[FE8] Skill System v1.0 - 404 skills done, more on the way

Whoever made Vantage+ did some weird shit with the critical rate that also applies to regular Vantage. I know because I had this exact same issue with my hack that I fixed just by axing Vantage+. I’d push my fix but it’d get rid of Vantage+ :OOO


I just fixed this issue with vantage in my hack as well. Seems that the below should be uncommented and a branch to “Normal” should go at the end of this section before the “VantagePlus” section:

ldsb r3, [r5,r3] @currhp
cmp r3, r2
bgt Normal
@swap them
eor r4,r5
eor r5,r4
eor r4,r5
b Normal

Assuming my understanding of the ASM is right.


What is that skill called where you get +1 damage for every 4 damage taken? I forgot it, I need to know it, and I don’t want to hunt through the game to find it again


There is a bug with capture where dropped enemies aren’t being removed from the enemy unit array.

A temporary fix I made, that only doesn’t work if the player drops the enemy unit on space 0,0, can be found below:

.org 0x0

@set bit 0x1 of byte 1 if unit has 0 hp when being dropped
@jumped to from 183B0
@r2=char data of droppee

@r5 = dropper
@r6 = x coord (or 0 if giving/taking)
@r7 = y coord (or 0 if giving/taking)

strb	r0,[r5,#0x1B]
strb	r0,[r4,#0x1B]
strb	r6,[r4,#0x10]
strb	r7,[r4,#0x11]
ldrb	r0,[r4,#0x13]
cmp		r0,#0x0
bne		End
cmp		r6,#0x0
beq		Transfer
cmp		r7,#0x0
beq		Transfer
str		r0,[r4]
b End
ldr		r0,[r4,#0xC]
mov		r1,#0x9 @make them dead?
orr		r0,r1
str		r0,[r4,#0xC]
pop		{r4-r7}
pop		{r0}
bx		r0

Replace Drop_Dead_Enemy.s with the above.

I’ve made some skills, and matching skill icons, for a project I’m working on and thought I’d share them for everyone to use. They’re mostly recreations/adaptions of skills from Awakening, Fates, Heroes, and Three Houses, but some are meant to be used as more dynamic replacements for generic +2 Stat skills. This is all free-to-use, free-to-edit, credit or no, all that good stuff.
Just drag the SkillSystem folder into your SkillSystem_FE8-master\Engine Hacks and merge, but be sure to look at the readme to properly install them!
Download them here

I’ve included Transmute on its own because it’s rather inelegant, and requires overriding some files. However, I think some folks might still like it so I decided to include it. The code that unsets the Transmute bit basically piggybacks off of the Armor March skill, but as far as I can tell both Transmute and Armor March skill work fine. Again, make sure to check the readme.
Download Transmute here

AirSuperiority Air Superiority: Against flying foes, grants +30 Hit/Avo.
Concentration Concentration: If unit is not adjacent to a foe, grants +2 damage dealt.
Defender Defender: While unit is rescuing ally, grants +2* to all stats.
Deliverer Deliverer: While unit is rescuing ally, grants +2 Movement.
DivineProtection Divine Protection: Grants -2 damage recieved to allies within 2 spaces.
GambleFE14 Gamble: Grants Crit +10. Inflicts Hit -10.
Guard Guard: At start of combat, if unit’s HP > 50%, grants +10 Critical Evade.
Heartseeker Heartseeker: While in combat against an adjacent foe, inflicts -20 Avo on foe.
Transmute Transmute: If foe initiates battle and deals magical damage, grants unit +3 to all stats for 1 turn.
Volant Volant: If no allies within 2 spaces of unit, grants +2 damage dealt.

*I chose to make Defender grant +2 because you won’t be getting it on top of Pair-Up bonuses like in Awakening and Fates. This is easy enough to change if you’d prefer the default +1.


More skills is always greatly appreciated. I hope they get put to good use.


If you’re interested in pair up bonuses, you might find this (by Crazycolorz5) useful:

I have no idea how many years ago this was made, but i’ve been finding a number of cool things in the ‘unified hacking dropbox’. It seems users generally just create ASM threads to share their hacks these days, but some older gems exist only in the dropbox.


I’ve taken a peek at the hacking dropbox before and it’s definitely full of great stuff. It’s hard to search through unfortunately, but at least it’s fun when you stumble upon something really cool.

Did either of you guys get a unit in Vantage range to show the crit rate on enemy phase?

I tried @Blademaster 's fix and while Vantage can crit now, it still shows a 0% crit rate on screen.

I never tested it with Vantage+, only Vantage. It should display just fine with vantage. I tested with 100% crit rates.

I’m only testing with Vantage and it’s not displaying crit rates. Would you mind uploading your 3 vantage files quick?

@ vantage replace 802af7c
.equ VantageID, SkillTester+4
.equ VantagePlusID, VantageID+4
push {r4-r7,r14}
ldr r4, =0x203a4ec @atr
ldr r5, =0x203a56c @dfr
mov r6, r0 @place to store attacker
mov r7, r1 @place to store defender
@check for Vantage, Vantage+ 
ldr r0, SkillTester
mov lr, r0
mov r0, r5 @defender data
ldr r1, VantagePlusID
.short 0xF800
cmp r0, #0
bne VantagePlus

ldr r0, SkillTester
mov lr, r0
mov r0, r5 @defender data
ldr r1, VantageID
.short 0xf800
cmp r0, #0
beq Normal

@if vantage, check hp/2
mov r2, #0x12
ldsb r2, [r5, r2] @defender max hp
lsr r2, #1 @halve it
mov r3, #0x13
ldsb r3, [r5,r3] @currhp
cmp r3, r2
bgt Normal
@swap them
@eor r4,r5
@eor r5,r4
@eor r4,r5
@if showing animation
@ ldr     r0,=0x802b444    @pointer to the current round
@ ldr     r0, [r0]          @current round pointer (usually 203a608)
@ ldr     r3, [r0] @203aac0 + (8*round number)

@ ldr     r2,[r3]    
@ lsl     r1,r2,#0xD                @ 0802B42C 0351     
@ lsr     r1,r1,#0xD                @ 0802B42E 0B49     
@ mov     r0, #0x40
@ lsl     r0, #8           @0x4100, attacker skill activated
@ orr     r1, r0
@ ldr     r0,=#0xFFF80000                @ 0802B434 4804     
@ and     r0,r2                @ 0802B436 4010     
@ orr     r0,r1                @ 0802B438 4308     
@ str     r0,[r3]                @ 0802B43A 6018  

@ ldrb  r0, VantageID
@ strb  r0, [r3,#4] 

eor r4,r5
eor r5,r4
eor r4,r5
@mov r1, #0x66
@mov r0, #0
@strh r0, [r4,r1]
@mov r1, #0x68
@mov r0, #0
@strh r0, [r4,r1]
@mov r1, #0x6A
@mov r0, #0
@strh r0, [r4,r1]

str r4, [r6]
str r5, [r7]

pop {r4-r7,r15}

@POIN SkillTester
@WORD VantageID
@WORD VatnagePlusID

I only have 1 vantage file.

Ah bummer, it didn’t fix it the 0% crit display either.

I tried on both the current master and on the skill scrolls fork. I’m surprised you don’t have a .dmp and a .s files for all your skills unless that changed at some point.

I have a .dmp, but that’s just the compiled version of the .s file I posted.

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The Loyalty skill seems to be broken. I’m not sure if this has been addressed before, but I thought I’d bring it to everyone’s attention. I’ve tried marking Eirika as a Lord unit as well as changing her to Ephraim’s Lord class, but no dice.

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I don’t know if this has been reported before, but Sol and Aether have an error.

When either of those skills activates on a follow up the HP bar doesn’t go up in the battle screen, but the HP is still restored.
Untitled Project

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I’m pretty sure it has been reported before.

Another one, Corrosion doesn’t work.
I think Corrosion worked fine in the earlier versions of the Skill System.
Untitled Project

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