The Tale of an Untamed Land
Ellerie sets sail for the Cerulean Crescent, a new frontier yet to be conquered by any nation. While she dreams of amassing wealth and power, this untamed land won’t be so kind to a newcomer. The bitter feuds between the settler factions may prove deadlier than the malevolent coast itself. The young captain must navigate a treacherous balance of interests to come out of this mess on top.
Download Link
Download the patch from here!
- A distinct playable cast each with 1 or 2 centralising skills
- Self-repairing personal weapons, including cannons, cooking utensils, and more!
- Interactive town maps with quests, deals and secrets
- All infantry have shove and canto, all mounts have canto+
- Boats guaranteed, including boat maps, fleets, landboats and skyboats
- Build your own monster to whom you can give a funny name
- More than one chicken
FEE3 Trailer
Mechanical Changes
- All units have canto, infantry have shove, mounts/armours have canto+
- Promotion doesn’t reset level, max level is 30
- Weapon triangle is +/- 30 hit, +/- 3 damage
- Trade/Give/Take are free actions
- Start of turn save
- Modifiers such as Midas Mode, Misery Mode, etc.
- 0% and 100% growths options
All mechanical changes here are also listed in the Guide section in the hack
Why Make Hack?
Thanks to good friend who unfortunately passed the curse of Fire Emblem over to me, I found myself very interested in this form of strategy rpg, with its simple mechanics, easy to calculate numbers and fast pace (at least in comparison to a lot of other rpgs.)
I ended up diving into the rabbit hole that is Fire Emblem hacks, starting with the big name release titles of 2020, such as Vision Quest, and there are many hacks with which I have had a more fun experience than even mainline titles.
After playing a lot of hacks, and talking a lot about hacks with a group of pals, I got a good grasp on what kind of ‘fire emblem’ I like. Some of that includes characters having incredibly powerful skills rather than ones that don’t matter much, limiting random chance/poor information screwing over the player and canto+ (it’s one hell of a drug).
So I thought, why not give it a run? And a very long time later, here’s the result.
Patching Instructions
I assume basically everyone reading this post knows, but can’t hurt to have it here again.
- Acquire FE8 rom
- Acquire NUPS from Fire Emblem Shrine :: Patchers
- Patch the FE8 rom with the downloaded patch using NUPS
- Regret life choices
Unit Recruitment List
If a unit is not stated on this list, then they will join automatically. (Most of the cast!)
Chalice: Visit the left boat door in chapter 3
Telon: Talk with anyone in chapter 3
Francisca: Talk to Johnny Spices to receive his quest in 3x, then visit the right staircase in chapter 4 to find her, she will then join in chapter 6
Vermillion: Visit right house in chapter 4
Iosaf: Defeat him in chapter 4
Whipjack: Talk with anyone in chapter 6
Murky: Destroy the discreet pile in chapter 8
Chixin: Bring the broken sword to the fire pit area in chapter 9
Basil: Talk with anyone in chapter 11
Foxberry: Defeat the fire dragon in chapter 14
Joyful Jo: Talk to Whipjack in 14x to receive his quest, then visit the tile in top left section of ch15 between two armories, then defeat him
Hagendire: Talk with anyone in chapter 16
Oren: Open his cell door or talk with anyone in chapter 16
Lilac: Open his cell door or talk with anyone in chapter 16
Zububai: Talk to Rosswick in ch17x to receive his quest, then visit any grave tile in ch18
Betrayer: Talk to him with anyone in chapter 18
Gil Goldfist: Chixin is dead or never recruited as of chapter 20 and Gil did not die in chapter 15
Helisent: Pay 2k in 26x-1 and then 6k in 26x-2 later to have her for 4 chapters, or just pay 2k in 26x-2 for 2 chapters
Unit Tier List Maker
Special thanks to 7743 for making FEBuilder exist, which really broke down the barrier of entry for incredibly dumb people like me.
Which also means technical issues, and I greatly appreciate 7743 (what a legend), Epicer, Vesly, Retina, Contro and Ultrablade for helping me solve them.
Thanks to Team Distant Roads for being nice people, helping me out and encouraging me along the way.
Playtesting by various kind individuals, Godspetturtle, Loog, Bpat, Roze, Randomwizard, Leche, Mournfulrelic, Xilirite, Dainn, Green, Epicer, Pandan, TorT, Gryffle, Basilica, Zappy, Alguien, Alexmanpersonguy, Aneira, Archerbias, Gold, Lowres, Olm, Panko Bread, MercuryMerc, 21st Kingdom Boy, Sigmaraven, Roltair, Toffee, Bobbyasaka, Kjmccloud, Francisgor03, November Days, Aaww, Telos, Spolcyps, Collin A, LotusInAmber, adefinitelybasichuman, Bloble, Emmett, etc.
Thanks to Mournfulrelic for really getting me started in the portrait business.
Thanks to Levin, Roze, Gold, Devisio and Vlak for banger mugs.
Shoutout to Sdaht for doing some of my unit palettes to feed my desire for laziness
Credit to Turtle’s magic deck for inspiration for ideas.
I couldn’t have even thought of making a hack without all the cool stuff made by the hacking community, whether it be portraits, cool tech or art assets. The sheer size is too long to post here directly, so here it is below.
Like every other hack in existence, I have a server.
It’s where I will in theory release new playtest patches and announce progress, but we’ll see about that one.