[FE8] Help with the problem of the change of names in the World Map

Hi, people of FEU, I have a problem with the change of names in the world map in my project, let me explain.

  • When I pass the initial chapter named “prefacio” , the next chapter name is the “prologo”, the change of name chapters at moment to save are normal.
    But the problem occurred when I passed the chapter named “prologo” , the next chapter name is “1-1: Emboscada”
    When I save, the name is changed to “prefacio”. but the events like the draw of routes runs normally, I don’t known what is caused this bugs.

My suspicions
I think maybe this ocurr because in the first chapter named “prefacio” I present the general history of my hack.
And in the next chapter the named “prologo”, I present the changes because ten years happen.
In the next chapter after “prologo” , I present the locations and draw of routes.
All runs good, the only problem it’s the change of names when the chapters ends and you save.

  • If anyone know how fix this problem, please tell me. Thanks, for reading.