[FE4] Expanded Dismounting Patch

Expanded Dismounting Patch download (For headered ROM)

This patch allows classes other than Lord Knight to use the Dismount command to switch to an infantry class. I developed it by examining what the Binary hack did to allow other classes to dismount, though I decided to structure the data for determining which class to dismount into a bit differently than they did, going for a strict one mounted class to one infantry class conversion instead of specifying the conversions on a per character basis.

The table for determining which classes to swap between is located at $05F0E0 (headered address). It’s structured to have entries that are two bytes long - the first byte is the class number of the mounted class and the second byte is the class number of the infantry class. The table needs to end in an entry that has both bytes set to FF.

Once you have the table set up with your class conversions, you’ll also need to add the appropriate skills to the characters and mounted classes you want to be able to dismount using Nightmare (or regular old hex editing if you want to do it the hard way). Any characters you want to be able to dismount need to have their Skills 1 entry set to 8 if they have no skills in that entry or have 8 added to the value in that entry if it isn’t 0. Any mounted classes you want to dismount from need to have their Class Skills 2 entry set to 4 if they have no skills in that entry or have 4 added to the value in that entry if it isn’t 0. The infantry classes that get dismounted into do not need to have this skill added to them.

This patch was developed on top of a ROM with the Project Naga translation patch already applied, though it should also work on an unpatched ROM - the new code and table are placed in an area that was empty in both. The current patch is for headered ROMs, though if requested I can make a patch for unheadered ROMs as well.


So do the classes involved actually need to be mounted and infantry or could you do something weird like have an archer “dismount” and turn into a sage?

Also this is pretty cool. I always appreciate whenever someone is working on FE4.

From what I could tell from the testing I did with this patch, the classes involved don’t actually need to be a mounted class and an infantry class. The check for the Dismount command to appear just checks for the presence of the necessary skills on the character and class and if the character has already used Dismount. So you could swap between any classes you wanted as long as you set them up correctly.

Amusingly, the test data I used didn’t have an entry for the Lord Knight class, but I’d given Sigurd the character skill required, so he had a Dismount command that would just swap him from Lord Knight to Lord Knight, since I’d set things up to have it just use the original class if there isn’t an entry for a class in the table.