I made it to chapter 6! I already checked that no text is missing but you never know, if you see any text in the chapters that is untranslated please let me know!
There are 2 patches, one for the Japanese version and one for the US version of FE8, you can use either one.
PS: You can use the same save file, just rename it to the same file name.
Ty. I want to ask you a question : How to get more gold from this game? In this game you provide to the players Joel with gem hunter skill and the gloves from chapter 12x but it only trigger with 5% chance during item price too expensive and every chapter u can buy item from Hermes. This guy sell some skills, some items but always over 10-15k gold.
In this game, if you try to buy all of Hermes’ items, you will run out of money. Therefore, don’t buy things you don’t need. However, the items here will not cause you to lose money due to asset evaluation. (Evaluation play only)
The rest will depend on doing plenty of “captures.”