[FE8] Cerulean Crescent (31 chapters) [COMPLETE]

hows the hack being good controversial opinion?
i think pretty much most if not everyone agrees on that.

i think he was meming


Just finished the game, I’ve gotta say this is one of the best FE game I’ve ever played, the story, the gameplay and the humor, they were all incredible!

I want to ask if there are any plans for a sequel ?

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I’m glad you enjoyed it!
No plans for a sequel sadly.


I want both main endings to be equally valid and don’t want to choose one.

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We need TMGC and Cerulean Crescent crossover. Seahawks vs Aercolyn would be peak (also i only discovered this game because somewhere in the TMGC thread retina reccomended it)

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Really really good hack that does a lot of things right. I found the gameplay to be among the best of any hack I’ve played so far. Each unit feels distinctly unique and the perks and abilities are incredibly fun to use. The maps are very well designed and interesting to go through.

While I enjoyed the story, I have to say it was very difficult to follow at times. Something I would heavily criticize is the transitions from chapter to chapter, especially very early game are confusing and it seems like a lot is skipped. But not just in the transitions but in the telling of the story itself, a lot just happens without it being explicitly talked about or explained.

Example but spoilers

When you finish in the workshop, they found a cure for Kryrnia between the transitions and there was no text or anything talking about it?

There are a ton of characters that show up that it feels like we should just know who they are with a quick blurb about some backstory we’ve heard nothing about up to this point, it has nothing to add to the plot of the story and it’s never touched on again.

A lot of the characters are not really fleshed out and barely feel like part of the team, but the main core of Ellerie, Oriana, Tower, Lindros, Pomelo and Mince are really well written. It kind of reminded me of how I felt with Sun God’s Wrath - in the sense that the gameplay itself far outshined the story and the characters (but this story still made far more sense than that). Even so, I enjoyed the story from what I could follow and enjoyed the serious tone that also had a lot of humour added in throughout, which I really appreciated.

While I wrote more to my criticisms than my praises, I want to make it clear I really like the hack overall. Just wanted to give me two sense for what it’s worth. It was a ton of fun to play and did things that in a way gameplay wise I hope inspire other hack creators. Awesome job and thank you for your hard work!


Appreciate the kind words. I do agree the story can be a little choppy, especially in the early game. Part of the problem was that CC had so much text already that I tend to skim on some details.

About the Example (spoilers)

The cure is Krynia cannibalizing the Dracozombie boss from chapter 9. It’s implied by Oriana talking about cutting up the corpse, and later in ch14 where Krynia gets squimish when Murky brings up possible dragon cannibalism.