[FE8] [RELEASE] Fire Emblem: Mix It Up

Hello, I have been working on this for the last couple months (it has been 2 long months) and I am happy to say that here is Fire Emblem: Mix It Up. This hack is only for Eirika route, Ephraim route will NOT work.

This hack is a fun gimmick where units from various other Fire Emblem games meet in FE8, but not only that maps from other games are here aswell, together with the music (as much as I could). Who knows who and what are you gonna find next map?

The soundroom doesn’t have every song that has been used due to the 100 limit, but i could manage to fit in a big big portion of the songs used in game so you can listen to them if you want.

This patch is for FE8 US version, clean:

Credits are inside the drive folder, so you can check them when you finish the hack that way you go unspoiled and don’t know whats in it!

Some some questions that might pop when you play the hack:
-“Why does the main lord palette look off?”
I swear to god I couldn’t make their palette work for their base class I tried my best I promise…

-“Does this have story?”
NO. In FACT it is HEAVILY RECOMMENDED for you to skip it entirely due to possible conflicts with the new maps. There are specific chapters where the game WILL crash inevitably if you don’t skip it, causing a very annoying and irritating sound. Also do not promote via story :slight_smile:

-“Why does X character look like this?”
Most likely I couldn’t find a good portrait for them and had to work directly with the direct one from their games. If anyone is willing to help with that, I will gladly take the help with due credit OF COURSE.

-“Why does X chapter not have its own music?”
Same reasons as above, music is a hard thing to find and at some point I had to leave some vanilla music because I couldn’t find the proper one. Again, if someone wants to help with that I’ll be happy.

-“Why is X this class and not this other”
I know who you talking about and I just wanted to have a Brigand on the hack and that char just fit in perfectly considering I was missing someone from that game…

-“How come this unit has X thing that they usually don’t have?”
Thats just some injoke that I have with my friends and decided to put it in for the funny.

-“This weapon doesn’t have an animation?”
At the beginning that was an oversight but when I played the game myself I found it so incredibly funny that you can kill someone by looking at them that I just decided to leave that as is.

-"Why does this unit look like its killing itself?
This shouldn’t happen anymore but in the offchance that it does, don’t worry about it. Its just a visual bug, your unit is hitting the other correctly and killing it if has to.

-“Why is the map not ending”
This ALSO shouldn’t happen anymore but just in case, there are some hidden seize tiles to manually finish the chapter if it needs to. I will post them if someone asks for them below, not here.
The Seize tile for chapter 1 is in the Top Right corner, where Pugo is spawns

I hope you enjoy it, I personally had a lot of fun making it AND playing it twice now. Who knows, maybe your favourite character is in!?!?!?


If you want to share anything with me regardless if it is funny screenshots, questions, or anything really you can @ me on twitter (@SN__Ivan) and I will gladly answer :smiley:

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the first chapter doesnt end on bosskill
and a few portraits have stuff misaligned, leading to them flashing onscreen during blink anims. so far i’ve seen it for both Nichol and Arvis


and note while they’re cutscene screenshots, these things would still appear in things portraits.
Note: Look near the textbox in the bottom image.
Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (U)-6

Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (U)-7

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Chapter 1 is the only one I wasn’t able to fix, The seize tile is in the top right corner where Pugo spawns
Portrait fixed! Not the second one though.

after checking in builder for like a minute it seems to be broken because of the seize flag condition you currently have in there. nyxing it appears to make the bosskill work

by nyxing just mean “removing it”

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I see thanks

Smoldering Resistance locks up after defeating the last enemy, it seems to have to do with the “Check boss flag” at the chapter end event

Can you send screenshot? I have not had any issues with that chapter ever and I couldn’t replicate it.
Are you using VBA or similars by chance?

The game locks up right here (Fiora just killed the last armor knight), I managed to fix it for myself by changing the first flag in the chapter end event to check for “rout enemy” instead of “defeat boss”

Yeah thats… what it is already? Im confused

I mean in chapter end event, since it’s probably carrying over the “check if boss is defeated flag” from Chapter 13 Eirika and causing problems



OH Okay got it, thanks

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If the story events cause conflicts cant they just be erased? Im gonna check it out tho. I love the concept.

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If you look in the achievements sheet there IS an achievement to crash the game by not skipping the story, so i kinda want to leave that in

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I dont know if thats a good reason to keep it in, but fair

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if they’re actively making the game to be less playable (see, the above instance in Smoldering Resistance)
they arguably really shouldn’t be left in just for a cheevo lol

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