FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

This is a phenomenon that occasionally occurs when uninstalling patches related to menus.
Bring a copy of the wait menu from vanilla.
Menu can be accessed from Menu Commmnd on the right side of the advanced menu.
If you are not sure, please send report7z.

Ah, thank you. Iā€™ve copied it across from a blank ROM and it works fine!
Sorry for troubling you!

When I tried doing that, these errors showed up

In my environment, the problem doesnā€™t reappear.
Manually download the 32-bit version of the emulator.
It is important that it is a 32bit version.

Hello, Iā€™m back here again lol
So Iā€™m working on a new project of making FE6 in the FE8 engine and Iā€™m just having an issue with the world map. Basically, completing the first chapter (Breath of Destiny), the game intro plays even though I believe I fixed it. I know I had this problem before but I wasnā€™t able to figure it out.
Another issue occurs as well which I hadnā€™t seen before where finishing the intro from the problem before, pulls up I believe a transition between Chapter 1 and Castle Frelia from the base game, which I had never seen before. It randomly stops at the end and can only be skipped to move on. After skipping it, it places you in chapter 1, not the prologue. Completing this then puts you on a black screen, which is fixed by going into the unit menu.
How can I go about fixing this?
Also as usual, here is the 7z report.

How about using MNC2 instead of MNCH?
World maps are difficult and should not be used by beginners.

Iā€™ll try that out then!
Already been trying out a World Map and it was somewhat confusing

Hello, 7743! hope your doing great! Iā€™m new here, this is my fist time here, so Hello! Uh, I was hacking FE8, and I was messing with the world map eventā€™s, and When I get to chapter 6 and click on Jehanna hall on the world map, it takeā€™s me to a skirmish instead of the chapter 6 I set up! Iā€™m very new to how Febuilder workā€™s (For about two Monthā€™s.) But I know how all of the basic/advance stuff there. Is this where I put the report 7z file?

I donā€™t know where to put it. Sorry if thatā€™s a dumb question, Iā€™m new here. :slight_smile:
Oh and, thank you soooo much for crafting Febuilder 7743! itā€™s the whole reason Iā€™m here!

I like the portrait on the left Ent! Nice!
Is it Free To Use? Am I asking the wrong way? I donā€™t know, Iā€™m new here!

Check out https://feuniverse.us/t/ultimate-graphics-repository-new-update-now-using-github/3326/3658 for F2U mugs, animations and other cool stuff.

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Thank you! You guyā€™s and galā€™s, making amazing workā€™s of art for a random guy on the internet like me, is, wow!

Glad to meet all you btw, I hope we can be friendā€™sā€¦

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how do i delete the animation added
My English is not good, so I use google translate so please understand

I donā€™t know the details without report7z.
However, it may be improved by changing the setting of that chapter in ā€œmap loading processā€ of the detail menu.

Basically, it cannot be erased.
You can only overwrite it.

If there is not enough space, rebuild will collect the fragmented free space.
Rebuild is risky, so consider if the ROM exceeds 30MB.
Please refer to the Help for more information.

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my hack is over 30mb so i cant add animations so i want to remove it
anyway thanks bro

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Is there anything that reduces the size of the rom bro?

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In that case, please be prepared to REBUILD.

That dangerous feature is located in the bottom right corner of the advanced menu.

Be sure to get a backup before you rebuild.
After rebuilding, run the game from start to finish to make sure everything is OK.
Please note that rebuild cannot fix broken ROMs.
If you have added a weird ASM, the rebuild may fail.
In that case, reinstalling the added asm after rebuild may work.

It is recommended that you submit report7z before rebuilding.

My hacked version just finished chapter 1, so is it ok to play only chapter 1 bro

If itā€™s over 30MB in that situation, it may be faster to start over.
If youā€™re only making one chapter and itā€™s over 30MB, youā€™re doing a lot of wrong things.
I think itā€™s faster to rebuild from vanilla ROM than to take the risk and rebuild.

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Mostly I add a bunch of animations
because itā€™s my first time so i donā€™t know rom is limited so i just add animation =)

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