[FE8] Fire Emblem: Drums of War <v. 2 - COMPLETE! 22 chapter campaign!>

If you’d like an under-the-counter way to restore low% crit, save this code as a .event file and use Insert EA on the DoW ROM:

ORG 0x02ACC0
BYTE 0x0 // battle crit below this value is set to 0

Alternatively, go into the address 0x802ACC0 in FEBuilder’s hex editor and change the 0A to 00.

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I’m pretty sure this isn’t supposed to happen but the guards with the chest keys in chapter 4 unlocked the door with the chest keys and just got slaughtered.

Well, well, well, maybe I should push through and finally get my 0% run started and recorded for upload…

If it ever becomes a thing, I’ll let people know here. Out of curiosity, did anyone attempt a 0% already ?

I’m pretty sure this isn’t supposed to happen but the guards with the chest keys in chapter 4 unlocked the door with the chest keys and just got slaughtered.

Fixed in the latest patch. It’s not gamebreaking but it does make the anti-turtle a lot more urgent…

Well, well, well, maybe I should push through and finally get my 0% run started and recorded for upload…
If it ever becomes a thing, I’ll let people know here. Out of curiosity, did anyone attempt a 0% already ?

I’ll release a 0% (and max%) version of the v. 2.8 patch to come in a week or so. It’ll be the last truly major patch, so ideally any changes I need to make after that point, I can just patch into each version.
I know Swift Buizel started a 0% run but hasn’t finished it to my knowledge. Definitely excited to see or hear about it.


‘A week,’ I said. But I was bored. So actually… today.

Welcome back, companions. This is the last major update of DoW’s life cycle.

v. 2.7 Patchnotes
  • Renate: +5% Str/Spd/Def growth
  • Ramond: +3 HP
  • Donagh: +25% HP growth
  • C4: Boss instance of Ramond now has correct palette
  • C6: Attempted to address issue where promoted Exiles would not raze settlements. Failed, but attempted anyway
  • C6: Made Exile brigands more reliably raze settlements
  • C9: Shop now sells Fire
  • C12: Purge guy now two tiles north
  • C12: Centre room marksmen now stationary inside fortified positions; centre room sages shuffled to form weird bandolier-looking formation
  • C12: Instance of Ramond: +3 HP
  • C14: Pulled back cavalry reinforcements closer to SE map edge
  • C14: Removed two pegasi from E pegasus reinforcements
  • C14: Removed one of the two reavers from the 9-10 NE axe+pegasus reinforcements
  • C15: Jurechka: -3 Spd
  • E-1: Removed jankiness of the opening eventing
  • E-1: Swapped position of Wildbrand with a Seraph Knight
  • E-1: Wildbrand now has Zorya Shield
  • E-2: Merarchs now renamed to Captains
  • E-2: Added four more unpromoted units to initial wave
  • E-3: Corrected Ira’s intended attributes (+1 Str/Skl/Spd)
  • E-3: Slightly cleaned up final eventing
  • E-3: Credit sequence now plays intended theme
  • E-3: Corrected Demon Surge to have intended Luna effect
  • Slightly increased the support speed of many characters (largely those in Act 2)
  • Corrected consistent geography of area where Kirsten grew up
  • Corrected issue of Silver Sword hit (now 90, previously 80)
  • Darkened tunic colour of Mercenary Ranger
  • Corrected true death statuses of Estrelle (does not) and Andrea (does)
  • New Repo item icons for Agovanje, Courtain, Hanger, Nibelung, Joyeuse, Kreshnikeve and Zabraven (LordGlenn), and Isamaa, Judita, Lacplesis and Komnene (CamTech)

Renate’s entire deal is meant to be that she’s cap-ramming Str/Def anyway, but her growths in those areas were a little too unreliable to be true to the concept. Speed came up, too, largely because the bevy of units in the 25-35% area had largely been nudged up a bit, giving her room to breathe in that area. Donagh gets a little something extra for green numbers and dopamine. Ramond was a little too ‘will die to a stiff breeze’ to really be effective in his intended role; Kalevi still has 8 defence on him, so it’s not like he’s lost his edge in durability; his C12 instance is boosted to match.

Thalassa comes with a Thunder now but maybe you want her to have a Fire, so now she can pick one up in the shop. C12 had slightly too much unpredictable 3-range death in the centre room, and there’s two nice little arrow-slit bunkers, so I set the marksmen in there and moved the sages so they won’t both fire back at Estrelle when she takes out the bolting guy; the purge guy, meanwhile, is now more easily sniped and a little less threatening. A little bit more freedom of movement in C12 goes a long way. C14 is generally a very well-regarded chapter, but did have a bit of an issue with jumping on the player’s head if they lingered too long in the east, so those reinforcements have now either pulled back closer to the edge or reduced in number.

Kirsten’s hometown of Saavo is in Meistrii province, not Kalju, as was implied by the plot. I apologise profusely for this immense lore error, and hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me.

Trying not to kill Wildbrand in E-1 honestly took some doing, so she hangs back a little more now. It makes her squad more dangerous but also slightly reduces their threat range, and ensures that taking out Wildbrand herself (as she doesn’t share their squad) is going to be a deliberate move, like all the others. My Act 2 guys weren’t getting supports as quickly as I wanted, so a lot of them gain them +1 per turn faster.

I shuffled some things around in C6 that might make Carmilla’s goons more reliably burn shit, but honestly the NPC AI is just perplexing at times. They’re set to burn villages and sometimes do, but will sometimes just sit around instead. Positioning a couple of never-attack brigands toward the back may help, as their AI is more reliable. Similarly, the Second Sons behave like they have healing AI, even though they… do not. It is what it is, and it’s in keeping with them being self-serving mercenaries, I suppose.

For… some reason I had never looked at the item icon part of the repo, despite knowing it existed. It kind of hurts my eyes to squint at the tiny icons, but I gutted through it. Vanilla weapons remain the same, but now the S-ranks aren’t just FE8’s, the hanger isn’t a greenish, blunt-looking iron blade (we all learned together I am not good at icons) and so forth. I really like the way they look bigger and more imposing than vanilla’s, honestly; it helps them stand out.

If you’ve tried to play DoW before and been fucking annihilated, there’s also now an Easy Mode. I had originally planned to slacken timers, but ultimately they don’t tend to be that fast anyway, and besides, I really would have to play through them and find out the tempo and… I… don’t want to do that. Here is a broad-strokes solution, then, that probably won’t be an even difficulty curve but should provide a significantly more approachable experience. The perk of using a different patch for it is, if you start a DoW run but find it gets too hard, you can transfer your save to the Easy Mode ROM.

Easy Mode
  • Pavel starts with a Lapis Gem, not a Ruby Gem
  • All generic enemies have -3 personal bases (to a minimum of 0)
  • +500 Gold to all bounties
  • E-3: Gorgon magic reduced by 5
  • E-3: Dreadlords Str/Spd reduced by 3

There’s also 0%, Min% and Max% growths, which… do exactly what you’d expect. Eventually I’ll probably staple together a Reverse Recruitment, if there’s demand.

So that’s… yeah, that’s it. I finished my ironman run, my first playthrough in about eight to ten months, and dusted my hands off and felt like, yeah, that’s that. Most of the rough edges are sanded over. There’s polish. I’m happy. I’ll fix any bugs but apart from that I think that’s just the game. Thanks for dragging me across the line; I really, truly could not have done it without your support.

DoW Mongrel Edition.emulator-60


Given the above, is it possible to also have a fixed growth mode? Or is it already in? I just don’t like too much randomness when levelling up. Thanks for your great work any way!

I’m not planning on it. I did look at implementation, but without Skill Systems - where, by default, it switches on if a certain flag is activated - it seemed pretty involved. The other growth modes were just done by brute force.


There is a standalone patch in FEBuilder for non-SkillSys fixed growths

Patch Name:FixedGrowthsMode @FE8U
Author / Source:TR143 [FE6,FE7,FE8] Fixed Growths Mode

Now, having not used it myself I can’t 100% vouch for whether it works, but assuming it does what it says, making a fixed growths version should be as simple as installing this patch.

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Would honestly love a Reverse Recruitment patch

I’m not planning on it. I did look at implementation, but without Skill Systems - where, by default, it switches on if a certain flag is activated - it seemed pretty involved. The other growth modes were just done by brute force.

Thanks for your honest reply!

There is a standalone patch in FEBuilder for non-SkillSys fixed growths

I may try it some day. Thanks for suggestion!

The choice every end of each chapter are amazing. I love it :smiley:

But is this got any unit recruit guide, tip ? I just kill the armor girl and the monk class girl whose support to be recruted. :frowning:

Glad you’re enjoying it. But no, I don’t plan to add any recruitment/secret guide. I’m comfortable with the signposting in the game.


You HAVE TO defeat the monk girl in order to recruit her, actually. That’s how it has always been, at least (I haven’t played the latest update). The armor girl is not supposed to be recruited, just killed (I assume you speak about the same armor girl that appears with the monk girl).

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Thank you :slight_smile:

The chase in first chapter is totally extreme!! You have no healer and enemy chase after your team. You have surrvie and save the towns at the same time. When i first play this, i would like: “WOW! Holy Shi! I’m on lunatic mode?” Tottaly amazing!
Ps: I replay almost 10 times due they kill of little girl mage and the thief :sweat:
And You can choose what to do with enemy leader fate in chapter end. It’s just awesome :smiley:

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Please help C3 :frowning:
I let unit stand int gate area but nothing happen?

You’re actually supposed to have people stand on the stairs at the wall, not that throne/gate area to the north. It’s a little jank, but it works.


AW! dang! reset 3rd in comming !! :kissing:
Thank u for helping :smile: )

This has been a ton of fun to play. REALLY good job with pacing/flow of maps and story.

I am working through Ch8 and…
As a legendary character on Brooklyn 99 once said…
I’ve only had Rover for a chapter and a half, but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this rom and then myself.


And so the 0% has started !
After this first map, I realized the game had undergone major changes and I should probably replay it in parallel. I was right to do so, since I learned you can have unlimited B supports - call me crazy but I’m pretty certain that wasn’t the case before ?

Here's the raw footage for the prologue. I don't record myself, but I have taken notes.


Unsurprisingly, 0% makes no fundamental difference on the Prologue, given the steady flow of new units and fixed equipment. The real shock comes from seeing how much this map has changed since the version I’ve played !

It’s a race against the clock on a horseshoe-shaped map where the stakes are two side objectives. The strategy here is knowing your types matchups and a smart use of your dancer to move around.
Toughest part is the knot of enemies to untangle toward the very end, but it’s manageable. You love to see Vivica’s stats calibrated to survive exactly one round of combat with the boss at base.

Speaking of, our first impactful gameplay decision is also the signature feature of Drums of War: a fresh body or a pile of goodies !
Unfortunately for today’s meatbag, lives are cheap and gold forges kings: with already three bulky axe users in the company and a stats baseline not endgame-friendly to his name, our brigand gets the axe. I will need strong and slayer weaponry to get through the game.

Lastly, a word on support.
They’re one of the few sources of stats, alongside promotion gains and stats boosters. I’ve yet to think them through, but already know Roxelana will reserve her A support for a late recruit.

… Yeah, unlimited B supports change things somewhat, I’ll need to tinker a little and see what tresholds I reach with them.

EDIT: YouTube doesn’t embed ? That’s a minor inconvenience…