FE8 PME, yay(submissions closed)(cancelled)

just give him a generic portrait and give him 18 spd

i dont think you should weaken him. the player units are way to strong for it to be a problem

In chapter 8? I really question if someone can do damage enough to pass his 35 defense, and even weakened he still is powerful, also the weapon probably one shot the majority of the units and recovers his health, even weakened he probably will be one of the hardest bosses

Also he caps 3 stats, enough to he being nerfed by the game for being way too strong

Generic portrait? You can’t make the portrait smaller?

If you don’t understanded i will resume

You are doing a boss with 35 defense, 30 resistance, 20 strenght, witha weapon with 30 might that nullifies defense and has nosferatu effect, this is way too strong, probably only takes damage by weapon with luna effect and maybe effective weapons, also we are talking about chapter 8, that i think that still count as early game

Nope that’s as small as it goes

Give it 10 might and take away the nullify defwnse

But i will still weak his stats, it’s way too strong, you take the strong bosses thing to other level

Kill kill kill

he still has 30 attack, 23 speed, 25 defense and 20 resistance, he still is very strong

you can send other portrait?

Maybe later I’m working on my hack right now

Eria F2E
By PhoenixRadiant

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“For a farmboy, you’re very pale?”

hey, this unit’s bases are the same as seth but with the points that you changed?

also, which is the vestige animation?

Yes Seth’s with some edits.

Use Flux animations. Forgot to add that, sorry.

whos the best character in the playtest so far?

well, i still didn’t tested a lot, i will still finish the things, the test will be after i “finish” the hack, and i will test it

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well, i just came back here to talk about how i can’t put the chapter 2 boss in the location that said to put him, what i do?