[FE6] [COMPLETE] Fire Emblem: Lyn's Bizarre Adventure PME v1.0

Well, I might as well submit a character here. I suppose this one won’t be a problem if it’s from a non-FE rep I suppose. Consider this a teaser for one of my latest portraits.

Slot: Cecilia
Name: Mitsuru
Gender: Female
Class: Vandal
Affinity: Ice
Mitsuru Kirijo FE6 PME
Formatted in FE6 style for your convenience.

Description: A young woman from another world. Aloof, but with a caring heart.
Death Quote: It’s up… To you now…
Silver sword
Blue gem

Boon: SPD
Bane: DEF
Growth Rates:

  • HP: 55
  • POW: 55
  • SKL: 45
  • SPD: 45
  • LCK: 40
  • DEF: 15
  • RES: 50

Slot: Sue
Name: Hector
Gender: Male
Class: Bulwark
Affinity: Thunder
(by BuskHusker)

Description: Hero who despite being
headstrong missed his role last game.
Death Quote: No! Not here! Not now…
Please, Lyn. Tell my brother I’m…
(A reference to his starting inventory, just that instead of the wolf beil the two effective types of damage are seperated. And they are now lance and sword.)

Boon: POW
Bane: LCK
Growth Rates:

  • HP: 75
  • POW: 60
  • SKL: 40
  • SPD: 35
  • LCK: 20
  • DEF: 50
  • RES: 25

Slot: Larum
Name: Lyn
Gender: Female
Class: Dancer
Affinity: Wind
Lyn Bride Formatted {MonkeyBard}

Description: Lyn who loves the player
and the plains, not much more.
(Inspired by the flanderization Lyn recieved over time.)
Death Quote: Surely you’ll reset for
your best girl and your dancer…
-Slim Sword
-Slim Sword

Boon: HP
(To ensure she can survive hits if she does come into battle.)
Bane: CON
(She will be able to be picked up by literally anyone, since she won’t be a fighter her having low con will be actually a boon in disguise. She also becomes the only person who like can use slim swords logically because of the lack of speed loss.)
Growth Rates:

  • HP: 75
  • POW: 30
  • SKL: 40
  • SPD: 55
  • LCK: 65
  • DEF: 45
  • RES: 45

(I know both these picks are similar, but I hope they are still somewhat creative. I wanted to try diferent picks.)


Text stuff for these two:


Final boss quote:
Let’s save the world
once and for all!

Short ending:
Helped rebuild his lands.

Long ending:
Hector returned to his role as
marquess better than ever before.
With his improved skill at leading
his lands were rebuild in no time.

Lyn (Dancer):

Final Battle Quote:
Don’t worry, we
already won this.

Short Ending:
Vanished, dissapointed in you.

Long Ending (SINGLE):
After having fought for her
faith and helped Lyn save the world,
this Lyn returned to the plains
where she waits for your return.

Long Ending (PAIRED):
Inspired by the main Lyn, the
dancing Lyn forgets the player
and instead focuses on
becoming a strong valkyrie.


well now we have 3 lyns lmao


Yeah. Many lyn’s. An absolute dream for Florina.
(I wonder if this will be pushed even further or if it will stay at three.)


I took Wendy lol.


ok. Then Hector will be a Sue replacement.

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Hector X Lyn paired ending (Cause Sue can end with Roy):

Hector succeeded his brother as the marquess of Ostia, but the pain of his brother’s death weighed heavily on him. His beloved Lyn gave him comfort and helped him become an enlightened leader.

(Literally just the FE7 ending copy & pasted.)


@AlemOwl Since Cecilia is a prepromote, you can pick a promoted class for Mitsuru if you wish!
Ty for the FE6 format too. The portrait looks amazing.

@TritraSerpifeu Ah, Larum is actually who gets a paired ending in vanilla! Would you like Dancer Lyn to replace Larum instead, or keep Elffin’s and mix the endings that you wrote into a single one Tritra?


And I was just about to make wendy 2 the good one smh

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Let’s make her Larum.
A dancer who became a dancer.
(But I do hope her having low CON is sorta unique.)

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A familiar face, though not as you know her.

Slot: Alen
Name: Florina
Gender: F
Class: Sword Cavalier
Affinity: Light
(recolor by Eldritch Abomination)

Description: A promising Ilian cavalier close to Lyn’s heart. Shy and withdrawn, especially around males.
Death Quote: I’m so sorry… I’m still… just a burden…
Slim Sword

Boon: Lck
Bane: Def
Growth Rates:

HP: 70
POW: 45
SKL: 50
SPD: 45
LCK: 50
DEF: 25
RES: 20


@DATonDemand So I have a really cool idea about how ‘Gnurr’ will appear through the game!

I’ll have her share the same new map sprites that Druids will have until the final chapter;
Necromancer (M) Generic {Rasdel}-stand
(by Rasdel)

Excellent to give her a hood besides portrait to hide her identity until her final chapter like your requested.
Villagers in the story will comment that, even if she looks like a Druid, there’s something else about her…

Then to preserve the vanilla Zephiel vs Cecila cutscene in chapter 13, I’ll make it so she wields a unique variant of her Gullin Katti that triggers a unique battle animation, to again still preserve her identity!

Now what I would love to know is what battle animation I could use for this cutscene, a hooded sword user.
AFAIK there is this one by Huichelaar, the executioner that wields swords, but it would be great to know if there is another battle animation available that also depicts a hooded sword fighter that I could use too.

Oh and also, to confirm how she will look in her final chapter’s map sprites;
Blade Lord (F) Brave Lyn Bow {StreetHero}-stand
(by StreetHero)

Cheers. :star:


Dope stuff man, definitely agree with these


Slot: Guinivere
Name: Lilina
Gender: F
(by JeyTheCount)

Trial Map Data:
Class: Baron
Affinity: Anima
Description: Founder of the United Lycian Kingdom, beloved by all her subjects.
Brave Sword

Growth Rates (if those are even relevant for trial map characters)
HP: 70
POW: 60
SKL: 25
SPD: 15
LCK: 55
DEF: 45
RES: 35

Boon: POW
Bane: SPD

Also updated Hekabe’s description.


Ah, ok then. Well, if this is okay, then you can make her already promoted into a dreadmonger then. Oh, and thank you!

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Slot: Lugh
Name: Raiden
Gender: Male
Class: Pilgrim
Affinity: Light
(made by me)
Raiden Monk Final Portrait

Description: A priest who wants to practice dark magic. Shares appearances with a morph.
Death Quote: I just… wanted to protect… everyone…
Flux (i know he can’t use it now but it shows that he is trying to practice)

Boon: POW
Bane: DEF
Growth Rates:

  • HP: 40
  • POW: 70
  • SKL: 60
  • SPD: 70
  • LCK: 60
  • DEF: 40
  • RES: 65

Slot: Brunnya
Name: Ephidel
Gender: Male
Class: Sage
Affinity: Dark
Portrait: (mini portrait made by me)
Ephidel GBA Portrait

Description: A morph who wants to see the world burn. Loyal to Lyndis.
Battle Quote:
Generic: “I will burn you all to ashes for Lord Lyndis!”
To Lyn:
Ephidel: “You may look like my lord but you are nothing but a cheap copy of her greatness.”
Lyn: “Copy? No I have proven that I am the real Lyn from us both and that I will never end up like her.”
Ephidel: “Tse. You may have beaten her, but I will continue her will and seek to finish what she started!”
Lyn: “Why are you blindly loyal to her? She would have discarded you. Why go such far for her?”
Ephidel: “Because she was the one who took me in when I was discarded before and no matter what happened I sweared to myself I will repay this with my life. Now take your blade and let the flames of our ambition clash.”

To Raiden:
Ephidel: “You…you look like me, but you are not what I am. Who are you?”
Raiden: “I am Raiden. A priest who always wanted to protect everyone by using the combined power of Light and Dark magic.”
Ephidel: “Do you really think those magic can defeat my flames? Hahaha. You can sure try Raiden.”
Raiden: "As for your question why I may look like you. I don’t have prove, but I was once was told that I was a soul who was born for a second chance. Perhaps for whatever you are. I am your early reincarnation who is here to free your existence and give your life a second chance in my body.
Ephidel: “… Then prove that you can free me. My flames versus your Light and Darkness.”

Death Quote:
“Even… if I die now… Lord Lyndis… dream will live on… I know… it will… I have faith… in her… vision…”

Forblaze (drop or if there is able to be another fire legendary tome than you can take this and be the drop)

Boon: SPD
Bane: Luck


i bet this will be an awesome experience hahahaha

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Oh yeah if anyone wants to have supports with Raiden let me know and if you need pallettes i have only one for Ephidel as a Sage just hit me up if you need it or want to do it yourself.
(here is it)

Character Palette Fe7 RevRec.gba_120@79 ephidel______0102D048

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Portrait:{Kanna} [F2E] OC 47.png
(Portrait by Kanna)

Description:The son of the famed Passion Theif. Hard outside, warm inside.
Death Quote:Dad… I goofed up…
Inventory:Iron Axe, Elixir

Growth Rates:

  • HP:35
  • POW:60
  • SKL:50
  • SPD:45
  • LCK:55
  • DEF:35
  • RES:25

(Portrait by Its_Just_Jay, Also, make if possible, make his hair yellow)

Description:The famed Passion Theif now resistance fighter. Speaks rarely.
Death Quote:Hnoss… I’m… sorry…
Inventory:Steel Sword, Elixir

Growth Rates:

  • HP:30
  • POW:25
  • SKL:50
  • SPD:50
  • LCK:100
  • DEF:25
  • RES:20