[FE7] [Complete] Elysium Ablaze - A FE7 PME expanded upon [16 Chapters]

typo detected: the correct sentence is “Daughter of a Prostitute”. missing “a”, the word “prostitue” doesn’t exist

The castle doesn’t exist in this chapter. Do You mean you want the player to seize the Entrance of the Arena?


Yeah. The arena entrance is a seize point on this map.

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Then change it to “seize Arena” in the objective text box

I think what you mean here is:
“I know i cowered in fear before, but I know fighting is a group effort”

cower meaning: crouch down in fear or to lower your head or body in fear, often while moving backwards .
cover meaning: put something on top of or in front of (something), especially in order to protect or conceal it.

make the sentence shorter like this:
“I am old and not even a master.”

But I am well versed in the arts of Canto and Silencer
“well versed in something”: having a lot of knowledge about something, or skill at something

Also I recruited Arkadeep by talking to him with Aurelia you are missing her name in the recruitment guide

Who is Oliver. There is no one in my current team name Oliver?
Opps Forgot he was in my team:

Olivier is the shaman.

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The more natural sentence should be:“Nobles did you very wrong. they did the same to my mother”

replace"such they aren’t it" with “don’t they” so the whole sentence would be like this:
“Hower the Black Fang wants to kill me, don’t they”
The phrase ‘don’t they’ plays the role of confirming previous information. Look up tag question on google

“They are lying, Abiba”

“How do I know you are telling the truth about my home”

Small black line above the knight walking animation

I hate the Black Fang, so I will assist you with that

This is the best “Way” to go not “Was”

Ok I have finish chapter 4 will start looking for more typos and bugs tomorrow with chapter 5


V.1.3 is here now. Yay.

I further fixed typos and fixed some smaller things, even some later game things. I also added in new content in form of three new battle conversations. And in the fact that only one eye of Riv blinking now meaning that Riv has a glass eye.
The Baron triangle attack now works. Which means that the three members of the Bulwark/Baron classline can now be used! Funnily there are five potential members even though only three can be there per run.

To celebrate I drew Afa playing a GameBoy Advance while being bored! I tried a chibi style for this.

I just realized that I have two unused class slots I can use to give the game some new classes. I could use the slot used for Rath (Armstrong) in Lyn Mode and have that be used to add in another character with a new classline. Though I wonder what my class roster lacks? It does have rather few classes with armor/mounts/flight.


So cute! :sparkling_heart:


I released V.1.3.1
I accidentally somehow managed to not release the correct version with all the grammar fixes.
I now released another version to include it!


Who is Afa? She is very cute

The girl who talks to you if you want to suspend your game.

You once mentioned her:

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the wording is a little strange:
I will change the sentence to: ‘We all understand the stress this puts you through.’

again why put such a powerful unit here in Aireth Final Chapter? I wish this unit wasn’t here so I can take my time and slowly proceed through the chapter considering that this chapter has a shop that sell all boost and promotion item

Nice Cameo Appearance:

no battle animation for the battle with Ukko the Manakete!

There is no pause green arrow(where you are to press z to continue the dialogue) it just cut straight to Aerith Dialogue. Please Fix

The Interaction between Aireth and her father Thomas made me cry :cry:

Artemis is so cute she is my MVP of this Aireth run she deal the final blow to Shin

sad that there is no way to change the background image of Lyn and replace it with Aireth’s.

never notice this before but Zuiho’s mini mug don’t match up with her main portrait

“Prostitute” is the correct word, “prostitue” is wrong.

  1. Why is there a question mark in the text?
  2. Why does Marcus have those yellow eyes. Those Eyes look Cursed. Can you change them please?

Something you might want to change in the character selection screen is the number of starting and ending chapter like in Aerith mode: we only have from Prologue to Chapter 6 why is this saying is to chapter 10

same for the other two characters:

I went back and check the previous Typo to see if they were all fix and look what I found a typo you forgot to fix at the end of chapter 2:

The Correct word is “Troops” not Troups", “Troups” doesn’t exist

The hair color of the Pegasus knight is weird

still a black line appear on top of Abiba walking animation

I’ll stop here for now. Will pick this back up in a later date. Time to try out some different games. Hope you understand. I enjoy Aerith’s story Very Much even though I thought Shin and the other characters who appeared in the last chapter of Aerith’s story could have use more time and chapters developing their own characters and stories. For Example: I didn’t know how Ukko and Shin knew each other.

Also what is going to happen with Aerith and her revenge against Marquess of Cornwell, Lord Daimler who killed her family? That wasn’t explore at all after chapter 1. Are we going to get another romhack to explore the story that tell about Aerith’s Revenge against Marquess Cornwell?


Thorne mode features Aireth as a main character, there this thing with her past and her revenge against Marquess Cornwell is very important.

I am not sure how I can give Shin’s team more screentime, considering the game already has lots of plot. Although to be fair, Nina, the female cavalier, is a character you play as in Aurelia 2017. And I gave Gretel a battle conversation.

But yeah, I will plan to fix these issues.

Glad you enjoyed the first half of this! I hope the second half of this will also be good!

And yeah, I do plan to fix the mode descriptions

Aireth: 7 Chapters
Thorne: 8 Chapters
Anthea: 1 Chapter

The chapter count reset between modes.

But yeah, I can try to fix the Lyn cg. Unfortunately the upper half of the image is set. But I could have it fade out.

Have fun doing a small break! See you then if you continue!



It’s a secret to everyone. :wink:


Okay guys this is sort unrelated here but i made a page for Daimler on the Villains Fanon Wiki right here.

I created this page myself. If you want to check it out yourself or maybe add something to the page link is here.


I didn’t knew about these types of wikis!

Thanks a lot EmeraldKing, I’m honored. :star:


Just discovered the hack with your trailer ! Looks like a fun transformation of FE7
I will be sure to try it :smile:


I am sure you will enjoy it like I have. Just remember that there are still bugs and typo since it is new. Be sure to report here if you find anything wrong with it so @TritraSerpifeu can fix it ASAP :grin:


I wanted to announce my new project thing.
A simple idea: I develop a hack in a single week!

Hosea is in shock as he reads the letter given to him
“Dear Hosea, Marquess of Santaruz.
I am sure the reports of monsters in your territory have already reached you, I have cast them myself, but do not fred, for I also know the solution.
Unfortunately it will cost you 100.000 gold.
I would suggest you act fast, because if you don’t, let’s just say the monsters I have been sending are on the weaker side of the spectrum.
You have one week.”
Hosea didn’t even read the instructions on how to give the money as he knew there could not be any basis established for this crime working. But that he was given one week did give him a hint, it is a long time, long enough to prepare. If he gets someone to defeat the blackmailer before the week is over, it should be an easy task. Luckily a man perfect for hire was at the castle, Shin, brother of Marquess Thomas, and his close allies. And so Shin is asked to play the hero like he did before and with one week worth of time he embarks on his journey.
(This is mostly a mockup and ready to be changed.)

Basically you play as Shin, the main antagonist of Aireth mode, I both do this to expand the world and also to challenge myself. Expect simple maps lol.

So yeah. This will be my small interlude project. Not sure how exactly I will do it. But I think I will start tomorrow, although I may do small breaks some day. But yeah. I hope this will be fun.

But don’t expect as much new as in other projects. The main focus will be on making it done in a week. But I think a more “Vanilla” flair also has its charm. And I do intend to keep the “Ironman friendly” design style.


I am back @TritraSerpifeu I hope you had enough time to fix all the previous bugs because here come some new ones:

“or he is a fool Too Stupid to rule well like Shin was before”. “Too Stupid” not “To stupid”

“A User” not “An User”

Lord Daimler has Such a good portrait for a villain I hate him already. Can’t wait to crush him with Aireth :smiling_imp:

“Our” not “Pur” :joy:

“Enough of this Postulating” seem a little complex can you use a simpler word to convey the meaning here. You can use the word “Theory” like “enough of these theorizing” or “Speculate” “Enough of this Speculating” Seem easier to understand than “Postulating” .

the correct word is “naught” “This plan is for naught” not “naugth”
Naught meaning :Nothing

“Reminds me of a story I once heard about” you are missing “me”

“Emperor Edelgard” not “Emporo”

the correct sentence is: “some time in the Imperial Year 1180”. You need the space between some and time

“Then why haven’t you?”

after the conversation end and Knull Show up at the castle gate the game freeze and it become like this:

the Screen turn red when I press Enter in the Freeze Screen:

I can’t get pass this screen and the emulator make unbearable screeching sound so I’ll stop here until you fix this. I am using the mGBA Emulator if you are wondering.

Edit: I can get pass the freezing screen by continuously pressing Enter and skipping the beginning dialogues in chapter 1. Then I get to this screen which I can thankfully pick my unit and continue as normal but If I did this the first time I would have to skip dialogues important to the story so please fix

I think you mean Serket’s Girlfriend Bastet right? since Serket is talking about herself here.
Same with the girl in Blond. She is talking with Serket here so which Serket is she talking about so that mean she is talking about Bastet :joy:


Unfortunately no, I didn’t fix those other bugs.
On the one hand I was away for a bit and on the other I first want to develop this Shin game.
I have never seen this glitch. I am going to look into it, might be a breaking change considering I turned Knull’s original spot in the code for Arkadeeps slot.
But I will get back to working on it, i just want to take a break. I don’t want to push myself past my limits and get super burned out.

I also drew Artemis! I trieg to go for a “Fluffy” or “Papercraft” look. Try something new for the best of girls.
By the way, who did you choose in Recruit 1? I ask out of curiosity.