[FE8] [Completed] The Sacred Trilogy Reskin and Rebalance

Man, you work fast. thanks Blood. Can I still use my current saves with the new version?

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Yes, saves are compatible.

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I know Lute has Paragon and all, but jeez, is she supposed to be zipping past everyone in experience gain as quickly as she is? I’m only on Chapter 10 and she’s already Level 10 promoted.


Hey, so I know I may be asking for a lot, but please forgive my selfishness. Can a skill list be provided for base units (mage, lord, cavalier, etc) with the skills they learn and the levels they learn them? I don’t wanna bring EVERYONE to level 20 before promotion, but at the same time I want to have all units learning all their possible skills from their base class + promoted class. Again, I apologize for my selfishness in this request but I could not help myself.

That was not supposed to happen. Another person reported the same issue. I’ll look into it.

Apologies, I recently updated the skill list, but I forgot to update this thread.

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Thanks for the response Blood. I really am enjoying this hack thoroughly man. I really like the Dragoon class, last hack I can remember that even used that was Fire Emblem Death or Glory. Anyway, when you do get around to updating the skill list thread, just let us know. Thanks again for all your hard work!

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(yet another) New version released

This (hopefully) fixes the issue with promoted classes getting too much EXP. I apologize for releasing so many updates, but this one should be the last for a while.

Sorry if this has been answered before, but how do thunder and wind tomes work exactly? I saw that Lute had one on her but I couldn’t use it even though Thunder is an E rank tome.

Thunder spells are locked to melee range, but have high crit.

Either I’m crazy, or Tana’s personal skill’s description isn’t accurate to what it does. It says she can’t be crit, but it only seemed to work on enemy phase. On player phase, she had no problems eating a Killing Edge from the same enemy.

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You’re right. It seems to work only during enemy phase. I’ll update the skill description.

 I contradicted myself and released a new version. Sorry, but I had to fix the minibosses in Tower of Valni having busted stats. Also sliiiiiiiightly increased EXP yield because I felt it was too strict in the previous version.

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It has come to my attention that saving the game while in the Tower of Valni or the Lagdou Ruins may cause issues with the save file. I’ve experienced events freezing the game after doing this, so for now I advise not to save the game in these locations. That feature will be removed for the final update.

Really enjoying this so far - I just hit Chapter 16.

One of the things I noticed though is that due to class imbalance / character class paths, some classes are either impractical or such that you can’t count of having one of each in any given run.

You’ve done fantastically in making some lesser used prepromotes better picks due to their unique skills (new Tethys is also amazing), but in some ways I think this dovetails with the above.

Some possibilities that came to my mind:

  1. Halberdier and Dragoon seem to occupy very similar design space for Amelia and feel not utilized to their full potential. Likewise, Dragoon is pretty feel bad for Cormag since he loses his mount. What about swapping Dragoon into the promotion tree for Peg Knights and giving Dragoon light magic but no staves, making it a potentially attractive option for Vanessa and Tana if they don’t want to go Falcoknight or Arbalest (Arbalest is fantastic by the way - a perfect addition). You could then make Wyvern Knight an option for Amelia instead of Dragoon (as the offensive spears only option compared to the more defensive Halberdier).

  2. Halberdier feels underwhelming - it is a tankier spear-only class, but Amelia has access to General or Great Knight if you want to go more defensive with each gaining other weapons (and a horse, for Great Knight). I’m not sure what the fix would be for this one, but it feels like Halberdier could use a little extra something that gives it utility in some way

  3. Have you considered making Saleh a Mage Knight instead of Sage? He has decently high Strength for a Sage and it would offer you less redundancy for Lute since her Strength growth is horrific, making Mage Knight and Dread Fighter much less attractive for her such that she is tailor-made to be a Sage. It would also go well with his personal skill and would emphasize that he is tankier compared to the glass-canon Lute.

  4. Speaking of Dread Fighter, this is an interesting one that is complicated by the fact that Joshua, Lute and Ewan are very unsuited for it, while Marisa is a so-so option. Ewan and Lute don’t have the strength for it and in any case going Dread Fighter would mean not going either Druid or Dark Knight for him / Sage or Mage Knight for her. Meanwhile, Joshua doesn’t really have the magic for it. That makes Marisa the most palatable option, but even then she isn’t a great fit. My thoughts here are to either buff Marisa’s magic growth a bit, or perhaps more controversially, change Dozla’s class to Dread Fighter (the Rausten trio would then all have access to magic options, since Rennac can use staves now).

  5. Since Lute is not the best fit for Dread Fighter given her fragility, consider letting her promote to Summoner instead. This way if one were so inclined, you can have a Druid, Summoner and Dark Knight (as otherwise you have just Ewan and Knoll to fill these three classes).

  6. With the availability of Dread Fighter for Marisa and Trickster for Colm, Assassin has lost some of its luster since (while awesome) reliance on Lethality is questionable and neither Colm and Marisa tend to have the very high strength that makes a huge critical boost so attractive the way it does for Berserker (and anyway, Swordmaster offers that too). What about giving Assassin access to Dark Magic (thematically appropriate) or Axes (to deal with the low strength issue)? You could leave the Strength cap for the class where it is but maybe boost the Con from promotion slightly.

  7. Similar to Mage Knight, War Cleric really wants a mixed, tankier character. L’Arachel would lose her horse, has terrible strength and it would be thematically inappropriate — she is the worst option. Natasha absolutely doesn’t have the stats for it, so she is also out. Between Artur and Moulder, Artur is much better suited for Mage Knight or Bishop stat-wise and in terms of his personality, leaving Moulder. The only problem is that Moulder really doesn’t have the stats for it either. Perhaps consider buffing his strength and def growth a bit, and maybe retooling his personal skill to be a bit more defensively oriented? E.g. takes -3 damage when adjacent to at least one other ally, or gains Res/Def vs. attacks equal to 1/3 weight of his equipped weapon, rounded up (a twist on Dozla’s personal). Ross’s problem is that he doesn’t have the Magic for it, and more importantly would be losing out Berserker or Hero for War Cleric, which is a poor trade.

  8. Re: Glen, if is there is room, you could give him a unique class that has access to all physical weapons (call it Dragonmaster maybe?) built like a flying General. Skills could be Pavise, Iote’s Shield, etc.

Edit: Maybe rename Dragoon to Templar if you give it Light Magic.

Does joshua have his hat tho?

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Is the sĂșper trainee class in this hack? Or just Amelia?

Both Joshua and Marisa seem to have custom swordmaster sprites, but Joshua’s animation is unique. I opted with swordmaster for Joshua because of this very reason.

Also - it appears that Ephraim’s Great Lord Class might be busted. Is it meant to give him access to Staves? It also feels like both he and Eirika should get a little more Con with their promotions.

Hey guys. I recently took the time to actually play the hack and see how everything is performing myself. Naturally, I found some things that need to be changed, especially class base stats and growths. I feel like the changes I made, when coupled with the skill system, make the game considerably harder. It gets really bad during the later chapters once the enemies start getting their promoted skills, at which point any group of 3+ units becomes a serious threat. I’m seriously considering reverting class base stats and enemy growth rates back to their vanilla values. What do you guys think about this?

I’m also reading all your feedback, but I have a few issues to handle irl at the moment, so it might take some time to address everything.

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I don’t think the late game enemies that are unmanageable. The player is given many more tools in your hack so it isn’t unreasonable - the enemies are absolutely a threat, but smart play gets the win every time.

Edit: A few other things that came up in my run (currently on chapter 20):

  1. I would suggest removing Staves from Mage Knight and replacing with Light Magic. This differentiates them a bit more than just being mounted sages and makes it so that Artur isn’t penalized if he promotes to Mage Knight by losing his Light Magic (and the Holy Aura skill becoming useless).

  2. Wyvern Lord’s should gain Axes instead of Swords on promotion - Cormag doesn’t really gain much from swords; gaining access to axes instead would help solidify him a slower powerhouse vs. the peg sisters.

  3. I promoted Knoll to Summoner and realized you gave them axes! Very interesting - what made you make this change? I don’t dislike it but am definitely curious.

  4. Light Magic needs a way to differentiate itself from Dark/Anima in a way that isn’t just crit rate or RNG based. Currently it is way weaker than the other two options given (1) Dark gets Nosferatu and Luna and (2) Anima magic has been buffed with its new utility triangle (it now gets crit with Thunder tomes and that sweet extra range with Wind tomes). One thing that might work is making “reaver”/"-slayer" magic a speciality of Light Magic (i.e. a tome that is effective vs. mounted units, another that is effective vs. armor, etc.) which might help offset its otherwise lower weapon strength.

Edit: Just finished the story and am on Creature Campaign now.

  • Hayden is absolutely awful given the chapter he joins and the stats the enemies have on the map - I think his bases are more or less equal to Innes’s despite Innes joining way earlier and the enemies being way stronger on Hayden’s join map. If nothing else, I would majorly boost his speed to be where you would expect from a Bow Knight (his other stats could use some work too though; maybe just autolevel him to level 12-14 or something). You might also consider swapping his and Innes’s personal skills - it makes a bit more sense to me to give Innes the extra reach since his stats do not support him firing from melee range, where Hayden and his horse can justify it with hit and run tactics.)

  • Gorgons are just brutal, easily the most dangerous monster type. I don’t think they are too powerful, but they come close. They’ve definitely made me reset a lot.

  • The Dracozombies in the final chapter prior to Formortiis are insane. They caused me many resets, and I had to more or less rely on waiting outside their range, then running in and hoping for a crit, defensive skill activation or first hitting them with siege tomes or using wind tomes from 3 range first - nearly everyone dies in a single round of combat against them. I did not try using Sleep staves to nullify them, but that may also be a good strategy. Ironically, the pair flanking Formortiis were way weaker and posed no challenge (I killed Formortiis in one turn with Ewan using Gleipnir; attacked, had Tethys dance, attacked again).

  • To disincentives killing Formortiis in one turn, consider giving the mini-bosses in the upper left and upper right corner better/unique loot since I completely ignored them.

  • Did you change the requirements to unlock characters for Lagdou and Valni? My hope is to get all of the Valni characters in one run of the tower, then for all of the Lagdou characters to be provided in the first ~6-7 maps of the Ruins so that I have at least a few maps to use them as a victory lap. Not about completing it 3x times