FE1: Officially in English!

Definetly possible, i did it multipe times before. Playing super thracia without super long rewinds is a no no.

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Fire Emblem is nice and all, but when are we getting Mother 3? That’s what this announcement was really about right?

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Really not a fan of this limited time offer bs. After watching the trailer, I thought to myself: “Oh, thats really cool!”, although I wouldn’t have bought it anyways, because I think FE1 has aged very poorly. Making it a limited offer feels like “we have to urge people into buying it.” and that stinks. :confused:


They talked about Melee but they forgot the better Melee character :rage: stupid IntStys

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It’s here! At least in my time zone. Let’s return to square one. Long live Akaneia!

(Any Switch hackers that might be reading: care to datamine it? I want to know if Nintendo translated the Helarn Staff, and if so, to what.)


Have I mentioned seeing the 2020 copyright year on a NES game is pretty cursed

I eagerly await my art book in the mail