[FE7] Fire Emblem '03 (An Alternate Vanilla)

Can confirmed Crazed Beast has been fixed. Great work. I would be down for some new animations and sprites. I’m kinda torn tho because I do love Raven and Linus’s vanila custom hero model but then I vastly prefer the modified/custom Berserker animation in the repository or the Team Salvaged cav/paladin animations. Give and take I suppose.

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Oh, there is no need to worry! I think Raven and Linus’s animations are perfectly fine as they are.

Recently, I have been messing around with replacing the vanilla knight, general, cavalier, and general animations. I wanted to start with those because they should be easy to port over; all I would have to do is alter the palettes.

But anyway, enjoy the patch and feel free to suggest any ideas that you think might improve the experience.


Hello, players. The latest update, BETA 1.05, is now available. Several changes have been made here. Here are some of the notable changes:

  • The inclusion of a few battle and map animations from the public repository.
  • Knights can now use axes, and Generals can now use swords.
  • “Battle before Dawn” has had a few changes, hopefully making it somewhat less annoying. I have even considered changing the map layout, although I am unsure how to approach this in a satisfying way.
  • Assassins now have slightly increased promotion gains, and have a base sword level of C.

Please refer to the changelog for more details.


I´m trying the beta 5 but i cannot go to hector hardmode at the start, it begins like vanilla FE7 and I don´t want to do everything to play it.

Oh, I forgot to implement the patch that unlocks all modes from the start. I can fix that right away.

Hi folks. Beta 1.06 is out. Here are some notable changes:

  • Updated battle animations for cavaliers, paladins, archers, snipers, and berserkers, sourced from the public repository.
  • Repository animations for Rebecca and Nino, for accuracy’s sake.
  • Units can now gain supports from 3 squares away, thanks to the FEBuilderGBA patch.
  • Berserkers and Swordmasters now have the powerful 30% bonus critical hit bonus.
  • Chapter 7x in Lyn Mode has been redesigned.

That’s it for now. Credits for the repository animations can be found in the changelog, as well as the other minor changes.


The mad lad is cookin

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Here’s a quick question for you folks:
How do you feel about three-range bows? I have been considering the idea for a while.

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Hi! First of just wanted to say the hack looks good and I wish you good luck on it!

I think the main issue with 3 range bows is when the level design isn’t well, designed with it in mind. Seeing as the maps will stay (mostly) the same, I think there would need to be playtesting regarding 3 ranged weapons. Either that, or they would have to be rare/not too impactful.

Assuming these are 2-3 ranged weapons, given the right stats they may be too good, or break/cheese certain levels.

With either low stats on the weapons, low availability or high cost I could see it working, especially since archers in base fe7 are pretty bad.

I think with time put into testing it, it could work, and I look forward to seeing what you decide!


I have to echo @Pyoro 's sentiments. Most of the maps aren’t built with three range bows in mind. Three-range bows work for games like SoV because the maps are made around it and big as all hell lol, GBA FE not so much lol hence why the longbow is (kinda) rare.


Thank you for the feedback! You made some good points there.

Thanks for your feedback!

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No prob. One suggestion I do have is while supports are already fast and you’ve done great work especially making them up to three tiles like in modern games, I feel they could be even a bit faster. I’m specifically thinking of like Karla in Hector’s route where it’s kinda hard to get her supports going with Barte or Karel because she joins so late.

That said this is more of a personal slight nitpick, nothing “OMG this is game breaking, fix it plz” level :laughing:


Good idea! I will have to look into this for the next update.

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Hi again!

I haven’t gotten around to playing just yet, but I have checked out a few things. First thing first, would you be able to have all modes unlocked? I’m not entirely sure how to do it but it would help anyone playtesting, if not that’s fine.

There’s some patches you could download that would be quality of life for the player if you would like them in the hack.

That being:

Map Danger Zone (Select: Toggle) - Shows the danger zone when clicking select, allows for a lot easier checking of enemy range.
FE7-Battle Stats with Anims Off - Shows the battle stats even when the animations are off, good for enemy phase to see how unlikely something was.
Updated L Button Cycling - Instead of cycling onto the first player unit who can act, if you’re highlighting an enemy unit it goes to the next enemy unit.
Display Growths - On the status screen you can click select to see unit growths, this one isn’t too important, since not every rom hacker wants people to see growths, so it’s up to you.

There’s others I could say but those are the obvious “QOL” for the hack.

Hope that helps and good luck!

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Hi @Pyoro! Yes, I did install the patch that unlocks all modes without a previous save. As for the other QOL patches, I would be happy to install them for the next update.

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Lloyd / Linus RECUIRT ABLE?

No. It’s still base FE7, just enhanced with sprites, animations, weapons and spells from FE6, missing/cut content that was leftover etc but no huge story changes


On Chap 22 Hector route and happy to report no bugs. Although no updated female paladin sprite/animation for Isadora, sadz.

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That’s good to hear! Sorry, I forgot to update Isadora’s animation. This will be addressed in the next update, as well as the support growth values.