[FE8] Crisis & Search: Tactical field [1 chapter, complete]

This hackrom is a single-map game. The various tactics and different battalions make it replayable multiple times.


-Patch link.
C&S Tactical Field.PATCH.20240928224614.ups - Google Drive

-Partially translated Italian version link.
C&S Tactical Field Ita.PATCH.20240928224724.ups - Google Drive


Fanteria Genealogia della guerra dei cavalli

Mages Armored

Dragi Ora sperimenterete tutto l'immenso potere del lato oscurso

Dragi 2 Archer

Differences from a typical FE:
  • Most units promoted at level 10 can access a 2nd promotion.
  • Iron weapons grant +20 dodge.
  • Bronze weapons grant +1 defense.
  • Each type of tome has a skill. Example: (Fire tomes grant +4 damage when attacking.)
  • Mounted units still do not have Canto.
  • Knights / Armored units have 5 moves instead of 4.
Errors recorded.

*A visual error occurs with the unit icons if there are more than 50 units in total on the map.
This is solved when they are reduced to less than 50 and restarting the game. When returning to the game it is fixed.

  • The promotions of Bow Warden and Warbringer lack 1 or 2 animations; the game doesn’t freeze, but the attack animation plays with animations turned off.
  • This error couldn’t be precisely replicated, but with animations on, if Metal Crusher is thrown at a Myrmidon/Sprinter carrying Anti-Sword, there’s a chance the game might freeze. This error did not happen again.
  • The start screen suffers from a bug when restarting.
Easter Egg
  • Secret shop.
    Shop 3

  • Secret bosses.

Any unit placed in these positions triggers the event and the boss appears.
Arpia Carbonara Keys

Clover activates the event.
Clover Elysia
Ethergol activates the event if it reaches the other side of the map.
Ether Herges
Lorenzo activates the event.
Eria and Eria

Events that occurred during the tests.

I love RNG.
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Most of the resources have been edited.
Resources taken from the repository.

- Portraits

Fire Dragon {Fenriel, Kemui52}
{Goldblitzx} [F2U] OC 12 / Galahad
{AmBrosiac} OC Valentyn / Lorenzo
{Alexsplode} Muse or Gypsy F2E OC / Lyra
{Kon} F2U OC 4 / Colette
{MegaCowsamMan} [F2E] OC 9 / Clarion
Fred {Melia} / Raffaele
HonokaSuzumiya – Knightgirl / Wahlen F
Soldier (Version 2) {HyperGammaSpaces} / Wahlen
Krisk / Ethergol
SSHX7 / Eira and Eria
Harpy (Version 2) {Sphealnuke} / Harpy
Its_Just_Jay F2E 6 / Sigrid
{Nickt} [F2U] OC Dyne / Eresus
CobyTheGoober_Julius / Keys
ZessDynamite_08 / D’Soldi
Adventure Quest, Galanoth {Garytop} / Herges
Non riconosciuto / Elysia
Soldier (Version 2) {Nuramon} / Wahlen Captain
FE Awakening - Robin (F2 Variants) / Mizuki e Chizuru

2. FE8 - Fields - Remaster - Super Fields - Tileset Object Palette (Default)

Map sprites

  • Feier
    Dread Fighter Echoes, F / Executer

  • Pikmin, L95, Der.
    Great Knight, F

  • TAS20XX
    Mage F / Consumed, FireStar

  • Blood
    Wyvern Knight F

  • flasuban
    Pegasus Knight.
    Falco Knight
    Wyvern Rider F / Dragon Rider

  • Kemui52
    Dragon Myrrh generic / Dragon

  • Unknown
    Knight FE10 Style sword / Guardian
    Rogue F

  • UltraxBlade
    Laguz / Wolfskin
    Laguz F / Wolfskin

  • ArcherBias
    Assassin (Modified)

  • RoberFPY
    Assasin Hoodless F (Modified)

  • Leif
    Lord / Prince

  • Jeorge Reds
    Lord Roy (walk) / Prince

  • Tordo 45
    Paladin Ponytail Sword
    Cavalier F

  • SALVAGED, BoneManSeth
    Knight Lance / Armored Kn

  • Nuramon, Jay, Ryn.
    Baron Crusader Helm / Juggernaut

  • Der, Pikmin
    Bow Knight
    Berserker F
    Golden Knight

  • Der
    Spartan / Pretorian
    Cursed Sword / Cursed Blade

  • TBA
    Halberdier, F.

  • N426
    Tome / Spell

  • Alusq
    Figher F / AxeFighter

  • FEGirls
    Warrior F

  • flasuban, Mikey_Seregon
    Pirate F

  • Flasuban, Tordo45
    Paladin F

  • Rasdel
    Mercenary F / Sword Fighter

  • I.S.
    Nomad Troop / Bow Knight
    Bow Rider, F
    General F / Forstress Kn. F
    Wyvern Lord / DracoLord F


[Knight-Reskin] [F] Ponytail Repal / Armor

[General-Reskin] [F] Female General / Fortress Kn
[WL Reskin] [F] Helmetless (Fix+wep)
[GK-Reskin] [F] Ponytail

St Jack
[Hero-Reskin] [F] Generic +Basic Shield / Knight
[WK Reskin] [U] Knight Helmetless +Axe

FPZero, Moocavo, Riku.
[Assassin-Reskin] [F] Ponytail +Skirt

Pikmin1211, Maiser6, Itranc, Valak
[Nomad Trooper Base] [M] FE6 Repal / Ranger
[Nomad Trooper Base] [F] Repal / Ranger

[WR Reskin] [F] Helmetless / Dragon Rider.

[Dark Knight] [F] Mageknight-Style
[Dark Knight] [M] Mageknight-Style

FEGirls, Ririk
[T2 Summoner-Reskin] [F] FEGirls-Style Hair Color Fix / Invoker / Sorcerer

[Cleric-Base] [F] Vanilla FE6 Magic
[Priest-Base] [M] Vanilla Priest

[Fighter-Reskin] [F] FEGirls Vanilla-Style

[Monk-Base] [F] Repal + staff / Light Mage (Without using)

[Soldier-Reskin] [F] Ponytail / Spear Fighter

Furious Squid, Jj09
[Pirate-Reskin] [F] Slender Variant

eCut, Skitty, Natsumi, AKA Serif
[Berserker-Reskin] [F] Armored by eCut v2 Repal

Temp, Pushwall
[Warrior-Reskin] [F] Repal Long Hair by Temp

Pikmin1211, Maiser6, Ukelele, SD9k, Temp, Black Mage, Wan, Sme.
[Rogue-Reskin] [F] Repal +Staff

[Sword FE15 Custom] [M] Myrmidon
[Sword FE16 Custom] [M] Dread Fighter / Executor
[Sword FE16 Custom] [F] Dread Fighter / Executor

Leo Link, Huichelaar, Obsidian Daddy, Banpresto, KirbyFreak Epicer & Sax Marine
[Zephiel-Reskin] [U] Bulwark King / Baron

Pikmin1211, Maiser6
[Nomad Trooper Reskin] [F] Non-Sacaen

[Custom Halb] [M] Halberdier

TheBlindArcher, Black Mage
[Custom Halb] [F] Halberdier

Shadowofchaos, TheBlindArcher, Sme, Shtick
[Peg T2 Reskin] [F] Black Beauty / FalcoKnight

[Monster-Custom] [U] Magical Tomes

chhhsfe, DerTheVaporeon
[Monster-Custom] [M] Wanderer - Blade

Pikmin1211, Maiser6, Skitty, GabrielKnight, 7743
[Thief-Base] [F] Cath Repal

eCut, Skitty
[Brigand-Reskin] [F] Barbarian

Obsidian Daddy, Jj09
[FE5 Lord Custom] [M] Leif Lord

FE7if, Shin19
[Sage-Custom] [F] Limstella v1/ Possessed / Sacrificed

[Manakete-Base] [U] Generic Dragon Transformation / Ancestral F
[Mage-Custom2] [M] Mage Lord v2 / Assault 3

IS, Marlon0024, SHYUTERz
[Boss-Base] [U] Vanilla FE7 Fire Dragon +FE8

[Wolf-Variant] [M] Kitsune Ninetails / Skinwalker
[Wolf-Variant] [F] Kitsune / Wolfskin
[Wolf-Variant] [M] Kitsune Repal / Wolfskin
[Wolf-Variant] [F] Kitsune Ninetails / Skinwalker

[Devisian-Custom] [M] Arcanist / Corrupted

SALVAGED, BoneManSeth.
[Knight-Variant] [M] Helmetless / Armored Kn

TBA, St jack
[General-Reskin] [U] Emperor / Golem

Nuramon, CranJam
[Paladin-Custom] [M] Helmetless Gold Knight

[Monster-Custom] [U] Blast Golem / Avernian

[Custom Lance] [M] Spartan / Pretorian

Spud, HyperGammaSpaces
[Paladin-Custom] [M] Bow Knight

IS, Spud, noonog
[Custom Magi] [M] Vanilla FE7 Kishuna +Magic


Zane, LordGlenn, Kyrads, Celice, Seal, George Reds, Lisandra_Brave, Ereshkigal, WhydidImakethisaccount, Batima, Cardcafe, Zarg, Zelix, Leif, Peerless, EldritchA, Indogotsu Tenbuki.

Animacion magics

Breeze - [Wind] Shaver - DS {Mikey Seregon}
Poison G - [Dark] Jormungand {Orihara_Saki}
IceSpikes - [Anima] Ice Shard {Sme, Compile}
ShockWave - [Anima] Thoron {Arch}
BurningEarth - [Anima] Bolganone - DS {Mikey Seregon}
MeteorStrike - [Anima] Meteor {Blazer, Jubby}
Fulgor - [Light] Divinestone {Seal, Sacred War}
Enhancer T - [Dark] Miasma {Struedelmuffin}
Judicium - [Light] Eyes of God {SHYUTERz}
Vitae - [Light] Resire - SNES {MisakaMikoto}


One more for the “to do” pile!