[FE8] [Complete] Fire Emblem: Vision Quest (v3 by Pushwall - 1-Oct-22)

He’s currently working on the sequel.

There is no guide for gaiden chapters?

Is there a problem if I ask how each character is recruited?

Awesome man

There is a text file called ‘recruitment guide’ included in the zip file u download when getting Vision Quest. That file contains what you’re looking for!
Otherwise, just download that text file directly from here.

Thanks, i have other doubt. Do the lords of a game promote by object or by event?

By Object.
Storch at the Beginning of Act 1-E and Titus at the end of Act 2-3.
Waluyo is promoted.

Thanks, and my last two questions

1.What are the requirements for gaidens?

  1. Are there any desert chapters? And where is each item?
  1. Here are the Gaiden requirements, there were on the first post on top. Saved you a trip.
    1-7x - Gunnar alive
    1-7xx - Gunnar alive
    2-1x - Honeydew alive
    2-3x - Visit the village
    2-5x - Duck and Mango alive
    3-3x - Michael alive
    4-1x - Kir alive
    4-3x - Lajos and Onderdonk alive
    Endgame X - Gunnar, Cassius, Otilie, Freyja, Tien, Radoslav alive (This chapter is an easter egg please do not go crazy trying to get it)

  2. Yes, there are two desert chapters that you need to look out. No need for a thief to get a 100% find, any playable unit can get it.


That reverse recruitment sounds awesome, definitely post if you finish this @Kyrads :partying_face:

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you can also read the post as you can find both “gaidens” and “desert items” under “resources” :grimacing:

Scroll to the top of the post (ya know where ya download the patch from) and check “resources”

Tell me if you find something :sunglasses:

will do, hopefully gonna be posting it this month or next :ok_hand:

So basically, “recruit everyone and make sure they all live, and also visit the village in 2-3”. An easy thing to remember.

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It’s simple and easy to remember, just try not to perform an Iron Man run on your first try.

Does this hack room have legendary weapons?

yes it does, no spoilers but the game makes that pretty clear very early on

And what mean fe5 style trading?

FE5 style trading means that you can trade as many times as you want with any adjacent units.