[FE8] [Complete] Fire Emblem: Vision Quest (v3 by Pushwall - 1-Oct-22)

Thanks for reporting @Nightly.

The first bug is known and shouldn’t be an issue anymore w/ v2.

The 2nd bug I’ve never seen. I’m unsure if this is related to some of the jank in the old version, but I can’t help but laugh that of course it would be Onisim promoting back into an axe class. It calls for him…

I will poke around the v2 ROM to see if there’s anything I can uncover. The last chapter had a lot of jank in it that should be solve in the latest version.


Hi! just wanted to drop in and say I’ve been having a lot of fun with this! I’ve been playing it on stream and it’s been an honest blast. I’m really enjoying the baseline difficulty and I’m constantly thrown at some of your surprises. (seriously, a Peg knight with a Rapier trying to kill a goddamn chicken when the only ones that can get down there fast enough are mounted units!?)

<3 Thanks for making this and I cant wait to see what future projects you plan for in the future!


Thanks for dropping by, glad you’re enjoying it! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions / feedback.

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Could I ask if the mounted archer was supposed to be a Forrest Knight or a Forest Knight? XD

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Two R’s - in some of the older games, “Rangers” were called “Forrest Knights”.

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oh so there’s gonna be another version? I’ll wait then because i still havent started on v2 :sweat_smile:

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Nothing is planned yet. I’m not in a rush to make a new version. Feel pretty confident you can go ahead with v2 if you like. Any change wouldn’t impact .sav files as the leap from v1 → v2 did, at least.

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^^ so it turns out I’m a huge liar. Moris found an actual elephant in the room, a level 15 warrior in 2-5x which is basically what you’d fight in endgame. I felt this was a huge oversight and wanted to remedy it immediately.

Some more details on the changes below, since I took the opportunity to tweak a few more things.

  • There was an issue in 2-5x with unit IDs causing some of the enemies to have mega inflated stats. This was fixed.
  • Esfir accidentally started w/ a lady blade during testing. Given the positive feedback of this change, I decided to move the lady blade to 1-2 and make it Natsuko’s starting item, replacing her iron sword.
  • I looked at some of the fog maps and noticed I still had effectives on enemies in the fog in a few maps. I took the opportunity to scrub these out (except for bows, of course).
  • Quickly cleaned up some text in the recipe guide so the pages wouldn’t spill over and be easier to read, but I need to be more thorough.
  • Gave the Kasuyu +5 uses because it was not nearly as busted as I thought it would be. Enjoy!

Wanted to get this out since I’ll be away for a few days this week. v2.3 is in the folder in the OP. You can also access it here.

I’ll add that looking at the ROM actually gives me anxiety. There are so many things in here that I’m like “what was I thinking?”.

Thanks again for all the kind words, feedback, and bug reports.


Whaaaaaat Lady Blade wasn’t supposed to be on Esfir? I thought it made sense tbh: she was often competing to hit chests before other thieves, and could 1 shot em. It made her SUPER effective at dealing with em.


There are no thieves in 1-1, you’re not missing anything by having it delayed slightly.

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yeah this was an accident lol. it helped Natty Ice out a bunch so i figured it’d be good for her to join w/ it instead.

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Watching Mel’s stream got me to check, and I can 100% confirm Arckady uses the wrong pallet when promoted. His current promoted pallet is tied to Ranger.

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Thanks for checking. I’ll tweak this and post an update.

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Something something it's been 500 years...

VQ 2.2_1622268556090

Only a few I think are going to get this joke coming from me…

Oh and this time I remembered to get Cashew.


i enjoy, good and fun hack.

part 1 start good, go bad, then good again.
part 2 extremely difficult, dont see any reason why. also titus where is the war funds pls i need steel bow for vagel.
part 3 easy and boribg. intentionally messed up in 3-e to make more interesting, bad idea.
part 4 outrageously difficult, why is entire map fill with enemies. beeg stats, softlocked.

While you studied the blade...

VQ 2.2_1622426804433

I got gud!

I got everything from this level and soundly trounced Kitozawa.

Also when you really think about what leads up to 2-3x, Titus basically asked Storch to get ritualistically high with him.


Is there anyway to skip all dialog at the end of chapter 3? Having issues with the game freezing bug, but when I try to skip I just get caught on one of the 8 different scenes at the end of that chapter. I can never get past the wine discussions between the Belaroan general and her sister, after that it always freezes

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Hey Brick,

Which emulator are you using? That may be the source of this problem.


Currently using MyBoy on Android, was hoping to play on my phone on the go so if there’s a mobile emulator you’d recommend I’ll gladly take it. I bought the premium version of MyBoy so it’s just my usual default

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Not sure - I’m unfamiliar with mobile emulation.

Can anyone here recommend something for Brick? I haven’t heard much about this issue on mobile yet.

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