It should be fine since it’d only be needed on the last few chapters.
save states do exactly as they say save the exact state of the game at that point, as such units will not be deleted if you save and load with them, as long as you do not then take actions to delete the units between saving states.
Hey guys, something weird happened on my end. After I beat Chapter 22 (Zephiel’s level), the game just went to Epilogue and ended. I still haven’t fought Idunn yet, and since I didn’t copy my data from that save, its not looking like I have too many options. Is this a known bug or am I missing something? Any help is appreciated
Did you get all of the legendary weapons by doing every gaiden chapter?
Yeah Im pretty positive. Durandal, Armads, Aureola, Foreblaze, Apocolypse, Mulagir, whatever the healing staff is and The Binding Blade were all on me. I killed Zephiel, got the Eckesacks and siezed throne only to go straight to epilogue
Did you get the lance Maltet? It should’ve been given to you along with the staff.
Your issue sounds like you didn’t get every legendary weapon, but it sounds like you should have all of them.
EDIT: wait, did you do the Ilia or Sacae route?
I was wondering about maltet. The dude that spawns in on Chapter 20 with those weapons never had maltet in his inventory for some reason, only the staff and the bow
Uuuuuuuh I think Ilia
Hard mode
Ilia is the snowy place in the north.
But I think I know what your problem is.
You didn’t get all of the legendary weapons. The last chapter in the Ilia route (where you fight Roartz, the traitorous Etrurian) has a side chapter.
I hate to say it, but your only option is to go back to that chapter if you have a save or savestate for it. Otherwise you might be out of luck.
Fuuuuuck yeah that checks out actually. I took way too long on that chapter because I brought 2 theives and one didnt have lockpicks, so I had to circumvent the whole damn map. So that seriously just blew my entire playthrough?
Man thats unbelievable. Is there any way we can put this in the patch notes so people dont get fucked over? I just lost 100 hours of progress and my opportunity at endgame because I took too long on ONE LEVEL
Did you never play the original Binding Blade? That requirement is the exact same in the OG, unedited game.
I did, but it was so easy I never went over time. Hard mode on that one level with no lockpicks absolutely rocked me. Very upset
doesnt each map explicitly tell you its gaiden requirements?
you really don’t have anyone else but yourself to blame for missing the gaiden with room to check if you went over the turnlimit
Isn’t there dialogue at the gaiden requirement’s turn limit where enemies discuss how the legendary weapon is now unreachable or something to that extent? Obviously if you see that, that’s your cue to restart the chapter if you want the weapon.
hey the fe6 remake has stole your art report them
Wasn’t this reported a long time ago? I distinctly remember there being a big issue about stolen/uncredited art and other stuff in the Remake back when it first came out over a a year ago.
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t this issue already addressed? If so, then I don’t think it should be brought up again.
This issue was already addressed at the time. Plus alot of the artwork and mechanics based on Ember have been removed and the maker is planning on a full overhaul of the remake
oh ok
Hi! i downloaded the mod a long while ago, almost like… a year, maybe? xd
I wanted to know, Roy can still promote to great lord? or he just promote to knight lord?
Btw, the mod is awesome! You all guys did a really incredible and awesome job. Best wishes! (sorry if my english is bad, i speak spanish xd)
Roy promotes to knight lord with a knight’s crest once he reaches level 10