[FE7][Complete] Bad Fire Emblem Rebalance v1


Okay, so it all started this afternoon when I went on the Discord and said this:

Suddenly, the gears started turning, and I wondered…

“What would a rebalance look like that didn’t change the game so much it was unrecognizable?”


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Stat changes! Some less subtle than others…

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Freely buyable Light Brands! Some units join with them as well. (Jerme also drops a Runesword now)


Quality of Life features I didn’t code! Also fog doesn’t suck anymore. I made it gradually grant more vision per chapter like FE6 does, starting at four tiles in Ch.9, then five in Ch.13x, then six in Ch.18, and so on…

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Nerfed some particularly shit bosses! Yes, some of these really are nerfed - just goes to show how overkill FE7 gets by the end.

I also added DSFE healing, so Serra’s funny magic is a huge advantage (on paper).


7743 - Working tirelessly on FEBuilder, Null Move, Dance and Steal EXP, Fimbulvetr Fix
Aera - Gender-Neutral Aid
Agro/Brendor - 16 Tracks 12 Sounds
AuraWolf - Updated L-Cycling
circleseverywhere - Danger Zone
Contro - Modify S Rank Limits (originally by Tequila)
Gray - Skip Opening
Hextator - Anti-Huffman
HyperGammaSpaces - FillAIDangerMap Efficiency Fix
Ipatix - M4A HQ Mixer
Snek - Extended Moving Map Animation List
Tequila - Battle Stats with Animations Off, HP Bars with Warnings (originally by circleseverywhere (don’t ate)), Press L to Turn Animations Off
TR143 - RNG Randomizer
Venno - DSFE-Style Healing, Gain Support at Various Ranges
Vesly - Default Cursor Options

that’s it, that’s all the custom code

So yeah. Play it. Enjoy yourself. Have fun.

Second, slightly smaller download link