New Adrian portrait coming soon
This looks interesting.
I am a sucker for story about Elibe!
This seems interesting. I can’t ROMhack myself, but I did have some story ideas
I love where this is going. I will say thought that I think Derrik and Blair’s differences in growths are insane. Blair is genuinely better than Derrik in every way, so there is no reason to choose him over Blair. I think he should at least be stronger or tankier than Blair, because genuinely I want to use him, but if I have to cut anyone first it’s him. Blair has better growths than the actual lord of the hack, and a better skill.
The idea is that heir difference as Christmas Cavs is that Derrik has good bases and bad growths, and Blair has bad bases and good growths. In a way, Derrik is a mini-Jagen, and Blair is a mini-Est.
Of course, their stats are not final. They require some fine-tuning
Finished the Demo here are my notes
Criticism/Things I Like
This is probably going to be the only note on plot
but I find it really interesting that wind magic has gone extinct.
Is this referencing how Aircalibur disappears between GBA games?
I like absorb, I’m not generally in favour of healer’s attacking
but for it’s price I think it’s reasonable.
I hope the first healer is the only free one you get.
Whelp second story note
Seeing a new/reformed black fang is interesting,
I’m curious to see where it goes.
I would have complained about the very concept a few
years back but well I got over myself and did the same thing.
I like that vulns heal 15 Hp
I think Ch 5 is a slight difficulty spike if you go for
the far village otherwise it’s pretty on par
I think this is good as that is clearly meant to be a challenge
I got the Village BTW
Criticism/Things I Dislike
Class reel has some slight issues.
If you want me to do the class reel I will, I love doing the Class Reel.
Class Reel goofs
Thief uses Armour Knight description
I think the cav is meant to be the ranger description but I am unsure as it could also be leftover text
“…on the search of truth” should be “…on the search for truth” unless this is meant to reference something else either later in the game or some other media.
HyperGammaSpaces made a “Misc Info” graphic for the Like/dislikes screen
it looks much better than the “Donate” graphic.
Referring to this screen
Ch1 doesn’t end if you have Ruby escape and the remaining units die,
either game over or chapter end would work.
Alternatively have Ruby refuse to escape untill everyone else does
or have her ditch everyone like Leif in FE5.
I also tried escaping with a unit rescued, it works fine
Who I assume is the head of Lycia’s army uses Douglas’s armour
However it still has a Bern crest on it if this isn’t
meant to mean anything I think it should be removed.
[Seriously idk why Douglas has this in FE6 him, Flear and Roberts
are the only three who don’t match the way FE6 separates armour]
I think Ch 5 could be recontextualized as a survive map
since the Defend point doesn’t add much and it can’t be threatened
by units from behind as there isn’t much room and can be cheep if the
player has pressed right too aggressively
Skipping should be denied at Marlene deployment choicer as if skipped it defaults to No.
It is comically easy to set up steal loops in Ch2
I like supply units, I also implement them in my work
I see the Short bow is still overpriced lol
Ch 4 is a good fog map
no notes
Is Cable suppose to have dark rank?
Cause he does.
I never considered if Erik had an heir,
I kinda always thought Laus was consumed by Lycia
Since this is an FE6 sequel is has the opportunity to do
the funniest effin’ thing and include a descendant of Roberts
That shares all his quirks
I just noticed this project now, and now I’m asking myself, how I didn’t notice this before? As a fan of FE6 and FE8 I feel like I should be playing this before xD
I’m have to give it a try myself
I’m looking forward to see this how this project looks and evolves
Hello! I’m on chapter 4, enjoying myself quite a bit
Just wanted to report a bug, for some reason Luccia attacking with the fire tome breaks the game
Same for a thief attacking Nate, without an absorb to shield himself
As you can see, I’m playing on a 3ds, through injecting
I’ll continue playing, thank you for making this
The latter bug was already found. I think it’s an issue with the script of the unarmed animation for Priests. Though, the former one about Luccia I haven’t heard about at all. We’re working on fixing them.
And thanks!
Binding blade 2: the bindinging
I sense a troll account
Yeah, a similar comment was posted on an unrelated YT vid. AI
Just played and completed all 6 chapters of the game i hope someday the game is 100% complete and i can get to play and finish the whole story of the game
Can’t wait to see this all in action!
Played a few chapters, and not bad. Keeping my eyes on this thread.