[FE6] Ascending Level Recruitment Hack (basically Complete)

In a world without Jagens…
Roy must carry…

Recruit units in level order (all fifteen lv1 units before lv2 units, and so on)


  1. Everything in Adthor’s bugfix, used as a base for this hack (no ambush spawns, no player HM bonuses)
  2. Buffs to weak weapons like steel lance+axe
  3. Reworked ch7+8
  4. Roy recruits everyone
  5. Funny supports by virtue of swapping characters around

Patch, gameplay notes and credits: FE6 Ascending Level Recruitment - Google Drive

  • Lilinamaxxers rise up
  • Sophiamaxxers rise up
  • Shannamaxxers rise up
  • Suemaxxers rise up
  • Lalummaxxers rise up?
0 voters

Why train one awful unit when you could simply train all of the awful units! Plus a dancer, I suppose.


Damn this looks real creative and a nice spin on the formula. Awesome work!

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Yeah, honestly even as someone who doesn’t generally like 6, this seems like a super fun idea because of the high number of weaker / low level units in this game specifically.

Anyone have feedback

I might try this and give you some feedback (although I will probably try normal mode tho, I’m not experienced in hard mode enough to try it)

have fun exploding the earlygame with roy

so I just started my playthrough and the cutscene at the beginning of chapter 2 causes the game to crash. the crash happens when marcus leaves the castle, I assume it crashes because melady usually flies directly through the castle wall to the right side of the screen, while marcus cant do the same.

really enjoying it so far, even though I’ve only done chapter 1 on hard mode. sue’s gonna carry lmao I need her because she’s the only one in the starting squad of goobers that can double anytime soon.

FE6 Level Recruitment_1725933924894
This random chapter 5 mercenary can’t move for some reason, is that intentional? The same applies for one of chapter 3 knights, but at least it makes sense since that one was guarding the chests.

So I played up to chapter 6. Roy can actually solo chapters 1 and 2 in normal mode (but the other units really need the exp). Aside from that, Sophia sadly feels like a worst Lilina, with shaky hit rates to boot. Wolt is stronger. Armors really appreciates sword acess (it also makes them dodgier). With that said, Wendy at least for now still feels like a worst Bors. Lilina joining before Lugh makes them more fairly comparable. Allance, Shanna and Sue are basically as good as vanilla. Fir is basically female Rutger with a personal killing edge (and she levels up really fast which certainly helps her even more). Lalum is probably the second best chapter 1 unit

Might be a dumb question, but what is the poll for?

it wants him to go into the peak, fuck’s sake lol.

yes that’s their usual AI. I haven’t changed enemies after ch8

for fun and engagement

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Oh, okay. Is it related to their roles in-game? It’s pretty funny thinking about how everyone’s roll changes with so many characters swapped around.

It’s not, just waifu wars

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Ah, my bad. Hmm… guess it’s not a written option on the poll, but I’ll have to go with ‘none of the above.’ Out of the five above… maybe Sophia.