[FE8] Skill System v1.0 - 404 skills done, more on the way

I made a version of astra that hits randomly between 2 and 5 times for my Pokemblem project.

You’d want to try editing that to reference the attack speed difference and branch similarly to how I did.


What does the skill “Gridmaster: Movement skills do not end your action” do exactly? If I interpret it as “You can use skills like shove multiple times in one turn”, then it doesn’t seem to be working.

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It means that characters with the skill will enter a canto state after using a movement skill, as opposed to having their turn end. I agree it’s a misleading description.


Forgive me if this has been asked already, but would it be possible to assign skills onto weapons?

i think it’s a thing yeah at least on the FEBuilder version

Buildfiles as well. Byte 35 (the very last one) of each entry on the Item Editor csv handles item skills.

Thanks to Sme for a speedy merge here…
I’m happy to say that the new Gaiden Magic 2.0 system has been integrated with the Skill System. Thanks to Gamma for the original, standalone version!
Go to Engine Hacks/Config.event to learn everything you need to know.
The only known issues are that I couldn’t get HP bar display for spell cost on miss and status staves to work. :frowning: These are only aesthetic though, and the HP costs do still apply.
Lemme know if anything breaks.


the description is misleading because that was the effect I intended but Sme implemented it as canto but worse


barricade moment


Ran into a bug on the most recent version. When trying to Seize, Arrive, or Escape in the unit menu, the game hangs.

How do i change the range of skills like charisma and Drive ?

You just edit these numbers.

If you are using febuilder you probably need to run a custom build of skillsys. Which is pretty easy - you just download a folder, make the edits you desire, then open it with febuilder.

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is there somo video tutorial ?

There is not. It is a rather specific request you made, and an incredibly easy change to make. If you knew the address in your rom of the byte, you could use a hex editor to change it, too.

Please ask more specific questions and we will be happy to assist.

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how exactly i open it on febuilder ?

It is not found in febuilder.


How do you determine which unit is a Lord for Loyalty?

Lord bit in class/character editor

That’s not how Loyalty works, as currently implemented in skillsys. It checks if there’s a unit with class 1/2/3/4/3B/3C. This is almost certainly because those are the lord classes in Staff of Ages (which is where the skill was ported from), but probably should be changed.


I made a version that checks for the Lord bit.

.equ AuraSkillCheck, SkillTester+4
.equ LoyaltyID, AuraSkillCheck+4

push {r4-r7, lr}
mov r4, r0 @atkr
mov r5, r1 @dfdr

@has Loyalty
ldr r0, SkillTester
mov lr, r0
mov r0, r4 @Attacker data
ldr r1, LoyaltyID
.short 0xf800
cmp r0, #0
beq End

@now check for the skill
ldr r0, AuraSkillCheck
mov lr, r0
mov r0, r4 @attacker
mov r1, #0x0
mov r2, #0 @are allies
mov r3, #2 @range
.short 0xf800
cmp r0, #0
beq End

ldrb r2,[r1]
cmp r2,#0x0
beq End
add r1,#0x1

mov r3,#0x48
ldr r5,CharData
sub r2,#0x1
mul r3,r2
add r5,r3
ldr r0, [r5] @char
ldr r0, [r0, #0x28] @char abilities
ldr r1, [r5,#4] @class
ldr r1, [r1,#0x28] @class abilities
orr r0, r1
mov r1, #0x20
lsl r1, #8
tst r0, r1
beq End

mov r1, #0x5C
ldrh r2, [r4, r1]
add r2, #0x3
strh r2, [r4,r1]

mov r1, #0x60
ldrh r2, [r4, r1]
add r2, #15
strh r2, [r4,r1]

pop {r4-r7, r15}
.long 0x202be4c
.long 0x880bb96
@Poin SkillTester
@WORD LoyaltyID