FE8 PME, including maps (In Development)

Can Anyone make either colm, lute or syene to be as limistella?

Ah, that’s fine then. Just skip dark knight altogether and roll with the pupil → shaman → dark druid.
I do ask that he retains access to dark instead of anima though.

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Outta the way limstellaheads, it’s time for a party.

[Portrait by Vilkalizer
[Palette Comin Soon]
Unit: Colm
Name: Marty
Description: The party never ends.
Class: Brigand
Items: Steel Axe, Iron Axe, Chest Key, Door Key
Skill: Galeforce

Bases | Growths
HP: 26 /75%
Str: 8 /55%
Mag: 0 / 0%
Skill: 0 / 5%
Speed: 8 / 55%
Def: 0 / 5%
Res: 0 / 0%
Luck: 15 /100%
Con: +3 (can be increased or decreased from class by a max of 3)
Weapon Ranks: D Axes

Death quote: Man… Why me? Ugh…

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Ok lute and syene still left for her replacement and guess what i still have 2 more unit pick left hehe
I was not doing limistella hoping the guy with the name limistella will submit her but ok thn i will do it my self later like 5h later

Absolutely :+1:

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You want one of them to be turned into Limstella?

Chapter name: Amidst the Rabble
Chapter number: 18
Picture of the map:
Greatest Roro Shenanigans
Yes, this is just Darkling Woods with minor edits. I uh… I didn’t realize that it had been taken until it was too late… oh well.
Link to the map file: The PNG should serve as a map file if I recall. If it doesn’t, please let me know.

Below this is completely optional-
Reinforcements and the turns: None, you’ll see why.
Tile changes (no need to list chest, doors, and villages): None needed, you’ll see why.
Picture of enemy/player placement:

Player Placement (I definitely didn’t forget…):
Roro Shenanigans Player Placement

Spoilers for the boss of the chapter, as well as the gimmick.

Roro Shenanigans Map Placement
Yes, that is, in fact, 35 Berzerkers. Why? You’ll see in a moment…

Boss Submission inside of a map submission!

By Glaceo
Unit: Chapter 18 Gorgon, as well as litterally everything else lol.
Name: Roro
Description: One of many. Can you find out which is real?
Class: Berzerker
Items: Varies, I’ll detail that in a moment.
Skill: Lunge
Stats / growths (Bane/Boon for bosses)

Luck Boon, Skill Bane

Death quote: Uwe hee… hee…

Battle Dialog (Boss only): Uwe hee hee, is it me? (Make sure this plays litterally every time you fight this guy. Can’t remember how, but that should be possible.

Special enemy equipment notes: The Roros in a diamond pattern near the gate have a tomohawk, while the one on the gate has a devil axe.
any Roros on mountains have Killer Axes and Handaxes, while the guy guarding the bridge has a silver axe. All the other Roros should have varying levels of equipment, ranging from steel to silver.
Enemy skill notes: As stated in the boss submission, all the Roros have pass
Droppables/stealable items: The Roro on the gate has a dracoshield, and the one in the top left corner has boots, both are dropped.
Vendors/Armory items: none
Fog of War?: yes

Gimmick?: None of the Roros are labeled as a boss. The boss is the one in the top left, which spawns with boots. His death quote should be: Uwe hee hee! You found… me! Uwe… hee…
the Roros levels should range from 5-10, with the gate Roro being level 12. All the Roros should be autoleveled, and they should only move to attack those in range.

For those that don’t spoil themselves… have fun!
Took insperation from RNGSOMEONE on this one.

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Why? Just why?

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Because suffering.

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Uh, I actually just noticed that you took Orson’s chapter. I already chose a replacement for Orson.

wops, that’s the wrong chapter number, meant 18 lol
Edit: Fixed

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Oh, I see.

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Yes sir

I do not mind changing/adding a support partner or two if necessary, as long as people don’t go overboard.

It is free at the moment

Franz is taken now, but let me know if you still want this to be one of your submissions, and the new replacement if so.

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I am mostly okay with this unit, however Nullify and Luna is a bit much along with the stats, I will have to adjust it a bit. Along with again, the rule of classes from existing games (applies to bosses too). I can make him a swordmaster however and have him still have the unique animations though I will compromise on that.

Sure, np

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The creature campaign units are now available for replacement, they will also be placed throughout the normal game as listed in the unit availability list.

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FE Jack of Blades alt
Credit to Garytop (you have no idea how much I’ve wanted this mug to be used in something.)
Unit: Joshua
Name: Jack
Description: A Strange man muttering about a land called Albion.
Class: Shaman
Items: Flux, Body Ring.
Skill: Nihil

HP: 60%
Str: 0
Mag: 50%
Skill: 40%
Speed: 50%
Def: 20%
Res: 40%
Luck: 40%
Con: +2
Weapon Ranks: D Dark

Death quote: Well, time for the next hapless fool to wear this mask.

Only other thing I’d want to add is a sword in his inventory call the Obsidian Cleaver (if it would fit) really just a silver sword with 40 uses, not locked or anything.

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