Hey all! New to FE modding here. I’ve been a fan of FE8 for many years (since I got it via the 3DS Ambassador Program) and have been modding various games for about as long. I recently discovered FEBuilder and decided to tackle a few smaller patches/ideas to build familiarity before thinking of something big. Hence this mod - which allows several rare/weird items to be purchasable from the CC secret shops, including a buyable Hammerne, and allows the dragonstone to be repaired by Hammerne.
My thinking behind this patch was that Creature Campaign acts as a sort of sandbox mode, where the goal is to max out characters, explore the limits of power of each class, and mostly just fool around. To that end I thought making some of the rarer items available would allow you to try out new combinations. Hammerne being buyable means you can include limited items (like the Sacred Twin weapons) in your sandboxing, and making the Dragonstone repairable means Myrrh can join in without having to use the Enemy Control Glitch.
I ran into what I think is a data limit on how many items can be in a given shop whilst doing these changes, so swapped out items purchasable elsewhere (in a normal armoury) in the Grado and Jehanna secret shops to make room. Rausten wasn’t edited as it already has exclusive items that can’t be swapped out without putting them somewhere else, and the goal of this patch was always more options, not less
A full list of the changes here:
Jehanna Hall Shop
- Axereaver —> Hammerne
- Lancereaver —> Wind Sword
- Swordreaver —> Poison Sword
- Killer Bow —> Rapier
Grado Keep Shop
- Axereaver —> Light Brand
- Lancereaver —> Runesword
- Killer Bow —> Zanbato
- Swordreaver —> Tomahawk
- Dragonstone now repairable with Hammerne (done by changing the item from monster lock to weapon lock 1, and enabling Myrrh to use weapon lock 1 weapons)
For the download, I chose to host it on ModDB, which is the site I’ve used for many years for hosting all kinds of mods. The community can create game pages, so I set one up for FE8 and hosted my patch as an “addon” there. Addons are typically for things like this that don’t have more sweeping changes, whilst mod pages would be for larger projects with more comprehensive changes.
I can’t list the download link, due to my account being new - If you search “Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones” on ModDB and head to the addons section, you’ll see my patch hosted there (under the name, Creature Campaign Item Convenience). I’ll edit this post in future when I can attach links
Thanks for checking this out! Working my way up in complexity but doing most of my changes to CC right now since it seems like the easiest place for testing out FEBuilder.