[FE8] [Completed] The Sacred Trilogy Reskin and Rebalance

even me on casual was insane lol only three units alive at the end of the chapter, i almost cried with excitement seeing wolf mounted units. but if I had played in classic I would probably be training a lot of time in the tower to have a chance to lose units, but maybe it will be more balanced with skills in future patches.Ana’s special weapon should be comparable in some store like Erika and Efraim’s plus there’s this oculist on the map that crashed my game when entering

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  • Arena focused update. The variety of enemies that can be fought in the arena has been expanded to include many of the new custom classes.
  • The arena payout will vary according to the difficulty set by the player. Easy yields 200%. Normal 250%. Hard 300%.
  • An arena has been added to Lagdou Ruins 1
  • The ninth and final Magvelian Ore has been added to the game. There is a number of requirements in order to get it:
  1. Finish the base game by defeating the Demon King
  2. Get a promoted unit to level 20
  3. Make sure the unit in question has defeated at least 100 enemy units over the course of the game
  4. Have the unit fight and win a round in the arena on Lagdou Ruins 1
  5. An NPC will show up and challenge you to a battle. Accept and defeat the NPC to get the Magvelian Ore.
  • Fixes the skirmish issue descibed by @Arthur here:

The most updated beta version is the one in this same post (0.99.4). It contains the entire game minus the Lagdou Ruins, which is meant to be a post-game area. Once I finish the Ruins, I will consider it finished and update the main post with said version, which will be named version 1.0
All versions starting from 0.99 will have compatible saves with version 1.0
Also worth mentioning that these beta versions are Lite, meaning that they only contain vanilla skills + skill scrolls. The Full version will be available once I release version 1.0


Ok, two questions here. How do we set the dificulty in this new arena?

Second…i never got that Hayden screenshot. xD

is there any chance that the oculist’s weapons from chapter 19x enter the final version as an exclusive weapon for the sumer class, I found several monsters so beautiful as an attack and for those who asked for it, here’s the photo

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Ok, so that’s definetly a more workable Hayden than in the original hack, especially with all that HP and DEF. Plus with the effective bow damage and his high ATK, plus the number of fliers in his join chapter, he should make a good sized splash.

Have you triggered any of the support convos he’s now got?

EDIT: I was expecting a Athos-level thing, but looking at other Gotoh-type units, he seems to be on a nice spot overall, though his speed is still really low, though it fits the unit type as a knight. Maybe set his level to 15 to give him a little bit of extra investment space?

EDIT 2: Oh wait, Skill System just added a shit-ton of new skills…oh now i’m really excited for the full version of this hack. :smiley:

I think I phrased that poorly. The difficulty is the one you selected at the beginning of the game. I wanted to award the player more for defeating enemies on the harder difficulties.

Why do people always want the boss-exclusive stuff? :expressionless:
It kinda removes their uniqueness. I’ll consider it though.


About the skills… please temper your expectations. Including new skills requires me to make a custom build, and doing that shifts data around…which would be catastrophic at this point, given that the hack is mostly completed. It would also make saves incompatible with the previous beta versions.


Oh damn didn’t think on that. I guess when you’re that close to the end it’s too tricky to shift things around. I do appreciate how much ya took feedback to heart though

in fact, as you said, this occultist’s weapon must be just the enemy’s, sorry so I reformulated the request it would be more interesting to bring more enemies from 19x to the rest of the game or maybe the ruins are so ecstatic when I made chapter 19x that it makes me want to see a little more of him in other chapters.


Out of all the acquirable Magvelian ores, the one in the sorched sand is hardest to get. Sure, you can complete the chapter in 12 turns but you may have to sacrifice some of the items like Silver card, body ring and resolve. Please fix this if you can. Some of the ores were very easy to get, like not using Seth and clearing the tower of Valni but this one seems obsecenly hard. Not impossible but very hard.

Hey… You know what’d be funny? Saar being recruitable… I know it ain’t going to happen, but still, it’ll be funny.

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If you were to ask me (Which I do not know since there is a limit of 50 unit and even if we have even unit slots to add them in) I would dig having the Elibe lords (both FE6 and FE7) plus Limstella.

Obviously that is simply me projecting who I would like to try out in Sacred Trilogy anyway.

Based off that asking this to everyone on this thread that is still around, who would you guys want as a playable unit from the Lagdou Ruins “guest Boss” cast?


The great Zephiel and Roy. I find two characters very interesting.


The Reed Brothers…or Idunn…actually Idunn would be epic.

On a lesser side note i actually pitched Blood to do a route-unique unit recruitment for Eirika and Ephraim’s routes. Like Eirika would get Saleh’s grandmother Dara, an unused Druid and Ephraim would get Selena. I think it would add more value to the choosing of routes and both characters are in the game already, with Dara just needing some extra work done.

selena is so nice.

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I don’t think Selena would fit for Ephraim, just because of the fact that she’s part of the Camu Archetype… So… It wouldn’t make sense.

All we need is Roy, Liliana, Hector, and maybe Lyn… And that’s it.

I mean she’s already a CC unit. Plus even though she’s a Camus (which is arguably one of the loosest archetypes in the game), her motivations as one are kinda bad. So were talking about a character with shakey connections to one of the shakiest archetypes in the game that can be turned into a higher quality asset with little work.

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Her motivation was “either you’re wrong and I want to kill you or you’re right and I want to die, either way I can get what I want if we fight.” I think it makes perfect sense that she isn’t recruitable.

Exactly… Just doesn’t make sense if she is recruitable.

Yeah that’s not it. Her whole ideology is: “I’m loyal to the point of blindness”. Which doesn’t make sense. Even she admits that there’s something wrong with the emperor, but sweeps it under the rug with the “soldiers don’t ask questions” routine. The way her blind loyalty is portrayed kinda undermines itself, as she would rather ignore the obvious signs of corruption and foul play against the emperor she swore loyalty than take the hard action of actually fighting to protect the man’s actual ideals and legacy.

The way Selena is written showcases a lack of understanding between loyalty and blind obedience from the writters part, even by the standards of the Camus archetype. And even the way her supposed single minded loyalty is shown is inconsistent: She knows Eirika is lying about her identity, but plays along anyway, she openly speaks against Caellach and even questions the Emperor and in her final mission, she lets Myrrh walk away despite the fact that capturing her would be a boon to her cause. The only reason why she commits to a suicide mission isn’t because of some noble ideal, it’s because of a plot demand.