[FE7] [Complete] Elysium Ablaze - A FE7 PME expanded upon [16 Chapters]

I wanted to nerf Pegasus Knights. So that mounted units can do something that Pegasus Knights cannot. fire emblem does have a history of nerfing mounted units but leaving Pegasus Knights fully intact.

But I do miss canto on Pegasus Knights sometimes, it is just part of the balance imo.

can use give Pegasus knight back Canto and keep Canto on the mounted unit?

Are the things I mentioned above a bug like the Mercenary’s color and Farina’s Mouth?



Dialogue in this part jump right to Diamler saying Right and cut out Robin conversation bubble

are there any secret shop in Thorne mode so I can buy Promotion item like in Aireth mode?


Yes. There is a secret shop in the the preultimate map. But don’t worry, you will be able to obtain promotion items before that. The next chapter will give you a Veteran Belt, an Uranus Bolt and a Knight Crest.

Also for your information, fliers promote using the Uranus bolt now. Just in case you want to invest in a flier.

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I find chapter 2 lacking in Characters introduction. I mean first of going around the map I find 3 bonus boss characters that I don’t know the back ground of because I haven’t play @SilverRoy 's Hack

All three have no starting quote when you first battle them
and only Caroline has a death quote that talk about how she fail to protect someone dear to her.

God Only know who she is talking about or how she was blackmail into this conflict. Give us an introduction to these 3 characters please. Preferably before the battle start at the beginning of chapter 2 after the main group has finish all of their conversation.

Dreckson only has a starting quote when you first battle him and no death quote when you kill him. I mean I know he was a Commander of Cornwell but I didn’t got introduce to him through dialogue I feel he deserved because he is the final boss of the chapter, it felt like he was just put their to finish a plot you set up.

If you can create more dialogues/ stories for these boss character that would make new player understand where they were coming from I think the player would appreciate and love your hack more.

I want to use Tulli but her stat and growth is terrible in all the wrong places
I mean she does not have a single stat in Defence and her hp stat is only 16 which is too small


Bro Tulli is a manakete, she’s strong AF and can basically carry you lol

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They are unlucky characters who due to the game becoming shorter were put in the position of “sub boss” to have some representation.

But I should give them a scene. Maybe I can even include a cool secret event that after you defeat Caroline you can talk to Mathias who then leaves the map. Convincing him that “dying for a conflict Caroline didn’t want to fight for is not what she would have wanted.”
Maybe that Mathias sepcial event even gives you an item or something. Maybe you can use it to get the “Runedsword” that so far only Caroline and Bigby, two bosses, have.

But definetely, I should give them that lore. Even if it is little.


Please make the game longer then :pleading_face:

Honestly not fully sure. I don’t want to take forever doing one thing.
I also enjoy rather short fire emblem games and I would rather polish the 16 chapters my game does have.

Adding 1 or 2 chapters couldn’t hurt right?

Maybe. Honestly, not fully sure. It would throw off the balancing of the game as you would get more XP and resources.

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But if I find a great gaiden idea I may do it. I just don’t really know what to do.

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Me being a greedy guy:


Okay I now added two new things to that chapter:
-If Caroline dies you can use barret to talk to Mathias upon which he leaves the map and gives you the runedsword
-If both Caroline and Mathias survive the chapter Caroline thanks you and gives you the runesword.
I have not tested if that is possible in game, but I think that is good. It adds optional bonus tasks for those that want to.
Actually keeping Caroline and Mathias alive sounds like it is one of those horrible objective you do not actually wanna do.
I also changed the opening scene so that Riv spotted Caroline and Mathias and there Barret mentions that keeping them alive would be good. However Riv does say it is a bad idea for valid reasons.
But considering you do have at least 4 fliers with Anthea and the pegasus trio it may be more possible than you think.

I hope this gives Caroline and Mathias what they deserve by giving them further importance.


Aireth standing next to a balista show the attack range of an archer while she is an assassin/thief

Tulli onlyhave battle animation for the Galestone but no battle animation when using Dragonsweat please add an animation when Tulli use both Weapons

I don’t know what he is saying. Does he mean: “Calm Down with the Bravado. Enough with the Tough Attitude.”?

I can’t stand how this man in the middle is so low quality compare to the other 3 people. Like if the other 3 people are real people he is a character that just step out of a low quality comic book.

“Except for Norton remain of course” not “Expect”

I finish My Bug report for chapter 3 on to chapter 4

Also final note I just did the first support between Tulli and Miku. Considering only Miku have the ability to build support it would be nice if these support have real dialogue and conversation attach to them instead of a empty support level up. To show the Connection between Miku and the person she is building support with grow with each level up

Tyche portrait with a cap is so cute:


“It must have been worse than I thought”; “It” is missing a “t”

I love the music that played during this dreaming sequence. Sound very Melancholy and calming :heart:

I am going to stop it here for now


Hey everyone. I now released V.1.6 of ELYSIUM ABLAZE.
I did further fix a few typos but I also added in some spicy new content.
I added in a new event that if you played Aireth mode and thus have Artemis in Thorne mode, Aireth will be able to talk to Artemis and thus she gifts Artemis with a special weapon. A rapier effective bow with high might but rather low hit. A weapon that unlike other PRF’s is more general. Manaketes can use it to obtain E Rank bows because I think that is funny. A real promoting into warrior moment.

I also drew Aurelia.


Will Artemis only get the new bow when she talk to Airerh the first time she appear in Throne mode and not any other chapters?

You can trigger this event only once, but you can trigger it from chapter 2-7.
Artemis is very dear to Aireth so the gift giving can be done for a long time.
I even changed the dialouge whether you do it in chapter 2-3 or afterwards, to either show that it is them reuniting or Aireth just having forgotten the gift until now.
You can get “Chidori”.

I actually made it like that with you in mind and also because I think it makes more sense that way.

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Aww Love that you had me in your the back of your mind while making the patch. Thank you so much. Was going to ask you if Aireth and Artemis had any special conversation when they met again in Throne mode. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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By the way my idea is that after you like played through the game and gave feedback for all of it that I would go back and make a seperate “Hard Mode” patch where I redesign the game around higher difficulty. Like all enemies will be as strong as player characters and I may even do stuff like alter the game design and mechanics slightly to fit that better. Like I can imagine making it so that the weapon triangle and terrain will be more effective on “Hard mode” to encourage engaging with these mechanics more.

I can imagine adding in a few new chapters too, if I rebalance the whole game. Might as well add in new extra hard maps.

But for now, I will make the best version of the main game.