No effective damage on Serra. Lightning damage is not tripled.
Slayer on Guinivere is working normal. Lightning deals triple damage.
No effective damage on Serra. Lightning damage is not tripled.
Slayer on Guinivere is working normal. Lightning deals triple damage.
I see, I’ll try and look into it.
Alright, so I did the fix, although these were pretty cheap fix.
For that Slayer skill, I’d assume you’re playing the “without skill” patch, since in those, Slayer skill is hard-coded, as opposed to the “with skill” patch, where the skills are customizable.
So I went with a cheap fix for that, since I made a new Bishop class for Serra, I moved the Slayer skill from the male bishop class to Serra’s Bishop. Which means the male bishop class no longer have Slayer skill, but I think this shouldn’t affect much since male bishop is an enemy-only class now.
For Lilina’s Pupil animation, since the flowing cape animation is hard-coded (which caused the bug), I just removed said animation. At least for me it looks just fine.
I also fixed the CON problem, this was caused by T0/T1 classes that was previously male-only class that promotes to a female class, so basically just a mistake from my part for not checking the CON stats.
I’m trying to play it, but i can’t access when i use Unipatcher. I like the female units so badly. They’re cute.
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