boots crash the game
Third using magic ring says dummy instead of magic power increase

It says in the character stats screen i can talk but talk missing
Fifth in this chapter i didnt manage to save my convoy but she still alive

Brawlers use magic instead of strength ?? I was so confused as dmg was not adding up since she is literally scratching the enemy with claw i expected strength to increase dmg lol

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Thanks for continuing.
The patch has been updated:

  • The text for magic ring has been fixed.
  • You can now talk to Nidori properly.
  • Bridgette can die in a chapter but she will continue to show up in cutscenes. She has " I
    'm wounded" dialogue.


  • Which character did you use boots on and where did it crash? I have been unable to recreate this error.
  • The fists were not meant to be magical weapons, but they are currently overwriting the staff weapon slot, which may explain why this issue has occurred. I will look into it. Thank you for bringing this to my attention!
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I looked into the issue with fists, and UltraxBlade (on discord) helped me figure out the issue. I have decided to change fists to be scrolls, so that they are “ki” weapons like in engage, but instead they purely use mag to attack defense. The item icons have been updated, along with text in the weapon description making it clear that they deal damage based on a unit’s Mag.