[FE8][WIP][14/28 chapters] Fire Emblem 5Ds

Hi! Thanks for the extensive feedback and for checking the hack out!

I feel like I owe you an apology for the absolute clusterfuck that apparently is Hard Mode, because yeah, the game is balanced around Normal and I must simply have forgotten to include that in the post about this hack. Based on previous feedback I didn’t realise the balancing on Hard Mode was THIS bad hence why it wasn’t a priority to remove it, but after reading this it’s become clear Hard Mode needs to go. I have uploaded a new patch with the difficulty select removed so it will default to the much more balanced Normal Mode (so if you feel like the hack would be otherwise fun I do encourage restarting, but absolutely no pressure if you’d rather stop playing!). Again, apologies for the bad taste in your mouth and thank you for taking the time to let us know!

To briefly address the other things, yes, the cast are using their Japanese names as that was the version myself and the other team members have watched. Seeing as there are some rather drastic differences between the Japanese original and English dub (or so I have heard!), it might be fair to specify the hack is based off the Japanese version!

I’ll have a look at some point about adding those quality of life improvements you mentioned, as they would indeed be pretty neat.

Thanks for the compliments on the art and writing, as the person who wrote the story it is nice to hear the writing has resonated with you!

Thanks again for your time and feedback, if you do end up playing more (now that the cursed Hard Mode has been yeeted in the dust bin of history), I would be very curious to hear further thoughts!