[FE8] [Completed] The Sacred Trilogy Reskin and Rebalance

I would love for a version that can have all possible characters spawn on the map. I am learning FE builder because of the inspiration from this amazing mod and I always wondered if it’s possible.

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Halfway through my first real run of this mod, having a blast! My foremost feeling is shame that we cannot mix the maps and elements from sacred war, but to each mod to their own! Otherwise, my complaints are few. The stats screen is weird, seems like there should be a tier 3, so many bars seem so low in comparison to vanilla. Maybe there is? I’m only halfway through haha.

I was just gonna finish before I start my quick review, but I settled for halfway point after taking more time than normal on this mod, and the full review when I finish.

I’ve using the paid version of MyBoy for years now and I am really happy with it and its features. (At least I think I paid for it – it been so long ago).

It’s my favorite android-based emulator in terms of in-game UI and easy-to-set-up simplicity. Retroarch is also great

For iOS Delta/Retroarch are superior

@blood Bug in ruins, fighting Jerme at close range always results in a freeze so you have to beat him at long range and even that causes some animation errors.
The tower barely gives exp to promoted units while the ruins are too unforgiving, so that takes away the option of grinding at the tower.

Yup. Even I thought the same about it.

Changed maps and more enemy reinforcements will spice things up. Just like sacred war.

These fire emblem games do not look like war because we’re always pitting 10-15 god-like characters and wiping out many soldiers. Instead I would prefer larger numbers of enemies and larger number of allies to be taken in each chapter. (All the allies if possible)

This will truly make it look like a ‘War’.

Also, we know a game which goes by the name ‘Corrupt Theoracy’. It’s rating was deplorable… Even i didn’t like it myself save one thing. It’s concept of pitting many green units at battle and players relying upon it. Most of us take NPC’s very lightly. But when you fight big battles ? With traps and ambushes ? That’s when you need them ! War is an art of team work but what mostly happens in vanilla version of Fire emblem 8 or 7 is like just send Cormag or Hector and get all the enemies dead in no time. It’s no team work.

If difficulty was adjusted in such a way which would make player use the ‘Team strategies’ of creating choke points. I’m sure that these battles will be epic.

(Sorry for the long post. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:)

In another FE game, someone was complaining, but the other way: that the maps were too DENSE. So, can’t please everyone :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I guess that’s why easy and hard mode are implemented in every vanilla Fire Emblem Game…:joy::joy::joy:.

Some like challenges and play the game for it. But some just hate it and call it ‘unfair difficulty’.

Although sacred war was a bit too tough but it was worth it. The only thing i didn’t like was those absurd occurrence of critical hits. Fighting Lyon in that game was like stopping a bulldozer with your hands tied.

Unlike this game he got a huge crit boost + Naglfar. That was a literal pain. (Personally I liked it because I wanted Lyon to be tough and challenging. Lyon had the highest stat caps and I appreciate it when those caps are used in endgame.)

Aww i liked kyle as roy

I’m not sure if this is intentional, but I’m unable to steal lockpicks from opposing thieves.

I could do it, is it the thief class and does Colm have speed higher than the theif

the first thief you come across with a lockpick has a really high speed, so most likely that is why

You guys were right, my apologies! I entirely forgot how GBA Fire Emblem stealing worked for a minute.

It seems like the hero animation is completely bugged. Don’t know how that wasn’t caught in playtesting

is that Hero Garcia or Ross? because I didn’t encounter this while using Garcia in the beta :o

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Here’s a funny bug though the halberd doesn’t get weapon effectiveness against Murray XD

Its ross

Does Murray have the Nullify skill ? It will prevent any effective damage against him.

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And Garcia, but only with one weapon. Now I cannot remember if it’s the sword or axe. I think it is the sword animation that’s bugged

If i remember correctly both Murray and Tirado both have nullify.

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