[FE8][Complete]Fire Emblem: War on Two Fronts v1.3 (Final Release)

Just finished playing despite your recommendation to skip this and go straight to the sequel.
For sure down the line I’d like to play more works by you!

Played ironman-lite (only reset for gameover or softlock) and blind. All promotions were done at level 20.

I found the first half to be challenging but not unreasonable, second half was pretty average difficulty wise.

General thoughts


  • I really liked the mugs!
  • I liked prep armory stock changing and no markup.
  • Nice Prfs
  • 6 mov dancer, 5 mov armor (and 6 general)!
  • Refreshing to have multiple really solid bow-units
  • I liked having not-rare access to range 1-3 anima.
  • Anima split cool
  • Grew to like not-strong lord. Although mine eventually wound up decent
  • 20 stats caps are nice
  • refreshing to not have save-the-world stakes


  • Red background was annoying at first but got used to it
  • Lack of emotion on mugs in conversation was funny
  • Longbow access felt a tad lacking, but at the same time never were so heavily used it became a problem so much as a resource to conserve.

Final team (Lost Dancer in endgame1 and didn’t feel anyone was worth adding)


  • 100 slot convoy felt slightly limiting but may be a me-issue with hoarding.
  • Wasn’t fond of trading or support taking “more of an action” than vanilla.
  • Didn’t like river mov change from vanilla. Seems to cost more to cross and at least one class in vanilla that could, can’t.
  • Wasn’t fond of % combat skills such as Ignis, Luna. Despoil was fine as it’s not directly combat related.

Ch7 and Ch9 show turn timer before starting the map, something not all hacks do. I appreciate it being visible.
Ch9 not fond of speedwing to steal showing up on final turn, I think most players will miss it first time through. Showing up 1 turn earlier could go a long way.
Ch10 was a nice break from what felt like lots of hectic maps
Ch14 village timers felt too tight. Like Ch9 a turn earlier spawn (just, 5 mov further away) would help a lot. I think most players will lose 1 village in a first playthrough.
Ch15 lack of even a few sand, forst or plain tiles meant several units had just 1 tile movement. Not fun.
Ch24 Ambush spawn was not fun.

Bugs and/or oddities
  • Enemy bishops have Anima rank for some reason
  • Fire sage (enemy only class) lack a class skill
  • Ch14 objective says seize throne, but its actually a gate.
  • Ch15 the western village doesn’t close after visit, allowing for infinite staves
  • Ch20 hitting start to skip conversation of lord and boss leads to black screen
  • Ch21 throne room door can’t be opened, forcing Warp use to clear map.
  • Ch23 has a misplaced tile (Snowy village NE corner) near first set of forts. Also, Village entrance turns to a black tile instead of closed gate after interacting.
Rambly unit thoughts

Sally - Lack of base str really holds her back, ending up benching shortly after having a greater roster than deploy number. Useful prf for earlygame.
Ferrus - Jaigen. High aid, effective weapon, canto, savior and leadership star all nice. Ended up deploying nearly every map. That being said, a little more spd (growth or base) or just staves would’ve made them a lot more viable past earlygame.
Darran - Early tank. Personal seems a little silly and imo would’ve been better suited for either spd, def, res or str for defiant. No real complaints other than below average speed but he’s a tank after all. Canto always nice.
Coretta - First death! Ch2.
Elysa - Great anti-cav and superb personal when paired with Gawain. Struggled a little early and never got a ton of speed but overall solid unit.
Gawain - The carry. From recruitment until fairly late into the run was my mvp. At 235 battles also so the most combat. High def and not even terribly slow with promotion.
Lasara - Secondary Ace. Canto+ allowed for a lot of hit and run, even moreso with boots. Miracle personal also came in handy plenty. Kind of wish she promoted into griffon knight for the extra crit though.
Maple - Died ch6
Godfrey - Decent offensively and I recall using effective weapons for some great player phase stuff but benched before long due to terrible def/res. I could imagine that promoted, would dish out a lot of crits.
Eirinn - Initially used for Gawain support but ended up keeping in party for last half of game. Great spd, and just decent all around but really wasn’t needed in the team.
Anna - Died ch5
Kalma - Ace! Mine got def-blessed and later given all talismans. Hit hard with magic, was fast and could tank physical amazingly. Also my first staff user to survive.
Cassius - Great unit made even better with his insane prf. Break Bow did a lot of heavy lifting throughout the hack. Reached endgame 2 with a single durability left, wound up getting my only hammere cast.
Joan - Died ch14. From what I recall had so-so growths but solid bases. Reposition is fantastic but they sadly didn’t live.
Kestrel - Awesome personal skill but ended up not using them much. Solid potential though.
Bertram - Nihil didn’t actually get much use, but a high spd/mag/luk unit that especially melted wyverns. Thunder even has some crit bonus. Really good unit.
Fleta - Died ch11. From what I recall wasn’t too impressive anyway although +3 AS on player phase could’ve been nice
Marina - Wasn’t room on my team, but solid potential. Great personal.
Caryle - Point blank, leadership star, +6def at range one… What’s not to like? Wound up lacking space to be permanent on my team but good unit.
Luelle - Saw combat exactly once. Charge would’ve been better promote skill imo. Seems very useable just didn’t need.
Altras - Gawain but better. He too capped str and def (although less res), but also capped spd and has charge. Provoke wasn’t as helpful as anticipated.
Zaion - Amazing prf, saw combat once. Bases/growths just felt a little low for that point in the game
Nanami - Dancer is dancer. Although this one is pretty tanky too! Died to a wrong-input during endgame 1
Daban - Never saw combat! Too little too late, stat wise.
Bonnie - Support unit. Barely saw combat but did a ton of healing and rescue into canto. Great personal skill.
Flynn - I really like the personal but just wasn’t enough room on my team. Maybe if base str or spd were a little higher… or I had lost more units.
Shinji - Cool class! Mostly support unit, but rally spd was INSANE. 10/10 support. Steal and 7 mov was fun although took longer than it should have to get my 30% roll to cap spd. That being said, his prf felt terribly weak. Making it magic could help.
Auspan - too little too late. Meh stats for when they show up
Salford - Glass cannon but a great unit. Canto+ go brr
Eurio - too little too late
Roawn - Same.
Boromias - got deployed for 1 map. Smite is nice and so is leadership star and personal, but spd was just too bad.
Nyra - Suprise unit! Kind of fine? Only killed the 1 bolting sage.
Varis - Really weak early. yay for two prfs though, both of which still had some durability by end. Eventually capped spd for me.

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Just wanted to say I will put this hack on my watch list and properly play it later when I have the time thanks to your in depth review thanks man.

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Hey started playing recently and currently have a problem in chapter 4. It won’t let me get through the door where Kalm and Anna are. Tried the lockpick and the unlock staff and it doesnt give me the option to open it.

Man what can I say but you made a great RomHack!
I love the Anima Split: Wind user against Pegasi, Fire user against Cavalry and Thunder user against Wyverns. I have use all of my Anima Mages for the first time in a Fire Emblem Game just because of this split.
Boromias became surprisingly my favorite unit with how he change from the main bad guy and bad king to a decent king with his amazing prf weapon and animation in the end.(Plus that skill that let him heal equal to the ammount of Magic power he has is Super Sweet)
I love the story as a whole and seeing the growth of Varis made me feel immense joy and pride.

No matter how you personally feel about this hack and how “it was not your best work” and yes there are many things I don’t like about this hack but they are minor compare to the entire hack as a whole(Chapter 15 sand map because my force use mainly cavalry, Regular enemy has max stat defense and the final boss having the ability to refresh her action ) .
To me this Hack was awesome and I am glad I dedicated my time to playing it.
I hope you can feel my joy and take pride in what you have made.

Thank You Very Much for making such a fun and sometime annoying hack. :joy:

I wish you all the best for the future my friend!

wait so what’s the sequel??

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Okay about halfway through and geez this hack as some serious balancing issues for me. Like a fighter with a steel axe having 50% chance to hit my promoted assassin who has capped speed…wtf. I’m not even playing on hard. My lord is almost level 20 and he is not good at like anything…does single digit damage and doubles almost never and can barely take a hit. Also, reinforcements, every…single…map. Why? Is this like the formula for your hacks or is it just one which is why you say skip it? Just getting an idea before I go into the sequel

Also, I there like a bug with Varis supports? I have had him next to Maple the entire time and they have yet to get even support level C which others have already gotten to A.

Is there any desert tile map for hidden treasures? Or do I not need to worry about that?
Thanks :slight_smile:

I haven’t entirely played everything but I have some criticism I can already provide. I will make a follow-up once I’m done with the hack.


  • Anima split cool, with different effectiveness.
  • Every unit is rather unique, some more than others, but overall makes the army more personnal
  • Absence of map armories and limited income. No issues with hoarding.
  • Various weapons, but not too much
  • Beginning was quite hooking for me.
  • I like the support conversations and some background stories
  • Boss defeated =/= character dead.
  • Various objectives.
  • Things to steal, but nothing game altering.
  • Most Skills not too overwhelming to keep track of.
  • Unique weapons for lot of units.
  • The tunnels

Criticism/ to improve



  • Lack of map and spacial references for the story. The journey becomes super confusing on where they go. How long far did they travel to x, the spacial division between empires or whatnot. etc. Considering its a game with territorial conflict, this is a MUST.
  • Almost no cutscenes. makes the story less enjoyable.
  • Story becomes bland. Very little in between chapters. Like one dialog of “we are here now” => teleports in a map of enemies
  • Narration poorly implemented. It shouldnt be a popup textbox into character dialogs.
  • I know I haven’t completed the game, but I’m at chap 20 and Anna doesn’t have a main role, so why does she have access to the convoy/supply? Doesn’t make sense. In the event she does have a main role, waiting so many chapters is bad.
  • The tides of power do not make much sense. Varden is supposedly very weak relatively to the other regions of the South, let alone, how do we realistically, story-wise suddenly able to defeated the North? Like special weapons, lack of war strategies, etc.

Game mechanics and design

  • Stat caps an interesting idea, but seems there was little thought behind it. It helps control the stat inflations, but reduces uniqueness and specialization of each unit. e.g If my hoplites and solider are both capped and have the same cap, it basically becomes the same unit even after promotion. There couldve been adjusted caps on promotion, while being less than most traditionnal games/hacks.
  • Made pre-promoted units less appealing to train.
  • Initial player formation lazy. Most of the time, its a straight up clumped rectangle with some enemies within almost everyones reach.
  • Enemy placements. The enemies from the first turns have either gigantic reachor there’s little room for range tethering. The space is either too risky or not risky (by turlle-ing)
  • Map designs. A lof of maps could use improvement, along with the previous points, when it becomes to pathing/diving the army. When you end up turtle-ing, you arent really dispatching strategically your units.
  • Lack of promotion guide/choices. Flame mage => mounted mage, but thunger mage => sage? Doesnt make too much sense = less predictability, ruins the customization aspect. Some classes could have branches.
  • Why are Griffons considered both cavalery and wyverns??

Game elements

  • Lack of master seals ( I have 3+ lv 20 units for several chapters). Include more of them, notably chests (feels like there was a lot at the start but little after). Treat the master seal coherently : it was introduced in a important point of the story, a survive chapter, but our Lord can use it? and then its just drops from enemies, or with every unit joining.
  • Music integration choice. Some player phase bgm is like… gloomy, then we have a more hype enemy phase bgm. Like MGS is cool when stuff happens at night, or sneaking/escaping, but why a cavern Pokemon MD music in plain open fields…?
  • Prep armory inconsistent/unpredictable. iirc, it is supposed to be scaling with the progression, but it doesnt seem like it (chap 18,19 I get iron + silver weapons, but chap 20 I get steel weapons?). Make it more consistent when it comes to chapters where we sell unit-effective weapons.
  • I got lucky, but I dont recall any clues on how to recruit Auspan.
  • Why is Aura so heavy? wt 15.
  • A 5 chest key item is wrongfully a mine… didnt get treasure from endgame chapter. Also no chests key or door keys drops when its mandatory? The chapter could be unclearable.

Wrote more in the criticism because it includes reasonning and/or solutions.

EDIT: Completed the game
I’d say overall, this is what I would expect for a 0.8 version maybe. There’s a lot of cutting corners,. The start was intriguing, but the quality just fell over time. I honestly felt like there was just map and chapter dumping. Even for a first hack, I thought most of the story issues wouldv’e been highlighted. :confused:

Ey lads, is anybody got a recruitment list? Like how to recruit every character? Thanks.