FE7 The Blazing Tome

I made a ROM hack from FE7 where all player units use tomes. Anima replaces swords, Dark replaces axes, and Light replaces Bows and Lances. This project has taken far too long and I’m proud of this because it is my first hack. I wanna share it here but It won’t let me share the link. If anyone can help me that would be great.


New users have to wait a while before posting links: like a few posts, leave a few comments, etc. and you should be able to upload in a few days

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It’s an activity thing, post introduction, do a few things, so on and it can even just be in a day. Still, good luck!

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Weird feature but thanks for the heads up! I’ll post the hack as soon as I can.

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Here is the ROM hack please let me know if there is anything I need to fix
https:// drive. google .com /file/d/ 1iXpcR3aTVrHV797AlvJFLorUyQ-Hua71 / view? usp = sharing

Wow that actually worked

@Luigiofthegods It says I have permission to post links but it still will not let me.


What other changes are besides of everything using tomes? Like, balance changes and such.

I would love to know!

I did nothing special really. I Change character dialogue, replaced all weapons from shops and drops with tomes with simualar stats. I added Aircalibur from FE6 and that’s about it. other than that it’s just fe7. sorry to disappoint.

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It’s a feature to prevent bots from causing issues. Make an introduction topic as well as reply to two other topics, and you should be able to freely participate on the forum.
Also, refrain from posting multiple times in a row in a short amount of time, I merged your posts.

Alright I get that but it gave me the badge saying I could add links and images so I don’t understand why I can’t

You need to be a member at least, not just a basic user to properly do so.

I love that you changed the references to weapons to “tome” in the dialogue, like Mani Kati now being referred as a tome. I was really surprised that you went ahead and changed some things in the Mani Kati chapter itself to fit the context of the patch!

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