[FE8] FE1 Shadow Dragon Faithful Remaster V1.9.2

So not that faithful


I did say “mostly faithful”

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So you have no intention of including any of the Gaidens or improvements from the DS remake then?

Thats fair, if so, keep this essentially FE1 that plays like FE6 in some ways then, or the most “accessible” way to play the original

No. I wanted to recreate the original “feel” of FE1 as closely as I could. While including some improvements that do not entirely alter it, such as growth rate screens and HP bars.

Basically yes.


You know, @Norikins ripped the Imhullu animation from Heroes and ported it to GBA a while back. Although it had some graphic and script issues, I cleaned it up and used it in my project. If you’re interested, and if @Norikins allows it, I’d be willing to share.


I wasn’t aware the one on the Repo has issues. Please do link the fixed version! Hopefully the fixed version can get on the Repo too, credited as {Norikins, blood}.
On the topic of this hack, I’m glad for a proper FE1 GBA remake. It’s funny how many April fool jokes lead to something real.

Two previous hacks (Shrouded Wyvern, the aforementioned April Fools joke) and Souls of the forest have implemented a Xane-like shape-shifter.

Pikmin has made 1RN asm.

Sacred Echoes has units promote up to class bases. Gamma has credited MacPlusTrees
([FE8] Gaiden Style Promotion Gains ASM Hack) but that code has led to freezing in my experience. Sacred Echoes actual promotion routine, looking in the ROM, is completely different, so during some stage of development the old MacPlusTrees code was replaced, so Gamma probably discovered the bug as well, and then rewrote the promotion routine.

SME has made Aum staff ASM, and it is implementable in FEBuilder if importing the .event file via Import EA, and copying the adresses of the AumUsability and AumEffect to the relevant item editors.

There is an FEBuilder patch for more weapon levels, WeaponRankEX [Documentation for FEBuilder], allowing up to 14, but the highest weapon level needed in FE1 is 12 for the Gradivus. FEBuilder does give a warning about it “being incompatible with some other patches” though. It’s not a stat, but gives more than just ABCDES.

The convoy tile can probably be implemented through running a range event which calls the convoy. If you’re lazy, you could just do an enemy Merlinus tent with the “supply” bitflag. That way enemies won’t attack the convoy. I have tried using enemy Merlinuses and they work fine. A range event would be more accurate, though.

Shrouded Wyvern surprisingly implements the FE1 exp system. From how far in I’ve played, I haven’t used the legendary weapons or spheres. And I don’t know if it had the effects of luck in certain calculations implemented.

Maybe if you reach out to some of these creators they will share their ASM.

I myself have a hunch on how to implement Bridge Keys. I’ll need to test it out though before I let you know how it works.


Dear author, in the fifth chapter, Merric can talk to Wendy, but Wendy can’t join. In addition, arena won 10 times the gambling money once. Is this intentional?

Thank you for reporting this. I have fixed this issue. And yes, the arena 10x payout is indeed intentional, just as Kaga intended.

I was not aware of these. Thanks for letting me know.

Interesting, I will check these out.

This might work out, but I should play-test it first before making a final decision because the patch has been flagged as having the potential to cause freezing.

Unfortunately this patch is incompatible with skillsys patch.

I actually attempted to do this, but I was unable to get the supply command to show up while the tent is an enemy.

It’s not really a big deal that the Bridge Keys don’t function exactly as they should. Since the player has the option, use them properly.

I want to thank you again for taking the time to write this lengthy response; it was very helpful.

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New Update!
v1.1 Changelog:

  • Added Aum Staff.
  • Added 1 RN.
  • Fixed Wendell’s recruitment.
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For Xane one could go with the path of a dragon stone like item.
Basically have him have item that transforms him into an armour knight, cavalier etc

I just played the first 3 chapters and can definitely say you have captured that original fe1 feel. Turns out fe1 can actually be fun without the drawbacks of its outdated system. My favourite aspect by far is the maps (I took a look at all of the maps in febuilder), all of them look really good while still staying faithful to the original.

The only question I have is why did you decide to include skill systems? As far as I can tell, the only skill you have used is provoke on Marth. Almost all of the qol changes of skill systems can be used independently. It just feels like a somewhat unnecessary addition. I understand that you want to be as faithful as possible, but I think provoke on the main lord is a bad idea anyway as it can easily ruin an ironman or cause a reset.

Oh and by the way, an oversight I noticed is that pegasus knights seem to use infantry movement sounds rather than flying movement sounds.

A lot of the things about FE1 are bad ideas by today’s standards, it’s over three decades old, things like limited promotions come to mind.
This is about accuracy to FE1 so adhering to these decisions is kinda the point? If skillsystem helps with that then why not use it?

I played FE1 some time ago, it aged very gracefully. The FE gameplay loop is just very well designed and timeless.

Provoke on Marth is funny and accurate.
It really saved my ass a couples and of times :laughing:

The creator literally has a whole list of “FE1 excluded features” most of which are more severe than provoke on Marth. Making a few small changes that would overall improve the experience is fine.

Those are due to technical limitations to my understanding. That is completely different than simply choosing not to include a feature.


What I’m saying is that it’s a lesser of 2 evils type situation. I personally think it would be better to forgoe the provoke skill in order to remove skill systems than to implement skill systems solely for the purpose of Marth having provoke, which is a pretty insignificant feature to begin with. I suppose it just comes down more to personal preference as I am personally not a fan of skill systems and prefer things to stay as vanilla as possible.

The hack wants to be as faithful as possible, your distaste for the skill system does not change that. If you want things to be as vanilla as possible then why are you commenting on a ‘faithful’ remake? AKA not vanilla?

When did I say I don’t want it to be faithful? The entire point of the remake is to combine the experience of the original game with the improved accessibility and qol features of the gba titles. If you don’t want a single thing to be changed from the original, then the only way you are going to get that is if you go and play fire emblem 1.

Different people want different things to be changed in a remake, whether or not you agree with me on which things need to be changed doesn’t matter. There are so many variables that could potentially be changed, that you are never going to please everyone.

You are hyper focusing on one part of my comment, acting as if I dislike what the hack is trying to achieve, when actually I mostly had praise for the hack.

You fundamentally misunderstand the meaning of a faithful remake. As said in the OP they wanted to have the game be as close to the original as possible, and provoke is a part of that. The skillsystem is also unintrusive other than that one singular factor which in of itself is intended to serve as a parallel to the original mechanic.
The request to remove such a feature is to go against the stated goal of the project and as such is a flawed argument by design. The purposes of remakes are left up to the creator, not the critic.

Is SoV not a faithful remake because the nosferatu spell has 60% hit rather than 50%? Almost everyone considers SoV to be a faithful remake. That’s the level of a minor change removing provoke would be and yet you’re acting as if me suggesting as much means I’m not in favour of a faithful remake.

Faithful does not mean you change absolutely nothing from the base game, otherwise that would be a port, not a remake. There are some changes that we can both agree on (using gba animations, map sprites, etc), and there are others that we will inevitably disagree on.

Skill systems is not at all unobtrusive. There is literally a strength/magic split which is not in FE1. That for one is a far greater change than removing provoke would be.