[FE8] Sacred Stones "Anything Goes" PME (Accepting Map Submissions)

Yeah, I checked the repo and they don’t have portraits. Engage has pretty few available to use.

I was able to place him in chapter 1 at least.

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Aye, I generally do my own portraits unless specifically noted!


Okay, thanks for letting me know!

Okay i might as well write a second battle quote for Jiol in Chapter 19 then.

Battle Quote (Chapter 19).
Jiol: I may have failed to stop you rebels twice now. But unfortunately I’m under orders to not retreat from the battle this time around. Now it’s my time to grind you all to dust! Gra will always remain superior compared to Renais!

And the death quote still remains the same as it is in Chapter 14A.

And you know what i might as well write a battle quote for Jiol for Chapter 1 to. If by some godly reasons you send one of your units to attack him.

Battle Quote (Chapter 1).
Jiol: You dare stand next in the presence of King Jiol of Gra! There is no hope of you winning this battle! Now die you scum!

I’m not writing a defeat quote for this chapter. Because this is clearly a fight you can’t win.

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So i get what this is trying to do but I believe savage blow track where your units are instead of the attacking tile, so if you artacked with bolting you’ll deal damage in a 2 square area around your unit instead of the tile boltong hits

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That’s fine. I can reuse his normal death quote for chapter 1 anyway.

Just so we are clear. Jiol will not show up in Chapter 19 if you did indeed kill him back at Chapter 14A before he could retreat within the 15 turns time limit correct?

Jiol will show up in 19 only if you fail to defeat him before he retreats in 14a, yes. I can do that using flags. I have the guide flags turned off so I have spare flags to work with for army splitting. The guide is still active, it’s just that the flags are set elsewhere.

  • Replaces: Dozla

  • Role: Player

  • Name: Splart

  • Gender: Male

  • Affinity: Lightning

  • Class: General

  • Level: 5

  • Bases:

  • Growths:

  • Inventory:
    Battle Axe

  • Weapon Ranks:

  • Portrait:

  • Description:
    Rude, crude, and has an attitude.

  • Death Quote:
    I… was supposed to be… the best…

  • Personal Skill:

  • Credits:
    Me (im sorry)


Role: Player
Replaces: Joshua
Name: Satoshi
Gender: Male
Affinity: Fire
Class: Mercenary (Promotions: Hero, Bow Knight)
Level: 5


  • HP: 25
  • Strength: 9
  • Magic: 1
  • Skill: 15
  • Speed: 13
  • Luck: 9
  • Defense: 8
  • Resistance: 3
  • CON: 8

Growth Rates:

  • HP: 80%
  • Strength: 50%
  • Magic: 5%
  • Skill: 60%
  • Speed: 55%
  • Luck: 40%
  • Defense: 45%
  • Resistance: 30%

Blaze (Sword) - Weight: 9, Mt: 12, Hit: 85, Crit: 15, Dura: 45, Cost: 400, WExp: 1, Effective against infantry
Iron Blade

Description: A cocky Mercenary with a love for fighting strong opponents.

Weapon Ranks:
Swords - C

Death Quote: I… must retreat…

Personal Skill: Sol (0F)

If changes have to be made then that’s fine with me. Also if Bow Knight is not a possible promotion then just give him the base promotions for a Mercenary.

Tried to post a portrait but it would not let me for some reason but whatever.


Replaces: Chapter 5: The Empire’s Reach
Chapter Objective: Defeat Boss

Unit Placements

Player Placement (The deployment slot deprivation begins):
Screenshot 2024-06-10 093625

Enemy Placement (The warrior represents where the boss should be placed if position is not specified in the submission of this chapter’s boss)
Screenshot 2024-06-10 094715

Enemy equipment notes:
  • The Mage has thunder.
  • The Cleric has a heal.
  • The soldiers have Javelins.
  • Give half of the axe units on this map Steel Axes, and the other half hand axes.
  • The Mercenary has a droppable Killing Edge
  • Give the bottom right archer a Killer Bow.
  • The other two archers have longbows for added “fun”.
  • The shaman has a flux and a stealable Red Gem.
Map Object Notes:
  • The top left house has an Energy Ring.
  • The left paired house has an Elixir.
  • The right paired house has a Red Gem.
  • The bottom left house has a Dracoshield.
Shop Info
  • The armory has Iron, Steel, and basic 1-2 range weapons, along with slim weapons and the hatchet.
  • The vendor can remain unchanged from Vanilla.
Reinforcement info
  • Turn 2: 2 brigands, one on each tree in the very bottom left of the map. They both have steel axes.
  • Turn 6:
    Spawn 5 cavaliers in an X formation at the top right of the map. Give them whatever weapons you want.
  • Turn 8: 2 soldiers on the stairs at the top with javelins, and 3 near the player’s starting position with iron lances.
  • Turn 12: 3 mercenaries in a line formation near the bottom of the dock. Give the left one a killing edge, The middle one a steel blade, and the right one a zanbato.
  • Turn 27: Tell the player to hurry up
  • Turn 30 (Anti Turtle): 4 Paladins with Brave Lances split between the 2 sides of the wall directly above the arena.
  • Turn 31-35: The same as above, but ambush spawns.

Map File Link

  • Role Enemy

  • Name Acheron

  • Gender Male

  • Affinity Thunder

  • Class Mage

  • Level 3

  • Bases
    HP: 27
    Mag: 9
    Skl: 12
    Spd: 7
    Lck: 2
    Def: 6
    Res: 13

  • Growths

  • Inventory Elfire. Thunder. Vulnerary. Vulnerary

  • Weapon Ranks Anima Magic C

  • Portrait

  • Description A minor noble of Leicester. Nickname The Weathervane.

  • Battle Quote Is no one going to come to my aid when i clearly need it?! Fine. I shall dispose of you peasants myself if i have to.

  • Death Quote Argh… i should have joined with Renais… instead…

  • Personal Skill Magic + 2

  • Credits SaintRubenio for the portrait.

  • Any other pertinent information
    Acheron is the boss of Chapter 5.

Dialogue right before the battle.
Acheron: Huh? Renais army is here? They are advancing much faster than i expected. I might as well stick around as this battle unfolds. Troops prepare to engage with the enemy! And while you at it do not let a single one of these smugglers close to me. Their wretched stench are hardly worth my time.

Dialogue for when the Brigand reinforcements appear on Turn 2.
Acheron: Ohh. There are houses nearby. Go ahead and ransack them at once. Their belongings will serve a better purpose under my care.

Dialogue on Turn 27.
Acheron: Where are those paladins? They should have been here by now! I’m clearly not paying them enough for my protection!


Bow Knight works as a custom class. Any ideas as to what stats it has?

For the portrait you can post the file structure of the repo where you got it from. I just need to be able to find it.

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Do Satoshi and Natasha’s replacement spawn on this map at all? I don’t see any recruitable units.

You could replace the mercenary in the forest with Satoshi, and Natasha will be with the player’s army if the recruitment is unchanged.

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@CelestiaHeart could you change Scattershocks skill to be Grisly Wound instead of Savage blow? It seems Savage didn’t work how I thought it would.

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Zaq: Splart has been added. I’m defaulting to Eirika!Dozla as the replacement.

Sage-Artz_Vz: Satoshi has been added. He has a unique merc that promotes into Bow Knight instead of Ranger. I didn’t see an icon for Blaze though so I used one of the unused icons.

AnneEgge: The map and Acheron have been added. The only noticeable issue was that I wasn’t using the Cleric class, so I ended up tagging the enemy as a female Grado Soldier (unit ID 81).


Ysor: Klein and his Argent Bow have been added. I used an unused icon as none was provided.

Taylor: ScatterShock now has Grisly Wound.


Yasako - F2E Merc Person
Found a portrait for Satoshi, its made by Yasako

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{Zarg} Sword 36
Found a icon for Blaze that I like.

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