[FE8][DEMO] Fire Emblem: the five legends

Hi Everyone! It’s me, Alaric this is the link for the FEE3 trailer of the project:

First of all, I want to thank a lot all the people who spent their time commenting and watching the trailer, I hope you liked it!

Unfortunately, due to my personal problem and some university commitments I have in these days, I have not been able to complete all the things that I have set for the new release, so I still ask for a little patience, but I hope to be forgiven when you can see all new advances made!

and if you are so eager to see the story of Nausicaä, I highly recommend you to read the original manga, you will not be disappointed (read it anyway even if you are patient, because it is very beautiful :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:)

Thanks again to everyone, especially the FEU staff who organized a wonderful show this year!
I wish everyone a long life and prosperity! :vulcan_salute:


So this is based on Nausicaa of the valley of the wind? I literally just rewatched it last night. My favorite studio ghibli film! Waiting to save up some money so I can buy the manga special edition hardcover.

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Yep, it’s a reimagination of Nausicaa of the valley of the wind, based more on the manga than the movie, but it’s not a 1:1 recreation, although I try to be as faithful as possible to the main themes, and do not alter the ending etc…
The idea would be to expand the world and the lore as much as possible, without altering the central pillar of the work, therefore I recommend reading the manga, without worrying about spoiling the game

p.s the special edition is fantastic, it is absolutely worth it :star_struck:
random question: is your nickname inspired by the character of Suzaku from code geass?

That’s awesome! I’ll definitely be keeping tabs on this one then. That’s good to hear it’s worth it also looks so good too. The artwork is so top notch :ok_hand:t2: I’ve heard so many good things about the manga. I didn’t even know it was a manga till a couple years ago too.

Also no, even though I love Code Geass my name comes from an anime called Fushigi Yuugi:The Mysterious Play. One of the very first anime I watched and fell in love with.