FE: Echoes, FE: Warriors: FE16, FE: Mobile, Erin - CONFIRMED

$1000 = 1820 orbs
1820 orbs = 91 Summon sessions
91 Sessions = 455 Heroes
Chances of getting a 5 star Hero = 3%
Chances of getting 5S Hector (Or any specific Hero) = 1/38 * 3% = 0.000789

On the bright side, he got 35 5S Heroes, which is above the 13 expected.

He got more 5S heroes than expected because iirc the chances of getting one slightly increase throughout a summoning session. For instance, if I wanted a 5S red weapon user and I start a 20-orb summoning session, then I should open the red orb last as it would be more likely to be a 5S than if I opened it first.

Freemium gaming at its finestā€¦


I canā€™t do the correct calculations if I donā€™t have all the variables, soā€¦ ĀÆ\ _ (惄)_/ĀÆ
Itā€™s just an estimate.

I think after about 50 bucks Iā€™d have hung myself for being an absolute dumb cunt.
ā€œI really want this one character so letā€™s waste all of my disposable income on this stupid game instead of just going and spending maybe 20 bucks on a copy of Fire Emblem on GBAā€.


Gotta call it for what it isā€“an exploitative business model that aims to extract massive sums of cash vastly disproportionate to what these products of sub-par product should earn.


I wouldnā€™t say its on that level arch, as systems like that tend to make it impossible to proceed in the game at any decent pace unless ya drop a ton o cash. just with the 9 chapters in game alone, with each chapter providing 5 orbs at each difficulty and with 3 difficulties thatā€™s 135 orbs, 45 orbs for each difficulty, with 20 orbs getting you five full summons each round thatā€™s 30 characters if you maximize each summoning opportunity. You also get 15 orbs right off the bat from what I can tell which means another round and 35 (with a total of 41 characters from the free guys ya get) characters if you play your cards right and donā€™t purchase any orbs. with bonus orbs accounting for castle upgrades in this case, and no additional characters recruited through the special maps, also accounting that chapter 9 is only five parts long and there are no bonuses for beating the game, cause i havenā€™t gotten to that part and cant be assed to, that still puts you well below 200 basic max meaning you wont have to purchase stronghold extensions to fit more characters. Also accounting for merging any doubles you acquire your still probably gonna have too many units at all times what with only being able to take four units at a time. Id almost say its too generous seeing as after one or two full summoningā€™s your probably gonna have more then enough decent units to devastate the basic story campaign making summoning somewhat irrelevant for completing the game.

See its not insidious, the model its based on isnā€™t forcing you into a mental situation where you have to buy more orbs to beat the game (at a decent pace or at all), Id say its simply hilarious because people are sinking so much money into the game simply to acquire what are basically character key chains of their very specific husbandos or waifus or whatever. Its still exploitative mind you, basically liquidizing fan obsessions into money, but still very hilarious because those obsessions are very unhealthy and destructive no matter justification they use for said obsession, and the fact someone would be willing to drop so much money on that fictional obsession makes me cackle in cynical and bitter glee at human stupidity, and secretly lament on the inside as it kinda reminds of tabaco or alcohol addictions, and again human stupidity.

The game just kinda average and meh Iā€™ll give you that though, but I think its to early in its mobile life to truly tell if its not gonna be worth diddly doo squat at all, and also I think your getting slightly miffed when really this is god damn hilarious that nintendo unintentionally liquidized peoples stupid and unhealthy obsessions.

Then again probably read your mood on that wrong.


Whether or not this one requires you to spend hundreds to keep running on the treadmill, itā€™s designed to play on addictive tendencies just as much as any other gacha game (or tobacco!).

What Iā€™m saying is, mobile games are cancer.


ill just say that seems like an exaggeration to me but i get the sentiment. The ideal of mobile games is that they are fun, snappy, quick little things that ya can play a little before continuing with whatever it was you were already doing, basically pringles for the brain to munch on in between other stuff. Much like pringles they can be fucking shameless in getting your money, but it usually only works for the big bois as far as turning a profit goes.

Really the biggest problem is that much like steam the mobile market is currently shitting itself uncontrollably metaphorically speaking.


And as long as they keep printing vast sums pf money by shitting themselves, there will be no incentive to change.


Aside from artistic and regular integrity preeeeetttttttyyyy much. That market crash will probably happen at some point, so theirs that to look forward to i guess.


People are always going to pay a shitload of money for a chance to roll their waifu


gambling for your waifu. Truly the most insidious(???) of plots.

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Still better than Fates.

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FEH has actually hooked me in to an extent, at least generally to keep playing until I see whether the new content is worth waiting for. It seems clear there will be major skill system updates over timeā€¦ Iā€™m really looking forwards to those!

Random thought, has anyone thought of somehow ripping the spell animations and adapting them to work on GBA FE?

Because the Raven and Blade spells are pretty dope. Especially the latter for UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS.

Knock yourself out, Iā€™ve been playing around with the wind sprite
