[FE8] [COMPLETE] Myrm Emblem v2.1

Shigen gaming


Loving the hack so far, but I have to ask, what’s the point of the arrow near the bottom of the map in Chapter 3? I’ve placed all my units on there one by one to see if anything would happen but nothing’s happened.

Its the escape point for the Goddess Icon Thief i think


I’m in chapter 8 and


during an enemy phase, at one point Killing Edge!Shigen has crit against a soldier, and then he has 0 crit against two mercenaries who attacked him immediately afterwards.

What’s going on? I’ve never seen this.

Are you sure that the two mercs didn’t have an iron rune on or something that nulls crit?

When vantage is activated the critics are canceled


So right now i love the hack, i love the characters and i love the descriptions, but i think it should have a story, it doesnt need to be serious, but having like, “lets go here” and then the chapter ends feel so empty


Thanks for this hack, just completed it.

Story was pretty barebones and fell like a short side quest.(biggest letdown for me was the story, some effort with a wishy washy ending with no explanation at all.)
( I do get it that you were going for a gameplay hack though but still story for me is the backbone of a game before gameplay, music etc etc).

Gameplay was pretty straightforward and difficulty was alright to me with no spikes.

Had some fun with all the diffr kinds of myrmidons and skills, without Owain woudnt be possible at all to clear this.

Fav char : Shigen !

I’m having a good time with it so far, it’s a unique way of playing FE plus I can use some characters that don’t get the spotlight in their own games. I’m at chapter 11 with no deaths, but plenty resets. The only worry I have so far is money, after I hired Volo my money was basically nothing, and it doesn’t seem like the player gets any money aside from Samuel’s skill maybe kicking in and selling weapons. I personally would give the player more money, because some of the armories and vendors on maps have been useless to me since I don’t have enough money to spend on anything. Other than that, great work! Definitely gonna try to use all the classes.

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Finished the hack a while ago, had a pretty good time. The story was obviously not the focus but i found the character interactions to be endearing, and the simple set up for chapters like helping Haldyn protect the village was good. The use of TRS/BWS and even VS chars was really refreshing too.
Regarding the maps, i dont think there is that much to say. They were all well paced, enemies had overlapping range but not to the point of being too overwhelming, maybe enemies got a little too weak later on as you got so many incredibly powerful units but generally there isnt really anything to complain here. Getting Dean was a pain in the ass though, but thankfully i managed to do it with Samuel + Navarre swapping and didnt need to burn a Warp use for it. Bishops as dedicated Siege tomes later on made for some good challenge/roadblocks since much of the time i ended up needing to think if i wanted to commit a Silence or not.

Honestly though i think Provoke can break things way too much, due to how it works in Skill System. Hinata when he was backed up by Deen and the Aegis Shield made him effectively invincible to many enemies while forcing them to attack him, which did feel a little cheap for some chapters.
Regarding the money, i do agree the Volo thing can be a real kick in the nuts. Samuel is very clearly a great source of gold and the Volo map has an arena, and even though i had zero issues with it, getting the funds for his recruitment might be a little much. Maybe adding a small tip like 2-3 maps before Volo with a house saying something along the lines of ‘‘Oh you are going to that town? Rumors say a powerful mercenary is in that area, but he is also known to charge a lot!’’ would make it more fair, but this is honestly a minor complaint since, as i said before, the map itself has the means to make up for the missing gold to get him.

The entirely of the Endgame maps were positively remarkable, with how frenetic Endgame 1 could be (with that awesome village dialogue), Endgame 2’s reference overload and of course, Endgame 3.

Also an F for Kuno (this wasnt his last fight but still, the best screenshot i got from fighting him).


game is sick I highly recommend

technically a spoiler but come on you know who the final boss is


wait is the final boss kelik?

Nope, its “Him”


jk yep its Kelik

Dear author, I really like your unique revision. Thank you very much for your hard work. I hope to turn it into Chinese and let more players experience its charm. Do you allow it?

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Sure, go ahead.


Is there a recruitment guide?

The Last Promise 2


Just played through your hack, freaking amazing- you should consider calling it Oops all Blades! All swords feels weird I had to get used to it, I liked how all the axe enemies had much better hit chances than typical. I went with a warlord run first try, which is Ironman but you kill any characters who show up as red- now this was probably a mistake but I just couldnt help myself lol. Map design was great, all the enemies being within range of other enemies prevented me from ganging up, well usually. I gotta say that even with a small amount of dialogue we get to see some great interactions.

Okay, best thing my favourite myrmidons are Owain and Karla and they both were great for different reasons, For my playthrough I ended up using Karla, Fir and Karel so I could make up my own story arc here. That said a bit more story would be cool, I know that its gameplay focused and it does not disappoint, gameplay hacks are almost better imo, it can be daunting to try to remember an entire new cast of characters, I think the familiarity of having older characters all wrapped together was great. You must play FEH no?

Final note- if you put in Kelik, you gotta include his ability to wipe out 1/2 of our forces instantly with blood magic(?) I still dont know what happened lol


Kain:sorry i wont make those meaningless BS.

also do these guys have refence of some certain character?

who are they actually?

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Myrm Emblem v1.0_17

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Myrm Emblem v1.0_12
Myrm Emblem v1.0_05
Myrm Emblem v1.0_03


who i recognized

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The ones you missed are:


Ernst from Order of the Crimson Arm.
Zotokiwi and Erin from Justice & Pride Gaiden.
Jamakaya and Gladys from Storge.
Kat, Jeff, Sakura and Yin from Sun God’s Wrath.

Also I’d be very grateful if you could spoiler your message, please.