FE4 Bachelor's Edition

This is a hack which removes FE4’s fixed Gen 1 pairings (Sigurd/Deirdre and Quan/Ethlyn). This allows Sigurd/Quan to be fathers for other children, and for other male units to be fathers for Seliph/Leif/Altena.

Some info which may be useful:

Deirdre and Ethlyn's love bases and growths

Deirdre’s Bases:
With Lewyn/Beowulf: 120
With Claude: 0
With everyone else: 100

Deirdre’s Growth per Turn:
With Claude: 0
With everyone else: 5

I didn’t have a good reference to use for Deirdre’s growths or bases. Her bases are very high because she really only has one chapter where she can be paired, but I also didn’t want it to be too easy to get her accidentally paired.

Claude has 0 base/growth because he joins after Deirdre leaves. Pairing Claude/Deirdre is still possible through another method.

Ethlyn’s Bases:
With Claude: 180
With Chulainn/Lewyn/Beowulf: 120
With Sigurd: -1
With everyone else: 50

Ethlyn’s Growths:
With Claude: 10
With Chulainn/Lewyn/Beowulf: 4
With Jamke: 3
With Sigurd: -5
With everyone else: 2

I used Finn’s growths as a reference since he’s around for mostly the same time period as Ethlyn is.

It’s not (supposed to be) possible to pair Sigurd and Ethlyn. Hopefully I don’t need to explain why…

Sigurd and Quan's love bases and growths

Sigurd’s Bases:
With Deirdre: 100
With Ethyln: -1
With everyone else, I copied Naoise’s bases.

Quan’s bases:
With Deirdre: 100
With Ethlyn: 50
With everyone else, I copied Finn’s bases.

Sigurd’s Growths:
With Deirdre: 5
With Ethlyn: -5
With everyone else, I copied Naoise’s growths.

Quan’s growths:
With Deirdre: 100
With Ethlyn: 50
With everyone else, I copied Finn’s growths.

These should probably be tables but IDK how to make those. :V

I’m too lazy to calculate bases and growths for all possible children. Maybe I’ll do it later.

What happens is Deirdre/Ethlyn are unpaired:

Default pairings

If Gen 1 ends with Deirdre or Ethlyn unpaired, they are forced into a pairing with the first available male unit.

For Deirdre, she will be paired with Sigurd if he is also unpaired, otherwise all other male characters are checked in reverse of their approximate recruitment order.

For Ethyln, she will be paired with Quan if he is also unpaired, otherwise all other male characters(besides Sigurd) are checked in reverse of their approximate recruitment order.

A few gameplay tweaks were made to accommodate the new pairings.

  • Gáe Bolg can now be inherited in the same way as Forseti and the Valkyrie staff.
  • One of the Steel Lances in the Chapter 8 Vendor was moved to Altena’s starting inventory, to avoid a case where she winds up without a weapon.
  • Tyrfing is still obtained in Chapter 10, but the Palmark even is now activated by Sigurd’s primary child.

Patches for headered and unheadered roms may be found on Github.

Caveat: I haven’t tested this all the way through, because I’m lazy. I used a modified save to test inheritance + all of Gen 2, and I did some testing from the Prologue - Chapter 3. I think that should cover everything I need to, but it’s possible I missed something.

This may be a relatively small change in the end, but I hope everyone has some fun with it.