[FE8] [Complete] Fire Emblem: Vision Quest (v3 by Pushwall - 1-Oct-22)

Thanks for sharing! Glad you had a good time.

Earlier in dev we discussed adding secret alternative promotions for a few characters (such as Onisim being able to become a war monk, Osane going druid, Lera becoming a mage knight, etc.) but I cut this out because it was tough to implement properly (and also because I was lazy).

@Fence - are you saying that the house with the small girl spawned infinites or just the Indah house?


Both houses yeah Indah and the little girl.

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Okay thank you - I’ll look into this to make sure the flags are triggered properly.

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Yes, I assumed that it would be hard to implement different promotions, but no way, they are things that happen. By the way, the story will continue in another format, be it another game or something different, the ending was too open and shocking to leave it there, although obviously it would not come out tomorrow, are there any plans to continue it?


We will see.

My view with stories is that it’s fun to leave things open ended and up to interpretation, versus trying to resolve every hook. I wanted to leave it open enough that I could do more if I wanted, but that it would also serve as its own story well enough.

I took a lot of inspiration from how history gets taught - ie the trends that define the next era start brewing before the previous era ends, so even when a clear era does end, you can see the start of the next conflict before the current one ends. I think I say this more eloquently in one of the Q&As, but that was how I thought about the ending and why it may feel anti-climactic or open-ended.


It makes sense if you put it that way, but if you decide to continue the story, I’ll gladly follow it :slight_smile:


Hey there,

I just wanted to say, I just completed the romhack and it was absolutely spectacular! The story really kept me hooked the whole time, there were nights I couldn’t stop playing because I had to find out what happened next. The characters were excellent (Titus was very compelling), the portraits were awesome, and the new sprites were fantastic. This was an absolutely 10/10 for me. You guys realy knocked it out of the ballpark.

I will say, the one area this game came up short in one area. The Music. The choices of music were, interesting, to say the least. To me, a lot of the soundtrack for the maps did not feel very fire emblem-y. I mean for example, one of the fog of war maps had a Sonic the Hedgehog song was the background noise. Now don’t get me wrong, I love sonic the hedgehog, but it felt extremely out of place. When I was planning my movement the music made me feel rushed and not immersed. The last level had just the previous few levels soundtrack, making it not feel like it was the final map, and it gave me no sense of urgency. I consistently found myself muting the music and putting on FE music from youtube on. The battle preparations music felt like I was getting ready for some arcade mini game. Odd choices all around. Honestly just ripping the Sacred Stones original soundtrack probably would’ve been better than 90% of the sounds choices. Again, this was my only complain in an otherwise fantastic experience.

One bug I believe I encountered is after the final scenes (spoiler when Titus turns red) it cuts to some of my characters talking like they are Sacred Stones characters, not sure if another scene was planned here or not.

Either way thank you for a great experience, it legit took me months to beat this, and I can’t wait to try and Ironman run. I look forward to your next projects and will be following along!


Hey, so I got Cashew killed on Chapter 2-2, but the dialogue for his departure still showed up (despite him being, you know, dead). Just wanted to bring that up.


About to try v2. Did anyone ever compile a list of which characters belong in what classes?

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Do I lose the Slagzwaard permanently if I fail to buy it from the Armory in Chapter 1-3? It’s stupidly expensive and when I see it and can’t afford it, I can’t help but feel like I missed something.

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It’s an easter egg (the one in the armory isn’t even useable if you do manage to buy it somehow).


The owner of that armory will give it to you for free, later.


Okay, good. I was hoping it was just there for flavor.

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Hi there, pandan!

I want to start off by saying that I got bit by the inspiration bug when I discovered hacks like Vision Quest, Eligor’s Spear, and Souls of the Forest. Collectively, they got me interested enough to make an account here and start learning how to make hacks of my own!

Gameplay: Your hack was the first hack I’ve ever completed, and it was a thrill to play from start to finish on Hard Mode. This FE veteran got wrecked a few times for his hubris, but the beauty of it all was that it never felt unfair! I could tell that enemy placements, character power levels, and map design were all carefully crafted for a smooth gameplay experience that honors the series’ past without clinging to certain traditions that are best left dead (like Armor Knights having 4 move). It was wonderful that the game favored well-measured aggression over scaredy-cat turtling to avoid being in range of surprise ambush spawns. I also must praise you for your design choice of giving the Warp staff more uses, but shorter range. It allowed me to make more fun plays without trivializing difficulty. That’s the sweet spot the mainline series should aim for in the future.

Music: Oh man, the variety was staggering! Not every choice fit the atmosphere of a Fire Emblem game in my mind, but I felt that the hits far outnumbered the misses. Chapter 1-7xx’s music choice in particular blew me away with how well it fit the situation! Also, the original compositions from you and your teammates were very well done. I still can’t get the title theme out of my head!

Story: At first, I wasn’t too impressed with the plot. Part 1 felt competent but not amazing in this regard. The main antagonist there felt more like a factory-generated obstacle than an intriguing opponent. Part 2 really amped the interest for me, though! I was a big fan of the shadiness of the Nevan court, the gradual buildup of the “dark forces,” and the eventual declaration of war that created tension between our leading men. Part 3 was an enjoyable look at the other side of the war with some cool inspiration from FE5’s Manster Escape arc. Part 4 brought it all together predictably, but there were nice surprises snuggled in between the typical lategame story beats. The final boss wasn’t exactly a climactic encounter of epicness, but the events of the epilogue were quite satisfying.

Characters: There’s a nice mix of ages, body types, hair styles, and cultural inspirations here! I’ve only done one playthrough, so I don’t know everyone’s personality well yet, but what I’ve seen so far is generally fun stuff. The support acquisition is just the way I like it. My Top 15 characters so far are Storch, Titus, Waluyo (Gasp! You made all the lords likable!), Mango, Duck, Zoya, Helga, Onisim, Nazar, Surya, Kir, Kusuma, Radoslav, Anisa, and Hollace. It might get shaken up a bit the next time I play, but these characters left the strongest first impression on me.

All in all, I’m thankful to you and your team for the fantastic game, as well as the creative inspiration! I look forward to learning more about hacking and playing more awesome hacks made by the community here.


Thanks for the kind words, glad you enjoyed the game.

Also, great username :+1: Welcome!


Thanks for the warm welcome and the compliment! My mind almost always defaults to food when making usernames, which probably explains why I was charmed by your food dialogue. :laughing: :+1:


I started playing Vision Quest a few days ago and have made it as far as 1-11. I’ve been enjoying it so far. One thing that I have to wonder is whether which units stand out varies a lot between playthroughs. It seems like characters often have fairly average growth spreads across all of their stats and rarely have more than 50% in any one area. Osane is the only character that comes to mind as having high growths in both speed and power, and she’s held back by being staff locked to start. It seems like a lot of characters would be susceptible to being stat screwed, so I’d be interested to know whether which characters get rushed to the bench can vary a lot between playthroughs. Arckady seems like he’s meant to be a fast-ish axe fighter, but he got nothing meaningful as I leveled him up in the early game, leaving him slow, weak, and frail, so he was the first to be benched. But a lot of the early characters have pretty similar growth spreads, so it seems like that could happen to any of them. Right now, Larissa is one of my more consistent doublers thanks to getting speed blessed and there not being anyone who seems to specialize in speed other than Natsuko. I’m not saying it’s a bad way to balance units or anything, it just kind of stood out to me.

There is one gameplay element that feels kind of strange. You took the time to split a lot of classes into weapon variants (like Lance Wyvern and Axe Wyvern), but enemies in these classes quite often carry reaver weapons. In those instances, it can feel like the map screen is telling me one thing when the opposite is true, especially in situations such as when Axereaver Lance Wyverns show up as reinforcements alongside Axe Wyverns. As far as how I should approach them, both are essentially the same class in that instance even though the map sprites are telling me they’re two different things. Again, there’s nothing wrong with this, it just took some getting used to, and it almost surprises me now when an enemy has a normal iron or steel weapon.

If I was going to suggest improving on anything in any future projects, it would be with the way that text is formatted. I just find it improves readability if sentences end with A presses [A]. If a sentence is only one line, then just have one line with an [A] rather than having the next sentence start and require text scrolling to continue (especially if the next is a two line sentence). And I would definitely avoid having the first word or two of the next sentence before an [A]. The text editor is definitely very finicky and not very fun to use, but I think small things like that can really improve presentation and help the player to read the dialogue at a cadence that is closer to natural speech than when each line is filled with as much text as will fit.

The other thing I would say is if you ever decide to take on making another hack, you might want to try to get a bit more adventurous with the event editor when creating cutscenes. Most of the story events that I’ve seen so far are just characters talking against a background, and while that will be the bulk of any cutscene (and that really hasn’t changed much even in the modern official titles), there is a lot more that can be done with the event editor. Placing the characters that are in a scene on the map can help give context or even serve as an “establishing shot.” With there not really being a way to smoothly insert narration text into an ongoing scene like there would be in conventional story writing, you’re left with getting creative in how you squeeze emotion out of the game’s sprites, and even such a thing as the speed at which a character moves in a cutscene can convey something about how that character is feeling. One scene that stood out as being pretty easily improved by venturing into creating cutscenes on the map is when Ruslan defects to Storch’s army. Storch is saying that a wyvern is approaching, but I can see Ruslan’s sprite already loaded among the player’s army.

I know that different hack makers are going to have different priorities, and telling a story was probably the biggest priority for me, so I obsessed over the “cinematography” of the cutscenes in my hack. I know that sort of thing isn’t as important to everyone, and some players haven’t liked how my hack can feel like a visual novel at times. I also don’t want to give the impression that I can’t follow the story from what you have presented. Though one small pointer that you may want to make in future updates is fading to black before deleting/changing backgrounds to avoid having the completed state of the map flash across the screen unintentionally. This was particularly jarring in 1-7xx. But I know that the event editor can be a cruel mistress, and wanting to hassle with it as little as possible is understandable. There were plenty of times when I was making my hack that I thought I had everything set up perfectly, but when it ran in game, I had no idea why the game was doing what it was doing.

Sorry if any of this seemed nitpicky. I am enjoying my time with Vision Quest. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for playing and sharing your thoughts. All in all your comments make sense. Happy to provide a bit of clarity and context

You nailed it - there are a few reasons why a lot of the growths of the early game units operate in this zone - 1) I didn’t want to make any unit too strong or too weak on average. I was focused on ensuring they’d likely be competent enough to contend when you need them, 2) the variance playthrough to playthrough was really helpful for my own sanity when playtesting. I generally like when I have options and don’t feel like I “need” to use certain units forever to beat the game. I found that getting a few blessed units or screwed units helped spice up the runs, and this volatile area of growths provided that, and 3) it made it easier to make more adventurous units later on, as well as backups who would remedy getting screwed (since higher level), while also occupying difference niches.

As for who is most often benched, I’ve generally found that Esfir and Vagelis usually are most consistent (Storch and Titus benefit a lot from their promos), with pretty much everyone who joins through Ruslan needing to hit their growths to be fielded long term. In my own experience, I usually just roll with whoever the RNG tells me to in the early going and then fill out my squad with whoever else I feel like later on. Anecdotally, you are not the only person to bench Arckady lol.

This one I’m less sure on. I know I like to mix and match, but the modular minimug box should make this clearer. Reavers don’t start showing up til 1-5 - I don’t think there are too many, but again these early maps I’ve played dozens of times so maybe I am missing it.

Yeah I dislike doing this and some of the early stuff was done a while ago without much change. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I get where you’re coming from and respect the level of effort that goes into being more cinematic. I find oftentimes that unless you go the extra mile, these kinds of events don’t add much. Either that or I don’t care to notice or remember them. The Heroes we deserve and Bloodlines stand out to me as cinematic among what I’ve played, but generally the level of effort required did not appeal to me - I was much more interested in map and gameplay design, as well as writing.

I’ll look into the map flashes in 1-7xx, thanks for reporting.

None of this is nitpicky at all - it’s always nice to get well-written feedback from fellow creators, especially those with different priorities to help me see blind spots. Admittedly, I’m hoping that I don’t have to make any more changes to the hack, but if I do, I’ll investigate some of the issues mentioned. I hope I don’t come off as dismissive.

I have Deity Device on my list as well and I look forward to playing your work soon!


Admittedly, I often don’t pay attention to the upgraded minimug box because I’m just not used to it being there in GBA FE. :laughing: I’ll find myself figuring out attack speed manually only to realize that it’s displayed on the map, so this is probably just a me thing.

I fully understand not wanting to change what is already a finished. My comments about the text and eventing were more aimed at if you ever decided to take on another project rather than me saying that you should go back into Vision Quest to make those changes. And you definitely shouldn’t force yourself to take on making more complex cutscenes if it isn’t something that interests you. Taking the fun out of this sort of thing would be a surefire way to get burned out and never see a project completed.


Yeah exactly - I try to focus as much as possible on what I enjoy when hacking. Thanks again for the feedback and looking forward to more as you continue on through the game.

Unrelated, I recently learned that someone (or a group of people) made a TV Tropes page for Vision Quest. I am floored at the thoroughness and level of detail here and on some of the sub-pages as well. It is incredibly humbling to see this exist. Thank you!!

Do be aware there are spoilers.


“Playable Epilogue”?!?!, What characters do I have to use to get it?