[FE8] [Complete] Fire Emblem: Vision Quest (v3 by Pushwall - 1-Oct-22)

Did… Did Lena get a massive nerf to her growths?

Something Ain't Right Here, Chief

VQ 2.2_1620561719535

Also, two people I’ll definitely be using:
VQ 2.2_1620557349640

VQ 2.2_1620557965615

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Lera’s growths have always been super shaky.
You can get super blessed or you can get… that.


Same happened to me, Lenna is promoted and at Lvl 5, and her offensive stats are between 16/17

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It will be happy if someone can tell me the paired endings
(Little nervous first time here)

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Hey @MercenaryVictor - there are a handful of paired endings. I think almost every character has at least one paired ending. I don’t recall all of them off hand.

I will warn you though, some of them are depressing.

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I know Storch with Esfir was sad

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Storch's "good" endings

If you want Storch to have a happier ending, try one of these:


The rest are all varying degrees of sad.


Are there any gameplay changes in 2.2? Cause i dont know how to transfer my save file to a newer version :frowning:

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Hey @LightCosmos, yes there are gameplay changes. It could cause issues to move your v1 sav to v2 because of these changes.

If you want to try, I recommend making a copy of the .sav file. From there, once you’ve patched a fresh ROM with the v2 file, you can try to “load alternative save” to see if it works (for mGBA). If you’re using VBA, I’m pretty sure you need to rename the .sav file to match the .gba file.

I don’t recommend transferring over old saves as it could cause glitches.

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So basically its better if I just start over :sob:

Thing is if there will be other patches I would have to start over again

This is why I always make sure to play absolute finished hacks and i thought yours was since it said “final version”

But oh well, guess I’ll just start over whenever my mind gives me the will

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Sorry about that.

Your experience in v1 won’t be incredibly different so I’d recommend continuing on with it if you feel like playing, there aren’t such majorly significant changes that are worth starting over for IMO.

V1 was a ‘final’ complete version and v2 was a collection of new updates I wanted to make based on feedback from the first full-length release. The intent is that v2 is the last update I will make.

You can see the full list of changes in this thread: [FE8] [Complete] Fire Emblem: Vision Quest (v2.2 - Final Release - 7-Mar-21) (The link will take you to the post)

If you’re currently on v2 or 2.1 going to 2.2 won’t be an issue.

Apologies again for confusion.


I might have encountered a bug on chapter 1-7x. I am playing on hard and a random spear enemy doubled and finished my lera even though her attack spd and enemy spd is similar and there are no additional skills that reduce my hero attack spd.

However i remembered she use elf fire spell as default. Is it because that spell has heavier weight?

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Yeah, she probably got doubled because she gets weighed down by Elfire. I don’t have the numbers off hand, but I doubt she can use it without AS loss.

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Lera has 5 con unpromoted, and Elfire weighs 10.


Thanks for looking into it. Yeah -5 AS is not good. Recommend doing a trade strat if you want to attack w/ Elfire then swap to fire/wind/thunder so she doesn’t lose AS.

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Ahoy there, first post on this forum but since this is my first FE ROM hack and I’m enjoying it quite a bit I thought I would leave my thoughts so far now that I’ve finished Part 1 as of last night. Downloading this came off a string of rom hacks for other games I had been trying but haven’t really been able to stick through to the end as they felt like bargain bin versions of the games they were trying to attempt to expand or fit into its respective franchise.

As long as the pace keeps up from 2-1 and on, I can say that this absolutely feels like it could have been what older FE developed into if turning it into a waifu sim wasn’t incredibly marketable. This entire thing is a breath of fresh air really as I haven’t really played any Fire Emblem game after the release of Radiant Dawn aside from coming back to the series for Three Houses which was mostly fine but flirting with mostly underage kids skeeves me out a bit. That being said, here are some takes on various aspects of the game

Dialogue - This hits a perfect blend between capturing that GBA FE feel (you dastard), while also feeling like FE has grown up with us a little bit. The dynamic between Storch and his family feels pretty real. Each family member grapples with the loss of the oldest son differently and it’s a breath of fresh air from the usual trope of dead or dying parents. His goals feel more grounded in that Storch isn’t pampered noble #100, he isn’t someone that just thinks killing is whatever and the guy just wants to live. Outside of Storch, everyone else feels distinct. You have some classic Fire Emblem tropes but you don’t lean into the mainstays of red horse + green horse and frankly that’s fine. Being able to have non-support conversations was probably a lot of work to integrate with the large cast but it makes your army feel considerably more alive. Just because two people had a conversation doesn’t mean they necessarily share a bond and that’s ok.

Map Design - This has also been pretty great. It feels like aggressive play is rewarded and that trying to stall the maps out punishes you. It naturally keeps the game from slowing down to a complete slog and causes you to play more proactively. There is maybe one too many instances of having to hurry to a chest to beat a thief to it with a two turn window to get there so far but early access to Warp makes it pretty manageable (thanks for dropping a Lady Blade on the last chapter of Part 1 lol).

Characters - Since I kind of touched on their dialogue before this is more just mechanically. The QoL change of just seeing stat growths is not only incredibly helpful but it’s just something the main series should have. It’s basic core information for a unit and lets you see on the fly if someone is the fit you need long term for a playthrough the game. So far each unit feels like they have a use without being absolutely busted. The inclusion of things like Axe Merc vs Sword Merc also makes it feel like you have some leeway for later in the game. You’re never stuck feeling, “Oh god this is going to be the only mercenary I ever recruit!” There will be another one and heck, you might get one with a neat niche like mage killing Gunnar or thiccboi Onisim. Speaking of Onisim, great take on implementing a priest into this game and avoiding feeble Res tank guy which most of us have all played probably 1000 times already. There’s a nice mix of expected stat spreads and ones the main series developers seem allergic to.

Skills are a healthy level of strong. They can really help make a unit shine but I’m not sitting here mulling over skill combos to break the game independent of a characters growth rates. They typically favor player phase which again promotes a healthy pace to the maps. All of it so far really seems to work in tandem with itself.

The plot so far is interesting in that it’s not yet become incredibly large in scope but has enough intrigue to keep me pretty interested. I’m looking forward to continuing on with the game sometime later today. Thanks for making this, I’ve already sent it off to a few people and they’re enjoying the first few chapters.


Thanks for the kind words and feedback, glad you’re enjoying it so far. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts as you continue on through. Appreciate you sharing it with your friends.

Would love to hear more about which characters you enjoyed reading and which units you used as you continue through.


Thanks for the help guys. Looking forward for Pandan next fe hack. This is my 2nd run though and this hack is amazing👍🏼


Hey, first time here. Want to say, this ROM hack is great and I enjoyed it. I don’t know if it’s fine to report bugs here, and I’m not sure if it has been fixed in this version, since I’m playing V1, but I noticed that there’s a bug in chapter 4-E where the game crashes as soon as you pick Lori for your team. Once you have her in your team and then go to check map, the game just crashes with a dark screen and corrupted sound in the mix. This mainly happens in mGBA. For VisualBoy Advance, it just takes me back to the title screen.


There’s also this bug. Didn’t know how it happened. I think it happened when I promoted Cashew to a sniper.
Onisim replaces Esfir and becomes an axe armor knight. He cloned himself.
Fire Emblem - the Sacred Stones # GBA-9
Fire Emblem - the Sacred Stones # GBA-10
Fire Emblem - the Sacred Stones # GBA-11