[FE8] The Princess's Lament - A Sacred Stones rebalance, rewrite, overhaul, expansion extravaganza!

1.12 released

  • The following units have had their bases buffed: Albertus, Susana, Syrene, Liselotte, Ramón.
  • Changed the lance Ramón gets when Mia recruits him to a slim lance. Hopefully these changes will make chapter 10 more manageable.
  • Chapter 22’s player phase theme has been changed to Land of Promise.
  • Caellach’s stats have been buffed.
  • Tweaked Ephraim’s promoted palette slightly.

Yeah that’s no bug, it’s intentional. The way I did it was having Ramón and Mia take turns tanking at the broken wall, so the other has time to heal.

I ended up doing something like that on my winning run. In hindsight, I think I was putting Mia literally one tile out of enemy range and that was what caused so many to pursue her lmao. After some initial troubles I improved enough to play faster anyway and honestly thought it was a pretty fun map. Shoutout to Amelia’s generic soldier friend.

I know it’s been done to death, but I wanted to say that I’ve been really enjoying the changes so far. I don’t know how to tag spoilers so I’m not gonna go into anything too specific, but the story changes have made it much more interesting than the original Sacred Stones in my personal opinion. The new units and difficulty makes it fun too - Novala is a personal favourite. I love him having such a complex about being special and needed while simultaneously being a generic enemy shaman.

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It’s really interesting that there are some playable monsters, did you had in mind a playable gorgon when you decided to add playable monsters? it would have been interesting to see a non-evil gorgon.

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Glad you enjoyed it after all! I still decided to boost some bases a little bit, but it shouldn’t change things that much. Ramón will just die a little less easily and the others should be able to fulfill their intended rolls better.

Hey, it may’ve been done to death, but I won’t say no to some more ego-boosting lol

In all seriousness, thank you for your kind words! I love how many people seem to like Novala. I figured that’d be an appropriate characterization for someone with a handsome portrait like his.

Incidentally, for the future or in case you wish to elaborate: to tag spoilers, click the cog icon, then press “hide details” on the menu that appears. Alternatively, simply type the following commands without the quotation marks.
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Not a gorgon, I’m afraid. I wanted the monsters to each be unique in their own right, and I felt a gorgon would’ve been a little redundant with the mogall around.

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I’ve got a game breaking bug on Ch 21x. After seizing the throne, if I skip the cut scene the game crashes to a black screen but music still plays. If i try to watch the cut scene it freezes with an all white background once the flashback is about to start (I assume it’s a flashback anyway). I can’t get through the cut scene, or skip it.

I’m using mGBA. Can dm a save state if you’d like. It’s Version 1.11


FWIW I didn’t recruit either optional unit because I like my money too much. Maybe that’s the issue?

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I have a terrible idea for what you could do with the main story tower maps if you wanted to give players a place to farm supports and train up units if you want.

The idea is simple, instead of an 8 floor tower it’s a horde styled single map of decen’t size with about 50-ish waves of enemies to act as the “floors” of the tower.

The waves start off like the first two floors with a boss(es) every 6 waves until wave 12-15 where the enemies start occasionally being promoted and the bosses get tougher and tougher until you hit wave 50 and a group of like 4 tough bosses spawn to act as the final floor, clearing it could grant some random statboosters a gold or black gem or you could make some unique items as a prize.

It’s up to you if want to do it or not, but I figured I’d still suggest it.

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Oh, dear. Yes, please throw me a save and I’ll see what’s up.

That’s not a bad idea haha. The problem is… well, it’s rather silly. I did want to keep the postgame, though I didn’t have much of anything planned for it. Just a little easter egg boss fight at the end, maybe.

However, I could not for the life of me figure out how to make the tower and ruins appear for the Creature Campaign. I have no idea where the events for the CC are, if there are any, and the only other way to make it happen is to do it during the campaign, something I’d rather just not do.


That is indeed an oof.

Well, you could try making a new world map node for it since a big field doesn’t exactly work being in the same place as the tower.

I’m just glad you liked the idea.

Oh, you could ask the guys behind “the sacred war” they kinda did a whole ass new postgame thing with the creature campain but it did require two seperately patched roms to do it.

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Yeah i could tell that bc i was messing around in the game files bc i thought that my support convos were bugged and then found the “easter egg”


Said easter egg being “you” the final boss of the ruins instead of lyon lmfao

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not really a spoiler but eh

Hahaha, yeah that’s it. I thought people would appreciate the opportunity to beat the snot out of me, after my many evils. I also intended to have Jude join as a second secret character if she wasn’t killed. Alas, it was not to be.

what i did here was to first kill that soldier in front of her, break the wall, get inside and have ramon block the entry point, give ramon all your vulneraries as mila wont need them as she will just throw magic behind ramon, the only units that you will aggro are just two soldiers, who ramon easily outspeeds, a merc and a shaman, for me only the shaman posed a problem since by the the time the cavs spawned at the far right, my units were already past the corridor

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1.13 released

  • Fixed a softlock if you beat chapter 21x without recruiting either of the recruitable characters.
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Thanks for fixing. Cant believe I’m the only one who didn’t want to cough up 8k for a recruit (x2!) when I already have 4x as many units as I can deploy.

Miss me with that sob story about a “sick brother” or the one about “chopping wood doesn’t pay good” lol I got a whole army to feed you can’t have 8000 gold, nuh-uh!

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I think most people recruit everyone possible, regardless of whether or not they intend on using them. Money is no object to completionists like me!


Yeah I was kidding :laughing:


You’re more of a monster than I am, and that’s saying something, seeing everything that goes on in the hack. Impressive!

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Even i have to agree with that lol

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I had an idea for some kind of postgame, you still have the ehraim mode maps laying around right?

If you can figure out how to, you could make some actual maps out of those with map nodes leading to them.

Played this hack, and I really enjoyed it. I like the character arc you made with Eirika, and I enjoyed the rebalancings. I also decently like the new characters. That being said, I made this post (and this account, really) primarily to talk about one thing…

Thoughts on the number 1 twist

Okay, how dare you. Literally how dare you. HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO ME. The logical part of me understands that there is a price to be paid, and that a war isn’t really all sunshine and rainbows, and losing Seth makes sense for that purpose. The part of me that a) likes Seth as a character, and b) hardcore ships Seth/Eirika, however, is SCREAMING IN ABSOLUTE SADNESS AND FURY BECAUSE HOW DARE YOU.


:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Glad you enjoyed the hack!