FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

Thanks for the help.

I updated skillsystem and we are currently testing this new version.

First of all, I think there are some unintended things happening when I update skillsystem:
Every event skillsystem-related (learn skills, check skills etcā€¦) breaks.
The animation of Sureshot breaks too.
Armor March effected units list gets reset to the standard, also the base AID value of mounted units gets reset.

Aside from the first, the othera are all insignificant problems, but since Iā€™m writing, Iā€™ll report everything.

Also we got 3 bugs I donā€™t know how to solve and why are happening.


Suspending and resuming makes the units that joined in this chapter disappear, I tried it in another chapter and does not happen:


I donā€™t get if there is a problem with Barricade+ or something. The armored (Wendy) is supposed to take 21 damage, if halved, 10 (or 11), instead she takes just 1.


For the third one I donā€™t have a save right now, but I can produce it if needed.
I changed Astra number of attacks to 3, at full damage.
It seems that the first attack does not deal damage.

Here are the patch and the sav: https://mega.nz/file/fERCDKZa#6AmBk7y88UdW-roinc_Jyf5gbSEgOXz7R4Hv9bH_Cn0

Also, a question, is there a way to change the order of the units in the battle preparation with events?

Thanks in adivce.

Iā€™m new to FE Builder and the problem Iā€™ve encountered is finding the right ROM that is compatible with FE Builder, does anyone have a link for the correct ROM?

I canā€™t because itā€™s illegal.


Every event skillsystem-related (learn skills, check skills etcā€¦) breaks.

Where is the event?

Iā€™m trying to take over as much data as possible, but sometimes it fails.
You need to reconfigure the broken events.

Armor March

I forgot about Armor March.
I will fixed later.

also the base AID value of mounted units gets reset

This is a specification for now.
Anything you have changed in SKillSystems parameters will be reset at update time.

Suspending and resuming makes the units that joined in this chapter disappear, I tried it in another chapter and does not happen:

Have you chosen the New Game and are you moving forward in the game?

The new version of SkillSystems contains the Supply200 expansion.
As a result, the format of the save data is different.
Existing save data is not available.
Please select a new game and start from the beginning.

When I looked at the data in FEBuilderGBAā€™s debugger, there were no units specifically designated as Hide.
Iā€™d like to see you provide a state save to confirm that phenomenon.
If the problem occurs in suppend, I need the QS data from just before the problem occurred.


Please attach save data that can reproduce the problem.
The Barricade+ was not triggered by a normal fight.
She took 21 damage.
How can I confirm the phenomenon you describe?

Here, too, you should each provide QS data just before the battle.

If you donā€™t need Supply200, you can choose the option to not update SkillSystems.

change the order of the units in the battle preparation with events?

canā€™t do it.
If you must, you will have to write an ASM and change the order of the RAMUnit conceptual body.

I already remade them, I donā€™t use many of them in the hack, like 6 or 7 so Itā€™s always fast for me to change them, but if they were more It would be quite a pain to fix all of them every time I update skillsystem.

Every FEI old version should be downloadable here: FE Inheritance (part 1) - Google Drive
If you need to see what happens updating skillsystem, you can use any version that is there.

An event touched by the updates is : 97B1704

The save comes from a new game, precedent saves were completely incompatible with the updated version, I always name files ā€œFEI 1.x.yā€, if the two versions have a different x, the saves are not compatible.
So, to test the 1.1.0 we started a new game.

I linked the ups and the save to reproduce what happens for the first 2 bugs: File on MEGA

The save present here was produced starting a new game in a 1.1.0 patch, so skillsystem was already updated to the 200+ convoy version.

Oh ok, thanks.

Also I didnā€™t mention that suspeding and reasuming the game fixed the Barricade+ bug, I donā€™t know if the .sav is ok to reproduce this, so this is a savestate where you can try it: File on MEGA

Iā€™ve loaded barricade_bug.sgm to reproduce the phenomenon.
However, there is a problem.
This data does not create the correct sav file.
If I choose to pause and save, none of the data slots are there.

This prevents me from connecting to the no$gba debugger, so I canā€™t verify it.
//Since no$gba debugger cannot read sgm file, it is necessary to convert it to sav format.
At this point, if you look at the created sav data, you will see that it is all filled with 0xff.

At this point in the sgm data, I think the data is corrupted.

//no data
//sav file broken.

An event touched by the updates is : 97B1704

Thank you for information.
I actually tried the test.
Indeed, this event did not update successfully.
However, it takes a lot of time to find out.

I seeā€¦ maybe we will get what triggers the Barricade+ problem by playing more chapters.
Also later Iā€™ll make a sav for Astra.

Yes, every event that gives or check skills breakes while updating.
As I said for me Itā€™s not a problem for now, but for someone with more events like that, updating skillsystem might be really painful.

What about the disappearing units? Is were you able to reproduce it?

Suspending and resuming makes the units that joined in this chapter disappear, I tried it in another chapter and does not happen:

I also wanted to use your sgm data to verify this, but I couldnā€™t because the suppend data wasnā€™t created, as explained above.

However, compare the sav you sent earlier sav data and the sgm data,
it seems that the end of the RAMunit structure is missing.
Next to 0x3A Phago, 0x33 Wallace should have been recorded, but in your sav data they are gone.
I think it was either not recorded for some reason or the wrong data was recorded.

Either way, I canā€™t connect to no$gba debugger, so there is no evidence to explain the phenomenon.



Couldnā€™t you use the .sav to reproduce the units disappearing?
Iā€™m sorry, maybe Iā€™m having a bit of difficulty in understanding.

Also I didnā€™t mention it but I also tried to restart the chapter.
Wallace joins at turn 1, suspending and resuming makes him disappear already at the start of the chapter.

The no$gba debugger will only accept files in sav format.
sgm is a save format for VBA ONLY.
sav is a common save format for the GBA emulator.

I found the cause.
You have too many player units.

The maximum you can record is 51 players.
At 0x3A Phago, He on my 51th player.
Therefore, no data is recorded after that.

You can use DISA to delete unnecessary units to free up slots.
For example, if you look at the data, there is a data named Monster, do you need him?
If you can turn it off, youā€™ll have three slots.

0xB1 Monster
0xB0 Monster
0xB2 Monster

Let me explain a little more.
The EMS can store 62 player units.
However, when Supply200 was added, it was reduced to 51 players.

In Vanilla, you wonā€™t be flooded with player units, as you wonā€™t have 51 players in the game.
But your game has a lot of units registered, so youā€™re stuck with this limit.

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Oh ok, thanks.
Iā€™ll delete every non necessary unit taken in precedent chapters then.

For the future, is there a way to increase the maximum number of player units?

Supply 200 is based on the gamma code.
In the gamma code, the Player Unit was set to 51, so Iā€™m continuing to use that.
I think it can be changed, but I donā€™t want to change the save data because it would take a lot of work to test.

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Hello. Is it alright for me to request a feature here?

No greeting required.
Just say what you want.
However, I do not know if it can be Implemented.

Alright. Well, hereā€™s what I want, then.


Normally, the only way to edit the player phase and enemy phase palettes is through the System Palette here, by exporting an image and then importing it again.

However, I had a work-around for this by pasting the address of the palette into the Graphics Editor, and editing the palette from there.

Is it possible to make a ā€œpatchā€ that would let someone edit faction colors easier, without requiring a separate recoloring tool?

Can you explain in detail how to swap 2 skills? I have tried it but failed.

Skills cannot be rearranged.
If you really want to rearrange, you need to do a CustomBuild.