[FE8] [Complete] Fire Emblem: The Heroes We Deserve v1.3

I see. Thanks for point this out, I’ll investigate on the weekend. There have been a few other bugs people have found in the later chapters that I’ll need to address as well.

No problem. If I had to take a wild guess, I assume the first two items you get are perfectly fine, while the others trigger game over events.
I checked the hail mary event on FEBuilder and there was nothing out of the ordinary.

Quick Question, I made it to the last chapter and I don’t know how to end it. I tried multiple things and when I given option to make x character talk to the boss it just soft locks the game even with animations off. Am I doing something wrong?

In the final chapter, after you kill Roy, talk to Bloopy with Chester. It’s been tested and works as intended, can you give more details?

Alright, I have killed Roy’s squad first
Killed Roy last
It is the last turn
When I make Chester talk to Bloopy
It just softlocks
I’ll restart the chapter and try again if that helps I suppose.

Strange, people have done it without the softlock.

Please let me know how that goes, and that you’re using the most recent patch.

Alright tried the same thing, I took care of everyone that’s allied with Roy, got rid of Roy last.
It’s turn 6 and I tried talking with Bloopy with Chester again. Game still softlocks.
I do have the most recent patch (November 30th of v1.0) to be exact
I tried again after that didn’t work. So I don’t know if this was the problem, but I removed all the items that Chester had on him and then talked to Bloopy, which worked.

Oh, that’s probably the issue. As chester adds an item to his inventory for the final scripted battle. I know of a way to ensure it doesn’t cause a soft lock. Will update the patch in the near future.

Any other thoughts/comments?

Not really, I think this patch has been a great improvement.
There’s only one other thing I can think of that is sort of a bug, just a minor one.
The Adventurer critical animation does this reroll and rather lowering the health it raises it to ?? digits, it still counts as defeating the units though just having a pause before the defeated animation plays. Either than that, congrats on finishing the game, I have been looking forward to playing this again.

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Hey look, that’s me!

Alright, just updated the dropbox to include the latest version with the bug fixes listed above and in the Discord.

Here’s hoping it’s the final update.


im not sure if its a problem on my end or what. but when i open my emulator the game doesnt even show up unless i change the .ups to .gba and then it shows up but my emulator crashes when i try to play it. all of my other games work fine though.

You need to actually patch the .ups file to a clean FE8.gba rom.

You will also need an ups patching tool which can be found here if you use the search feature.


The desert chapter is still a bit funky. I suddenly got a game over after poking a hero but the game continued just fine when I resumed and tried again, hero got poked and no game over happened this time.

Do you remember which tile you were on when that happened? I think there’s still an issue with the hidden items.

I can actually show it because I haven’t moved since the attack:

I’m not really going for the items, largely because I don’t know where they are. There’s probably one near the big fossil, but that area got sunk before I got there.

If it matters, I visited the house on the left there.

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I just got done playing this hack, and I gotta say, it was something fun alright.

I’d go into more detail, but because I feel like it would cram it up too much if I just put everything I have to say about it here, here’s a doc detailing my thoughts on it: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18TNSpKTSBssI_NikkpWT9sxgTg3BUzmOIf3nkPrEQ0o/edit?usp=sharing

Here’s hoping for the sequel soon!

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Thank you for the review, I enjoyed reading it. Do you mind giving more details regarding this bug? Nobody’s reported it to me before.

In one of the chapters (I believe it’s Chapter 9), I believe there’s still a bug that makes it where even if I kill the boss on one of the villages, I can’t actually visit the village afterwards for the loot it has. (I don’t know if it’s just me, or if it’s other people affected as well, but I’ll say it here for the sake of posterity.).

Being that you took the time to write up your thoughts I feel like I should let you know that there is no sequel planned. There never was one and never will be one, the sequel hype in the later chapters was just a joke.

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Ah. Damn. That’s a bit of a shame. Though thank you for the praise!

As for more details regarding this bug… let’s see here…

The boss wasn’t killed on Turn 1, but at the same time, the village hadn’t been destroyed.

I just remember putting units over onto the village entrance tile where the boss was standing, but no ‘Visit’ Option ever showed up.

I was playing on a phone emulator though; which may or may not explain things. (Weird shit has happened before with that…).

Also, now that I think about it, there was another bug that I remember popped up on Chapter 7 (although given the nature of it, I’m not sure if it’s exclusive to that one chapter, or what, but…)

I was going for Jagger and Josh’s A-Support on the boat. I had Josh just be Danced by Chester. I did the support convo, and for some reason, when I didn’t hit any option afterwards (to activate Super Canto, since I had move left), and what happened was that the Support Convo would ‘loop’ (like the convo would replay each time I tried to activate Super Canto), but it quit looping once I hit ‘Wait’.

I haven’t gotten another scenario like that; so I wouldn’t know if it was there or not. (Again, Phone Emulator can lead to weird shenanigans.).

The support looping is a known issue with the skills system, but repeating the support conversation doesn’t do anything so it isn’t a problem.