[FE8] [Complete] Fire Emblem: Vision Quest (v3 by Pushwall - 1-Oct-22)

^ in the first post. Be safe and enjoy.


Thanks and I’ll try not to go crazy, but I don’t promise anything :3


Im on chapter 4-1 and mango as decided to become invisible.

Oh gosh, i just scrolled down a little bit and…

Vision Quest V2_1619476575280

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This is a known bug, it has to do with trying to display too many unique map sprites at the same time. It’s purely visual, and is generally confined to lategame preps/the support viewer.


Thanks for reporting, Markex133. Yeah, WarPath is correct - it’s a visual bug that is caused by too many unique map sprites trying to load in.

This glitch is purely visual and is not known to cause crashes or any other issues. I’ve had some talks with Snakey1 about potential workarounds for OAM, but neither of us have looked into it because the game (thankfully) still works.

At the very least, you don’t need to kill off units to keep the game working - the OAM is just being funky.

Apologies for any confusion!


Oh, ok, nice to ear its not an breaking error. So yeah, thanks for the replies, i where just a bit surprised when i saw that xD



finishing this fantastic game (just about!). Plenty to say, but having an issue…just finished final ch and now on “ken street fighter II”. I make it to the surya line at jehanna, and then the screen goes fully black and just stays there. Have everyone alive, so I was looking forward to playing the endgame ch. Let me know if you can help!

notes: originally playing on v1.18, but just updated to the latest 2.2, and imported my old save to the newly patched game and still stops at the same point

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Hi daifuku,

Thanks for reporting. You’re correct that updating to 2.2 should help, however, the check to bring you to Endgame X occurs at the end of Endgame, so the epilogue “Ken Street Fighter II” map won’t take your there.

If you replay the finale on the new version, it should work assuming all other conditions are met, however I can’t be sure if anything from a v1 save will cause issues.

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How possible would in be to get a reverse recruitment patch for vision quest

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@Kyrads started work on a patch, but neither of us have prioritized its development.

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Found a bug in 2-5x, Fitzpatrick can disappear if you block the tiles he needs to reach and makes the chapter unwinnable.

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He won’t move if his path to the escape point is blocked - is there a reason why you are covering the escape tiles with your other units ? Also, is this the latest version?

EDIT: I misread - yeah this likely has to do with how the end event triggers, it requires him stepping on particular tiles when he escapes. If they’re blocked, it could cause a problem. I can look into this.


The reverse recruitment is complete up until 1-E, currently on the backburner momentarily/looking for bugs and issues before I do any kind of release. Shouldnt be far off though tbh


@Pandan, Just finished your amazing romhack. I actually did a blind ironman on normal mode as a first playthrough. In the end, I only lost one unit, Helga in part one, but it felt like a decent challenge overall. Of course, it got easier as my team got stronger without any losses, but that’s the nature of Fire Emblem. Last 3 map were a bit of a letdown however, but then again, I had OP units at that point.

What elevates this game above standard gba FE for me is the great map design and enemy placements (along with clever use of effective weapon). My favorite map was 3-E. I had to think so much about each unit placement and move strategically to get all the rewards.

Other features I love:
+Very friendly to blind players and Ironmanning. All reinforcements are fair. I think I managed to find all the secrets and easter eggs on my own. Great secret shop placements by the way.
+Love the party split on part 3. It’s a great way to freshen up the challenge for someone with already strong units.
+Love the focus on stealing with money being tight.
+Love the effort that you went through for the supports and the fact that it’s the path of radiance system (the best one)

-Story-wise, Storch overstay his welcome IMO. He was fine as the protagonist of part 1 but he should have been relegated to a non-main character after that. The other caracters are simply more interesting. It’s a bit like Ike in Radiant Dawn.
-Leardership stars felt like a missed opportunity. There should have been maps with lieutenants in hard to reach spots with one or two stars. I feel like leadership stars can serve three gameplay purposes (along with story-gameplay immersion):

  1. To provide side-objectives in killing mid-level bosses like I mentionned earlier
  2. To boost otherwise bad playable caracters
  3. To provide high hit rate to all enemies for a particular map (exemple begin escape maps)
    You used leadership somewhat effectively for point 3, but no so much point 1 and 2.

-Sadly, my game crashed after the turn count and it erased the save file! Thankfully, I made a save state before the final chapter just in case. I completed the final chapter a second time and the game automatically restarted at the end of the turn count this time. I had to restart about 10 times (I don’t know what changed on the time it worked) but I finally got to see the epilogue and play the final gaiden. I only used V2.2 and only had one save file. Any idea on what causes this?


Thanks for playing the game and sharing your thoughts. Glad you were able to play blind without issue. Congrats on completing a strong run.

I agree with you on both your feelings on Storch and leadership stars. As time went on I realized he was detracting from the story - he shows up less in part 4, but I did like the idea of seeing the story through the lens of someone who is relegated to generally being less important in the army. He is kinda whiny though and I get tired of reading him too, so I get you.

Leadership stars were actually added in due to limitations of my hacking skill at the time - I updated the skillsystem and wasn’t able to remove them. If I was to use them again, I’d definitely consider what you mention. The Nameless Heroes does this well, I’d recommend checking it out.

Which player characters did you think were bad and why?

Not sure what the issue could be, which emulator were you using? That may cause some issues.


@Pandan, I didn’t think any playable characters were bad and unusable. I simply meant that leadership stars can be a way to balance an otherwise bad character (a tactician of some sort). I felt like every playable character with leadership stars in Vision Quest were already strong enough.

As for the emulator, I use VisualBoyAdvance


Got it - thanks for clarifying.

It could be the emulator then, I tested exclusively with mGBA so VBA may have some issues with loading particularly scenes.

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I tried with mGBA and I got the following error message:

Anyways, I got to see the epilogue so it’s not a big deal. Don’t waste your saturday morning on this! I just hope other players won’t have this issue.

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Sorry to hear the issue persisted - thanks again for playing and sharing your thoughts!

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I am playing v2.2 hard mode and currently on chapter 2-1. It has been a fantastic experience and I have been enjoying this hack a lot. But perhaps I just happened to find out a minor bug.
arckady main gauche 1 arckady main gauche 2 arckady main gauche 3
Arckady seems to have no problem with using Main Gauche which I think is intended to be thief locked. Is it just me or has anyone else come across with this issue? Or does it merely serve as an easter egg, implying arckady as squishy as a thief? Haha. Thanks again for creating this wonderful hack!
arckady squishy 2 arckady squishy
Just look at the def and res stats of my lv20 promoted Arckady, who has already used both a talisman and a dragon shield! No wonder to me he is well equipped with a Main Gauche.