[FE8] [Incomplete] Fire Emblem Delusory 0.5 (16 Chapters)

[Download Link]Dropbox - Fire Emblem Delusory ver.5.zip - Simplify your life

For many years the continent of Auletregar has been at peace. However, the rise of a superpower in the north known only as The Horde threatens to turn everything to ashes. They invade their peaceful neighbor, Aymer, completely unprovoked wiping the nation out completely. This hack chronicles the story of a young nobleman named Edward, who barely escapes the burning of his kingdom alive. Will he rebuild his birthright? Or will everything he knows fall apart before him?


This is a hack me and some high school friends worked on for our game dev class we took over covid. Unfortunately, with things having opened back up, and all of us being in college now, development has slowed to a crawl. Luckily, after this years spring break I’ve gotten the hack to a point where I’m confident enough to release it! Its the first arc of the game, about 16ish chapters. So hopefully you all enjoy it!

The Tutorial Level


Boss Battle

16 original chapters
23 playable characters
An interesting story with more to still be uncovered.
Limited personal and class skills

Note: There are supports but no conversations. Some of the base ones may still be there so you can ignore those.

Second Note: I’ve had mixed responses from testers about the overall difficulty of the hack. So please let me know what you think.

Gameplay Notes and Tips
Every character has a personal skill, as well as a couple class skills.
Investing in Edward is a good idea.
There are a few secrets scattered across the hack
//Unlock requirements//
Though I’ve ironed out most of them, there may be some bugs.

Credits: There is a readme attached to the download that contains the full credits.
I cant figure out how to get a dropdown to work here, so when I figure that out I’ll post them here