FE3 Translation with Current Names?

I know multiple people that have yet to play any Marth game; as much as I would like to recommend FE3 as the way to do so, the translation not having all the names up to date makes it hard for me to do so as it would lead to confusion with them knowing Caeda as Shiida and Archanea as Akaneia. Sure, it’s fine once you get used to it but I can’t imagine anyone going into FE3 first and having any idea which names are incorrect, they might even get used to “Nabarl” and say it to someone not realizing they wouldn’t know that name because they only played the US version of FE11

I wish I could do this myself but I just can’t make heads or tails of the translation tool I found. If anyone could please make a translation that just takes the existing one and has the names match up with FE12’s Heroes of Shadow translation, I would appreciate it greatly.