[FE8] Cerulean Coast (20 chapters + 5) Act 2 Complete!

I always want this :smiley:
Sad that can only get 1 of them :kissing:
Are they join 1 chapter only or forever?
I really love Sword Wight and Gargoyle :laughing:

And 1 more question. Can they promote? :smiley:

What this do


Not sure what happened, but two of the seals blocking the switches in chapter 9 didn’t vanish. I might be on an older version, not sure if this has been fixed.



Save it for chapter 9. You’ll be informed where to use it.

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I’ve been reported regarding a variant on this issue, and I’ve only be able to reproduce it very infrequently and do not know what causes it. :sweat:
Will definitely try to figure this one out.

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Hi. I just miss the spirit sword character so… i reset all my chapters :v
I have a question. If i take the one eye deal, will i get bad ending?
Thank U for helping :smiley:

Taking the eye will allow for some additional events but won’t lock you into a bad ending.
If it helps, there’s a recruitment guide in the main post for missable units.


Thank :slight_smile:

WhaT Does Log do?
I have 3 of them in chapter 15.

The Seahawk II should be able to turn them into storm cannon uses as a free action. They (and the cannon) persist for only the chapter.

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Had to update to fix some bugs, such as me leaving in an event that autolevels Qiulan 12 times in ch17, Zububai not shoving, staff prf locks not actually working, etc.

Ch21 and ch22 have good progress made. As usual, writing is what is slowing things down. Meanwhile, there’s been some changes.

There is now a little thing starting up. Midas Mode is just infinite money.
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Xeo was a bizarre in-between of half-decent combat with siege, a healer and a support buff that never comes up. He has been reworked to be solely a combat unit.
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Cerulean Coast playing faster due to the Ellerie, Oriana and leyline changes has not helped Qiulan much, who excels more at being in place. Her buffs now allow units to both get buffs and remain mobile.
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Oren received a massive luck buff, as well as his prf being “better” as long as he moves more than two tiles, and has some tanking utility.
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Unari took the powerstaff heal staff that Xeo lost as a Prf.
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Whipjack also got a Prf because that’s just how buffs around here work now. Slap a Prf on it!

Telon received an additional turn to his +50 crit bonus from Inner Power because why not.

It’s kinda crazy it’s all these foot-locked melee infantry being buffed, huh? What a funny coincidence that is.


Ooooh love me some drain weapons. I might start using Whipjack more

I’m at chapter 18 and i don;t have whipjack refine WP. Is it new update?

I Laugh so hard :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Never Know there was 2 Moonstones in Grado :joy: :joy:

Whipjack’s Prf is new, and will be available retroactively.
Thanks for the Caloogo description catch, it is fixed in the newest patch though.


I don’t usually play incomplete hacks.
This was an exception.

And it was worth it.

Keep up the good work!


Hello umm i am newbie. Where whipjack? I don’t see him. What chapter?

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This guy in chapter 6.

I Found a Bug

The end cutscene for 17x crashed. More specifically, the part after Xeo and company went “For the princess!”

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